Sorry to hear of your scare Ali
it's awful when something happens and you don't know if it should be normal or not?
But defo great that you got seen though. Did they say anything about slightly less movement the further on you get, as I heard that the bigger baby gets the less movement you may feel because they are running out of room, but I guess if it was very different from what you are used to in a matter of a few days then defo better to get it checked out! I bet it was such a huge relief when baby was moving a lot though and I bet it was lovely to see baby on a scan again as well?
Hopefully baby will gain a bit more weight over the next few weeks so that your progress will help relieve your worry. That's just an excuse and a reason to enjoy a bit more food now!! haha! Get those fats on baby!!
I've had a really bad morning at work, seems really trivial compared to your scare though Ali, but i'll share anyway and see what you think, am I over-reacting?? Is it just my hormones? lol
I was at work and one of the baby's woke up so I got her dressed and took her outside with the other babies, and I walked into the playground area just about to put her in a swing and from completely out of no-where, one of the girls who works in another room said 'you're bum's getting bigger now' and the girl that I work with said to her 'her bum or her bump?' and she said 'no her bum' and because of the Irish accent, I re-asked her 'my bum or bump?' she said 'no bum' then she continued to say I had a Beyonce bum now and rambled on about some other celebrity having bump implants..... I was so upset!
My response to her was 'thanks, you cheeky bitch!' and I think she thought I was joking as she laughed and then said, 'oh in the last few months I just ballooned, I put weight on everywhere'. I just thought 'yeah and you haven't lost it either and your baby's a year and a half!' (I was so frustrated)
I just couldn't believe it, why did she feel the need to say that to me? and out of context like that, it's not like we were sat around talking about the pregnancy or any weight gain I think i've put on etc, just completely out of the blue! Why did she think that I want to hear that? it's not constructive and it's not gonna help me in anyway, the only reason I can think of is to be pure bitchy or/and in spite of being jealous? Maybe the fact that I'm still quite slim at almost 7 months pregnant and she's jealous or something? I mean, I know I have put on a few extra pounds around my hips as I can feel it in my love handles, but my work clothes are quite baggy and you can't really tell, I mean most of the parents don't even know i'm pregnant yet for goodness sake! I am still wearing the same size jeans/trousers as I was before I got pregnant, even if they are maternity ones and a bit snugger than before, but i'm pregnant!!! what is she to expect? that i'm not gonna put on any weight at all??
I seriously felt myself having to try really hard not to cry at work because of how shocked and upset I was with her comment, I mean it's bad enough to comment negatively on someone's weight anyway, let alone a pregnant hormonal woman who is likely to be a bit insecure of her changing body shape anyway! I just wanted to run away and never go back! lol I'm still really upset about it
Has anyone else come across comments or remarks that hint about weight gain or changing body shape etc? I just don't know why someone would be so cruel and like I said for what reason? What did she think she was accomplishing in saying that to me? It certainly wasn't funny and no-one else laughed! I kind of stormed off as it was my break time anyway so I hope she got the hint that she had upset me, although she can be a bit of a bitch and speak her mind anyway so I bet she doesn't even see how her comment could of upset me.
Hope you have both had better days today? xxx