Oh and look what my mum knitted me

they arrived in the post today and I'm so excited about them! They are soooooo cute! As they don't know the gender yet I asked if she could knit me a hat in each colour so that baby has something gender specific to wear when it comes home, and she made the booties and mittens to match with it! Soooo cute!

So we also have something pink just in-case scan was very wrong! lol

If not then I will save them for our next child if they turn out to be a girl

Oh and also have you girls heard of or thought about raspberry leaf tea? or the tablet form of it? I have heard good things about it although I haven't really read a lot to be honest, the hospital also recommended a few natural remedies in the pack we got given at our antenatal sessions and it was also in there, it said that you can start to take them from 32 weeks and it helps to tone the uterus in preparation for labour and birth and aid delivery, apparently it strengthens the uterus so that contractions are more effective and reduces the second stage of labour, helps it to go back to normal size after delivery and even encourage the milk let down.....so I think I will be trying those when I hit 32 weeks, is anyone else taking anything like that to try and help prepare their bodies? xxx