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It's funny you mention that actually... just yesterday I noticed mine was actually changing in consistancy. Which I was use to prepregnancy, I always knew where I was in my cycle due to my discharge. But with this pregnancy it has been mainly watery... and I never really knew if it was just some pee (gross I know) from her pushing on my bladder or actual watery discharge. But yesterday it turned more whiteish... I was concerned with a yeast infection... but I have no other symptoms! Im not itching and it doesn't burn at all! If it weren't for the discharge I would have no reason to be concerned.
I would definitely mention it to your midwife and see what she says. I have heard if the watery type gets to be more you should ask the dr or midwife as it could be amniotic fluid and preterm labor. (Sometimes I hate google! lol) It's hard not knowing whats going on with our bodies!!!! And when we should worry... Im sure everything is fine but definitely mention it to her :flower:
It's funny you mention that actually... just yesterday I noticed mine was actually changing in consistancy. Which I was use to prepregnancy, I always knew where I was in my cycle due to my discharge. But with this pregnancy it has been mainly watery... and I never really knew if it was just some pee (gross I know) from her pushing on my bladder or actual watery discharge. But yesterday it turned more whiteish... I was concerned with a yeast infection... but I have no other symptoms! Im not itching and it doesn't burn at all! If it weren't for the discharge I would have no reason to be concerned.
I would definitely mention it to your midwife and see what she says. I have heard if the watery type gets to be more you should ask the dr or midwife as it could be amniotic fluid and preterm labor. (Sometimes I hate google! lol) It's hard not knowing whats going on with our bodies!!!! And when we should worry... Im sure everything is fine but definitely mention it to her :flower:

Yeah it's very odd because what's 'normal' for me is a thinish clear/white discharge, sometimes it gets thicker, like you say pre-pregnancy it would tell me where I am in my cycle, and whenever I talked about it pre-pregnancy to a doctor, a white non-offensive discharge was normal, as I also had a test for any infections which came back negative. During pregnancy however, it has been a bit more watery like you say, sometimes clear, but when it comes out with a bit more volume it would be white too. But you are right sometimes I think, oh god, I hope that wasn't leaking fluid or anything lol! (or pee! haha)

But in regards to yours, I was always told if it's not really thick and itchy and burning etc then it's normal, clear/white and even slightly yellow is normal, but anything else like green or grey etc is a sign of infection, I suppose all women are different so we'd have to get any concerns checked out on an individual basis to determine if anything's wrong, as what's normal for one woman may not be for another. So I'll keep an eye on it and make a note of how it is, and then mention it on thursday, I am feeling a lot of pressure from baby moving down low, so it may just be baby pushing a bit more out in that region! lol I'd like to see if she can tell the position of the baby as sometimes I feel that baby is soooo low, how can they baby not be engaged already??! Feels like a hand or foot could emerge at any min! lol I'm not too concerned about it at this stage though as i've had no pain or any other symptoms that make me think otherwise xxx
no that doesn't sound silly at all, it's a lovely bonding experience for you three, so it's understandable, but instead you can replace that will lots of family cuddles and kisses instead hehe! He's is gonna have such a big smile on his face, of pride too, when he holds his little sister!! awwww! :)

I have just read on a website that I have been following weekly, that an increase in vaginal discharge could mean an onset of labour....now it doesn't elaborate like what kind of discharge, whether they are on about the mucus plug or not? But I have noticed my discharge becoming a lot more frequent recently and it's put me in a little state of alertness! lol I'm hoping that it's normal and it doesn't mean early labour or anything, I know you get an increase in it anyway in pregnancy so I am hoping that it's nothing to worry about, it's not changed in consistency or colour etc, so i'm not too worried, it's just I didn't realise that was a sign of approaching labour too....made me think about it more! lol I think i'll mention it to the midwife on thursday to see what she says.

Has anyone else noticed an increase in this over the last few weeks or any changes? what's it like for you girls? I know it's a personal question, if you don't mind revealing lol! xxx

I didn't realise that about increase in discharge being a sign of labour! I've had an increase through a lot of the pregnancy anyway but it's always been fairly watery so not really thought anything of it. Probably worth mentioning to the midwife on Thursday though just to be sure - you'll have to let us know what she says!

Hope you've both had a good weekend :) Fay, is Mike home now?

Tara, sorry it's a bit late but happy 32 weeks! :)
no that doesn't sound silly at all, it's a lovely bonding experience for you three, so it's understandable, but instead you can replace that will lots of family cuddles and kisses instead hehe! He's is gonna have such a big smile on his face, of pride too, when he holds his little sister!! awwww! :)

I have just read on a website that I have been following weekly, that an increase in vaginal discharge could mean an onset of labour....now it doesn't elaborate like what kind of discharge, whether they are on about the mucus plug or not? But I have noticed my discharge becoming a lot more frequent recently and it's put me in a little state of alertness! lol I'm hoping that it's normal and it doesn't mean early labour or anything, I know you get an increase in it anyway in pregnancy so I am hoping that it's nothing to worry about, it's not changed in consistency or colour etc, so i'm not too worried, it's just I didn't realise that was a sign of approaching labour too....made me think about it more! lol I think i'll mention it to the midwife on thursday to see what she says.

Has anyone else noticed an increase in this over the last few weeks or any changes? what's it like for you girls? I know it's a personal question, if you don't mind revealing lol! xxx

I didn't realise that about increase in discharge being a sign of labour! I've had an increase through a lot of the pregnancy anyway but it's always been fairly watery so not really thought anything of it. Probably worth mentioning to the midwife on Thursday though just to be sure - you'll have to let us know what she says!

Hope you've both had a good weekend :) Fay, is Mike home now?

Tara, sorry it's a bit late but happy 32 weeks! :)

Yeah I know, I didn't realise either until I read that bit of info from Emma's diary for 31 weeks, yeah mine's increased during pregnancy but just over the last week or so maybe slightly more, I was thinking maybe it's because baby was kicking me a lot in the cervix area causing more to come away and out? lol But I don't know? I'll see what she says on thurs.

Yes mike is home now!! yay! thank goodness, it's so nice to have him home and he was also sooo glad to be back! He's had a miserable few weeks on this course and being away from home at the wknds, so it's lovely now :)

I'm just off for a swim, hope you ladies have a lovely day xxx
I'm glad that Mike is home :) Will he be home for awhile now? I know you said he's leaving again but I can't remember when. Enjoy your swim!!!!

Happy 32 weeks Ali!!!!!

Have a great day ladies!
Thank you :) Yeah he's only home for 2 weeks then away again for 2 weeks, and fingers crossed that will be that for a while at least, (well it better be, as i'll be due after that! lol and i'm not letting him go anywhere!! lol)

Swim was good thanks, although it was the army swimming pool on the camp (as it's free) and I was the only one in there! lol Felt really awkward though as it felt like the lifeguard was just watching me the whole time! lol eeek! xxx
I bet that would feel awkward! Glad you had a good swim though :flower: OH and happy 31 weeks to you!! I just realized it :)
Aww thanks :)

So are either of you experiencing braxton hicks yet? I have heard that they can start as early as second trimester but I haven't had any sign of anything like that yet x
idk to be honest. Sometimes I think maybe it's a BH but then other times I think it's just her pushing REALLY low and it's a bit painful for a minute. I really think it's more that then a BH but Im not sure lol. You would think I would know since I've had a baby before but I don't ever remember experiencing BH with Avery either... :shrug: I remember you mentioning how low your LO is sometimes and I don't think I ever commented on that. I know EXACTLY what you mean. Sometimes I feel like she is READY to come bursting out! The pressure so low, my gosh!!!!! I hope that means things will start earlier rather than later :flower: but who knows.
idk to be honest. Sometimes I think maybe it's a BH but then other times I think it's just her pushing REALLY low and it's a bit painful for a minute. I really think it's more that then a BH but Im not sure lol. You would think I would know since I've had a baby before but I don't ever remember experiencing BH with Avery either... :shrug: I remember you mentioning how low your LO is sometimes and I don't think I ever commented on that. I know EXACTLY what you mean. Sometimes I feel like she is READY to come bursting out! The pressure so low, my gosh!!!!! I hope that means things will start earlier rather than later :flower: but who knows.

Yeah I know what you mean, and i've been reading up a little bit on BH and i'm thinking maybe I have been getting a few, but then again like you said i'm not really sure if it's a BH or just pressure from baby, or muscles stretching etc? But I would wake up remembering I felt some mild cramps right under my bump, but nothing bad enough to think it was anything to pay attention too, like I said I just thought it was my muscles stretching or something, but BH can be painless and mild cramp like, so could be? I suppose I'll pay a bit more attention to any aches and pains now to see if it could fit in with the symptoms of BH. How crazy is this though, I read that BH start from 6 weeks in pregnancy!! 6?!! lol But they are never felt at that stage and are just preparing uterus for later on. Seems crazy that they can start that early without us even realising! lol

But yeah I'm defo intrigued in baby's position, cause sometimes I think, the activity is sooooo low that maybe baby's starting to engage? I'll have to read up about that and see how early baby's can start to engage from? Surely I would think i'd be far too early, so i'll have to see what info I come across. xxx
Hi Ladies!

Fay, that's great that Mike's now home :) And happy 31 weeks!

I think I've been feeling braxton hicks as I've had a few times where everything has just tightened for about 30 secs or so but it's not been painful just slightly uncomfortable. I'll then get other times though where I'll feel part of my bump harden and it feels more like it's the LO pressing against me then moving away, so I'm not really sure!! I've got a midwife appt tomorrow so was thinking of asking her opinion then and see what she says. Will also hopefully find out if the baby's still in breach position or not! xx
It sounds like it's an exciting week of midwife/doctor appts!!!! We all 3 have one this week! Woohoo! Let us know how your appt goes, Ali! :flower:
idk to be honest. Sometimes I think maybe it's a BH but then other times I think it's just her pushing REALLY low and it's a bit painful for a minute. I really think it's more that then a BH but Im not sure lol. You would think I would know since I've had a baby before but I don't ever remember experiencing BH with Avery either... :shrug: I remember you mentioning how low your LO is sometimes and I don't think I ever commented on that. I know EXACTLY what you mean. Sometimes I feel like she is READY to come bursting out! The pressure so low, my gosh!!!!! I hope that means things will start earlier rather than later :flower: but who knows.

Yeah I know what you mean, and i've been reading up a little bit on BH and i'm thinking maybe I have been getting a few, but then again like you said i'm not really sure if it's a BH or just pressure from baby, or muscles stretching etc? But I would wake up remembering I felt some mild cramps right under my bump, but nothing bad enough to think it was anything to pay attention too, like I said I just thought it was my muscles stretching or something, but BH can be painless and mild cramp like, so could be? I suppose I'll pay a bit more attention to any aches and pains now to see if it could fit in with the symptoms of BH. How crazy is this though, I read that BH start from 6 weeks in pregnancy!! 6?!! lol But they are never felt at that stage and are just preparing uterus for later on. Seems crazy that they can start that early without us even realising! lol

But yeah I'm defo intrigued in baby's position, cause sometimes I think, the activity is sooooo low that maybe baby's starting to engage? I'll have to read up about that and see how early baby's can start to engage from? Surely I would think i'd be far too early, so i'll have to see what info I come across. xxx

That is pretty crazy that BH can start at 6 weeks!!! WOW! Did you find anything out about early the baby can start engaging? I think i will start looking into it too, as I am really curious!!! :hugs:
So my appointment went pretty well, looks like baby is no longer in breech position which is great news :D I'm still measuring slightly small but the midwife said the scan next week will be a better guide and not really anything to worry about at this stage.

I asked about the BH's and she said it is a tightening all over for just a few seconds which I've maybe had once or twice but what I tend to get more of is the baby's head or bum pushing into my bump as s/he moves! Also listened for baby's heartbeat which was strong and healthy, love being able to hear that each time :D

Have got our first antenatal class tonight which I'm looking forward to, should get more info on birth choices etc. Will let you know how it goes!

Hope you both have a good evening :flower: xx
Oh what great news that the baby is no longer breech!!!! It sounds like everything is great! And I think having a baby on the smaller side isn't too bad :) hehe. Especially if you are a petite lady.
Good luck at your class tonight!!
Yeah that's great news about your appointment!! :) Glad it went well, and it is lovely hearing the heartbeat isn't it? :) yay for baby not being breech too, although I heard that it doesn't really mean much until about 36 weeks where they are in a more perm position, but I don't know how true that is?
But yes, have fun tonight, hope you learn some good stuff :)

Yeah I think my pressure that I have been feeling is more the baby moving rather than BH, as like you said I feel a head or bum pushing out on my belly, I often see it too which looks really odd as my belly is often a weird shape when baby does that! lol

Tara- I didn't get an exact answer for the engagement question, but from what I did pick up though is that there are women who's baby's engage from as early as 30 weeks, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they'll have an early labour though, I read one woman said that her baby was engaged at 30 weeks but didn't give birth til 42 weeks, so I suppose it's just baby wanting a bit more room or something, i'm not sure?? lol

A parent of a child who I look after actually came in today and said that I looked liked I had 'dropped' so I don't know if she really noticed a difference or where my bump's getting bigger now it appears that way? But my bumps always been pretty low, for example, i've never had any problems with getting movements in the ribs etc, my movements are always low down and in line with belly button really, so baby's never been high up for me. Only two more days to wait and see what midwife says though :)

Hope you have had good days? I had a hectic one at work and I've been feeling more hormonal over the last day or two lol! I know it's hormones as I know i'm being silly, like earlier, mike forgot his sports kit for work, so once I got in I got together a few things he asked for and gave it to his friend to take into work for him, he asked for his nike trainers, and he has 3 pairs of nike trainers! lol So I just guessed the ones that I thought looked more sport like, and he then sent me a text saying I got them wrong, but he was only messing around, he wasn't being serious etc and I just burst into tears thinking he was having a go at me! haha! It's so stupid cause I know he was joking, but I just felt so emotional. I just put it down to having a bad day at work! lol xxx
Aww Im sorry you are so emotional today. Our hormones are crazy sometimes arent they! I tend to cry at commericals even LOL. Arg!!!! Men should know better than to give us a hard time, even if they are joking. :)
That's pretty interesting about the engaging... so really it means nothing eh? I was going to mention yesterday that you haven't posted a pic in a while, you should share a pic with us next time you take one :) I would like to see if you have dropped!!! That would explain the pressure. It'll be interesting to see what your midwife says.
Ok I will, I'll see what ones I have on my computer, if not i'll take one later and upload it for you, I don't feel like I have dropped, but I feel the pressure down low and think to myself how much lower can baby get?? lol xxx
yeah by the looks of this pic, I don't think it looks like i've dropped x


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