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Hi all!!!
How is everyone doing?

Rae - I'm so sorry :cry::hugs:

I haven't been on for a while with moving and starting new job, but things are abit more settled now :)
Just completely knackered, working 40 hours a week and being pregnant... I'm sleeping so much...:sleep:

Our good news is we had our 2nd scan at the EPAU on Tuesday and saw our little bean and the heart beating good and strong :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Sooooo happy.
Got dated at 8 weeks on Tuesday and due date is 8th May 2012... :happydance:

Had appointment with midwife clinic this afternoon to get weighed, blood pressure, and urine sample and bounty pack.
Got our booking in appointment on Friday so look forward to the midwife coming to the house...
All exciting :cloud9:

Hope everyone is well :hugs:
wow everythings happening really early on for you! My booking app and scan is at 11 weeks! The wait has been killing me! Just not knowing anything!

I'm not feeling so happy today, I've just been stupidly thinking that because I've been feeling good and not getting any symptoms that something's wrong with the baby, I'm panicing myself and I just want a scan now!! My boobs are bigger and hurt, and I get a little tired but that's pretty much it, I felt queasy between 6-8 weeks but now I feel normal....not pregnant...not that I felt overly pregnant before anyway but it's weird. We are going home next wknd and we wanted to tell everyone face to face and it would kill me to tell everyone and then find out a week later at the scan that something was wrong :( I am petrified of having a missed miscarriage or something and me just not knowing about it until the scan when we would have told family and friends already....the next chance for us to tell them would be x-mas and i'll be 5 months then which is far too long to wait! :(
I had a quick enquiry about a private scan but it seems like the earliest app would be next wknd, which is when we are visiting family.....this sucks! :(
I'm getting myself all worked up and that's not like me at all! I'm usually calm and relaxed about things...ahhhhh!!! : (
Our little squishy blobby kidney bean :D




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wow everythings happening really early on for you! My booking app and scan is at 11 weeks! The wait has been killing me! Just not knowing anything!

I'm not feeling so happy today, I've just been stupidly thinking that because I've been feeling good and not getting any symptoms that something's wrong with the baby, I'm panicing myself and I just want a scan now!! My boobs are bigger and hurt, and I get a little tired but that's pretty much it, I felt queasy between 6-8 weeks but now I feel normal....not pregnant...not that I felt overly pregnant before anyway but it's weird. We are going home next wknd and we wanted to tell everyone face to face and it would kill me to tell everyone and then find out a week later at the scan that something was wrong :( I am petrified of having a missed miscarriage or something and me just not knowing about it until the scan when we would have told family and friends already....the next chance for us to tell them would be x-mas and i'll be 5 months then which is far too long to wait! :(
I had a quick enquiry about a private scan but it seems like the earliest app would be next wknd, which is when we are visiting family.....this sucks! :(
I'm getting myself all worked up and that's not like me at all! I'm usually calm and relaxed about things...ahhhhh!!! : (

Please try not to worry. I know it's easier said than done. But the same thing happened to me, I hit 8 weeks and started feeling sooooo good, i worried for a little bit about such a big change in the way I felt, But I like feeling good, so I tried not to worry about it. I am still tired and my boobs are growing... I still have food aversions and such, I am just not neauseas anymore (knock on wood). I'm sure everything is just fine dear.. please don't worry yourself, it's not good for your baby. :hugs:
Please try not to worry. I know it's easier said than done. But the same thing happened to me, I hit 8 weeks and started feeling sooooo good, i worried for a little bit about such a big change in the way I felt, But I like feeling good, so I tried not to worry about it. I am still tired and my boobs are growing... I still have food aversions and such, I am just not neauseas anymore (knock on wood). I'm sure everything is just fine dear.. please don't worry yourself, it's not good for your baby. :hugs:

Thank you so much for your reply :) I know I shouldn't worry and I was getting myself worked up for nothing! lol I asked for an early scan just to re-assure myself, mainly because we are telling people this wknd, so I just wanted to be confident about telling them, and I luckily got given one this afternoon and all is great! :) Saw the baby and the little heartbeat, so I am sooooo pleased, and gone back to my happy relaxed self, we even went out and made a few purchases today! lol

I am now just counting myself lucky to be symptom free and I know that the baby is doing well, measured at 8wk6days, so only 2 days behind from my lmp date :)

Thanks for the support, and here's to a stress-free pregnancy for us from now on :) xxxx
Hi Ladies
Not been on here much recently as been on holiday and not had much time to get on here.

Fay, that's wonderful news that you got a scan and got to see the heartbeat! It's just the most amazing thing isn't it? You must be so excited to be able to tell your family this weekend knowing everything is ok :)

I'm slightly jealous of you being fairly symptom free though! I've had a pretty rough few weeks with nausea and sickness which has just been horrible. Starting to feel better this week though so I'm hoping I've had the worst of it.

On a better note though I had my booking appt last week and have my scan booked for the 20th which I can't wait for!

Elle that's great news on your scan :)

How's everyone else doing? xx
Hi Ladies
Not been on here much recently as been on holiday and not had much time to get on here.

Fay, that's wonderful news that you got a scan and got to see the heartbeat! It's just the most amazing thing isn't it? You must be so excited to be able to tell your family this weekend knowing everything is ok :)

I'm slightly jealous of you being fairly symptom free though! I've had a pretty rough few weeks with nausea and sickness which has just been horrible. Starting to feel better this week though so I'm hoping I've had the worst of it.

On a better note though I had my booking appt last week and have my scan booked for the 20th which I can't wait for!

Elle that's great news on your scan :)

How's everyone else doing? xx

Hi Ali,

Hope you had a nice relaxing holiday? : )
Yes it was so lovely to see our baby on the screen!! and see that there was a heartbeat there :)

That's great news about your booking appointment and scan too, I have mine on the 17th so just a few days before you, so i'll let you know how it goes lol!
I do feel pretty lucky to have hardly any symptoms to be honest, especially now that I know baby is fine and developing well :) I hope you have had the worst of yours and you do start feeling better soon :) It's awful enjoying your pregnancy when you just feel like crap!! lol

I am so excited for this wknd!!! Really can't wait now!! Just two more days! lol xxx
Hi Fay
Yes have had a lovely holiday thanks, we had planned to go abroad but decided not to when we found out I was pregnant and instead spent time at home. We were so lucky with the weather and spent most of the first week on the beach which was just lovely :) Also got loads done around the house and garden which felt good (we moved here just a few months ago so have quite a long to do list!)

Hope your weekend went well, look forward to hearing all about it!

Hi Fay
Yes have had a lovely holiday thanks, we had planned to go abroad but decided not to when we found out I was pregnant and instead spent time at home. We were so lucky with the weather and spent most of the first week on the beach which was just lovely :) Also got loads done around the house and garden which felt good (we moved here just a few months ago so have quite a long to do list!)

Hope your weekend went well, look forward to hearing all about it!


Aww that sounds great, it's good to get those to-do jobs done! :)

We had an awesome wknd thanks, we told our families and everyone was sooooo pleased for us, and totally supportive, so we are all now over the moon : ) And to top it all off, we managed to hear the baby's heartbeat today on the angel doppler thing and it was amazing! Heard mine first and then defo heard baby's after as it was a lot faster!! So we are feeling great today thanks : )

How is everyone else feeling? I have my 12 week scan and booking appointment next monday but I will only be 11 weeks, be really interesting to see how much the baby has grown in 2 weeks : ) xxx
Glad to hear your weekend went so well and to have heard the baby's heartbeat, that's just amazing! I'm so happy for you, you must be dancing on the ceiling! :happydance:

Will be very excited to hear how your scan goes, I can't wait for mine only a week and 2 days to go!!

I'm still having some bad days though thankfully they're becoming less and I'm finally starting to eat marginally better, although much smaller meals than I used to! I'll be 12 weeks this Sunday so looking forward to nearing the second trimester :)

Oh, we've also now got our pram! It's a second hand one but from a very good friend (probably wouldn't have considered 2nd hand if we didn't know the person so well) and at a complete bargain! It's a silver cross 3 in one with car seat and buggy as well so we're sorted with all that for a while which is quite a relief. Not buying anything else just yet though as don't want to get carried away!

I might not be online for a few days after today as I'm staying at my parents while they're away (granny sitting!) though will try to pop in and say hello if I can.

Fay, good luck with your scan on Monday and have a great week everyone :D
Glad to hear your weekend went so well and to have heard the baby's heartbeat, that's just amazing! I'm so happy for you, you must be dancing on the ceiling! :happydance:

Will be very excited to hear how your scan goes, I can't wait for mine only a week and 2 days to go!!

I'm still having some bad days though thankfully they're becoming less and I'm finally starting to eat marginally better, although much smaller meals than I used to! I'll be 12 weeks this Sunday so looking forward to nearing the second trimester :)

Oh, we've also now got our pram! It's a second hand one but from a very good friend (probably wouldn't have considered 2nd hand if we didn't know the person so well) and at a complete bargain! It's a silver cross 3 in one with car seat and buggy as well so we're sorted with all that for a while which is quite a relief. Not buying anything else just yet though as don't want to get carried away!

I might not be online for a few days after today as I'm staying at my parents while they're away (granny sitting!) though will try to pop in and say hello if I can.

Fay, good luck with your scan on Monday and have a great week everyone :D

Yeah It's such a relief to hear the heartbeat and to know that I can always have a little listen if I want to (and can find it lol).

It's good to hear that your bad days are getting much more infrequent and that you are able to eat better now, even if it is smaller meals, I find I eat little and often anyway which is supposed to be better so that's great for you :) Yeah I bet you can't wait to get into your second trimester, I'm looking forward to that too! Much more of a relief when that happens :)

That's great that you managed to get hold a travel system :) isn't it good when people offer you things that you could actually do with! lol And that's good that you know them well enough to know that it will be a good pram for you. I am worried about those times where people offer us stuff that is really not our taste or something and it'll be hard to say no cause they are being so kind by offering it to you lol! Maybe we'll just say that we already have whatever it is they are offering lol!!

Hope you have a great time granny sitting lol! And thanks about the scan i'll let you know how it goes, and how big baby is in just 2 weeks lol! xxx
Hi ladies!
It sounds like everything is going well for everyone. So nice to hear :) I have my 1st appt Monday, no scan unfortunately, but Im finally almost 12 weeks. I still haven't been able to hear my babies heartbeat on my doppler. It will register at 148ish but I can't hear it. I wonder if I am doing something wrong. Any advice? I have a tilted uterus, do you think that might make it harder to hear? I bought the more expensive one that said I could find it from 8-10 weeks... well, that hasn't happened. :( Im glad you are having success with yours. Any tips would be fantastic.
Hi ladies!
It sounds like everything is going well for everyone. So nice to hear :) I have my 1st appt Monday, no scan unfortunately, but Im finally almost 12 weeks. I still haven't been able to hear my babies heartbeat on my doppler. It will register at 148ish but I can't hear it. I wonder if I am doing something wrong. Any advice? I have a tilted uterus, do you think that might make it harder to hear? I bought the more expensive one that said I could find it from 8-10 weeks... well, that hasn't happened. :( Im glad you are having success with yours. Any tips would be fantastic.

Awww its so good that we are all quite close to 12 weeks now, can't wait to move over to the second trimester :)
I'm not sure I can offer much advice about the doppler i'm afraid, i've not tried it again since we first heard the heartbeat so it may have been a fluke for us! lol The one we have is very simple and doesn't have any digital displays or anything, I will say though that we found the baby's heartbeat right down near the pubic bone in the centre of my stomach and I had to tilt the doppler a little bit to hear it as flat on didn't work, and I had to breath in a bit and press down so that it would get close enough to pick it up, so have a go at doing that if you haven't already, some people say that they find it easier to stick a pillow under their bum to help the uterus come closer to the surface so maybe try that too? I think I will give mine another go this wknd and see how I get on and i'll let you know if it's in the same place etc.
Good luck! I really hope you find it soon xxx
Hi ladies!
It sounds like everything is going well for everyone. So nice to hear :) I have my 1st appt Monday, no scan unfortunately, but Im finally almost 12 weeks. I still haven't been able to hear my babies heartbeat on my doppler. It will register at 148ish but I can't hear it. I wonder if I am doing something wrong. Any advice? I have a tilted uterus, do you think that might make it harder to hear? I bought the more expensive one that said I could find it from 8-10 weeks... well, that hasn't happened. :( Im glad you are having success with yours. Any tips would be fantastic.

Awww its so good that we are all quite close to 12 weeks now, can't wait to move over to the second trimester :)
I'm not sure I can offer much advice about the doppler i'm afraid, i've not tried it again since we first heard the heartbeat so it may have been a fluke for us! lol The one we have is very simple and doesn't have any digital displays or anything, I will say though that we found the baby's heartbeat right down near the pubic bone in the centre of my stomach and I had to tilt the doppler a little bit to hear it as flat on didn't work, and I had to breath in a bit and press down so that it would get close enough to pick it up, so have a go at doing that if you haven't already, some people say that they find it easier to stick a pillow under their bum to help the uterus come closer to the surface so maybe try that too? I think I will give mine another go this wknd and see how I get on and i'll let you know if it's in the same place etc.
Good luck! I really hope you find it soon xxx

Thanks so much for the advice, I haven't tried any of that, so I might just go try it right now :) Have a fabulous weekend!!!
Hi ladies!
It sounds like everything is going well for everyone. So nice to hear :) I have my 1st appt Monday, no scan unfortunately, but Im finally almost 12 weeks. I still haven't been able to hear my babies heartbeat on my doppler. It will register at 148ish but I can't hear it. I wonder if I am doing something wrong. Any advice? I have a tilted uterus, do you think that might make it harder to hear? I bought the more expensive one that said I could find it from 8-10 weeks... well, that hasn't happened. :( Im glad you are having success with yours. Any tips would be fantastic.

Happy 12 weeks! :)

I haven't got a doppler so can't give you any advice I'm afraid but good luck with it!

Hi ladies!
It sounds like everything is going well for everyone. So nice to hear :) I have my 1st appt Monday, no scan unfortunately, but Im finally almost 12 weeks. I still haven't been able to hear my babies heartbeat on my doppler. It will register at 148ish but I can't hear it. I wonder if I am doing something wrong. Any advice? I have a tilted uterus, do you think that might make it harder to hear? I bought the more expensive one that said I could find it from 8-10 weeks... well, that hasn't happened. :( Im glad you are having success with yours. Any tips would be fantastic.

Happy 12 weeks! :)

I haven't got a doppler so can't give you any advice I'm afraid but good luck with it!


Thanks!! You're right behind me!!!! :)
Hey everyone!!

Lots has gone on whilst I've been away, all sounding good :)

Had booking in appointment with midwife - won't see her again until 4th December, and she told me I'll be under consultant care which really does suck and has taken me a while to accept as I really had my heart set on trying for a water birth. But its a no go... will be monitored all through labour in hospital :nope:

But on positive side of things, got scan appointment through this morning for 26th October, 11 days to wait.. hurray and should be 12+1 by then...
Also found baby's heartbeat on Monday night, at 9+6 :happydance:
Have made a little video with the heartbeat and will attach it on here :) Can hear the heartbeat but it doesn't pick up the beats per minute. It picks up my heartbeat and bpm, so I think the baby's heartbeat is just abit too faint for it to register on dopplers bpm..but it sounds really clear and strong. I bought the sonoline b doppler on amazon for about £56 and is well worth it to find heartbeat so early :)
We told my daughter, Mia on Sunday too...and it went so well, a photo of her is in the video :)

Anyone have any feelings or hopes for baby's sex?

We aren't finding out the baby's sex and we really don't mind which sex the baby is... but I know my OH would be over moon if we had a boy so part of me is hoping we do. But I haven't got any gut feelings yet...

Has anyone decided on names yet?

We've chosen the names Neevah Ann Elizabeth for a girl, Ann and Elizabeth are family names and we just love Neevah, with the nicknames of Neve and Nevie :)
And Calan Brian Louis Matthew for a boy, Brian is for OHs late father, Louis is a family name for me and Matthew is my half brother who died hours after birth. We just love Calan, with the nickname of Cal...

I love unusual names, that aren't that common or popular... and Im not that keen on names which can get given nicknames, but this time I like the nicknames for the names..
And its why I chose Mia, but it's really common and popular now lol and her friends have nicknamed her Mimi :dohh:

Hope everyone is doing well :hugs:
I'm still worn out and feeling sick all the time, eating so much less too... but other than that..just loving being pregnant!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hey everyone!!

Lots has gone on whilst I've been away, all sounding good :)

Had booking in appointment with midwife - won't see her again until 4th December, and she told me I'll be under consultant care which really does suck and has taken me a while to accept as I really had my heart set on trying for a water birth. But its a no go... will be monitored all through labour in hospital :nope:

But on positive side of things, got scan appointment through this morning for 26th October, 11 days to wait.. hurray and should be 12+1 by then...
Also found baby's heartbeat on Monday night, at 9+6 :happydance:
Have made a little video with the heartbeat and will attach it on here :) Can hear the heartbeat but it doesn't pick up the beats per minute. It picks up my heartbeat and bpm, so I think the baby's heartbeat is just abit too faint for it to register on dopplers bpm..but it sounds really clear and strong. I bought the sonoline b doppler on amazon for about £56 and is well worth it to find heartbeat so early :)
We told my daughter, Mia on Sunday too...and it went so well, a photo of her is in the video :)

Anyone have any feelings or hopes for baby's sex?

We aren't finding out the baby's sex and we really don't mind which sex the baby is... but I know my OH would be over moon if we had a boy so part of me is hoping we do. But I haven't got any gut feelings yet...

Has anyone decided on names yet?

We've chosen the names Neevah Ann Elizabeth for a girl, Ann and Elizabeth are family names and we just love Neevah, with the nicknames of Neve and Nevie :)
And Calan Brian Louis Matthew for a boy, Brian is for OHs late father, Louis is a family name for me and Matthew is my half brother who died hours after birth. We just love Calan, with the nickname of Cal...

I love unusual names, that aren't that common or popular... and Im not that keen on names which can get given nicknames, but this time I like the nicknames for the names..
And its why I chose Mia, but it's really common and popular now lol and her friends have nicknamed her Mimi :dohh:

Hope everyone is doing well :hugs:
I'm still worn out and feeling sick all the time, eating so much less too... but other than that..just loving being pregnant!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:


Your video is great!! I have been meaning to try and record the heartbeat myself actually to try and send a little clip to my family :) Such a strong heartbeat you have in there! :) really great to hear :)

That is a real shame that you will be under consultant care, and I really understand how you feel as I too would be as upset as you if I were told that :( I really hope you can still make it an enjoyable experience for you and you won't feel too restricted x

That's great about your scan appointment! It's very exciting! I actually have mine this afternoon at 3pm along with my booking appointment, so I'm looking forward to that as I feel like I will properly be under their radar now and in their books and get things rolling! :) I had an early scan at 9 weeks as I wasn't experiencing any symptoms really and was a little worried so wanted to check before telling our families, everything was great and it's going to be so lovely to see how much the baby has grown in just 2 weeks! :)

My husband wants to find out the sex but I don't, so we're going to wait til the birth, I think although we'd be happy with either sex, secretly the ideal would be to have a boy as our first child, and we do seem to be getting boy vibes, but I don't know if that's just an ideal or gut feelings, so only time will tell, lol, but i'd love a little girl too though, lots of dresses and tights lol!

We have two names picked out for each sex but we are not telling anyone the names as we really struggled to come up with two of each that we were really happy with and I think if we revealed them then they won't be as special and some people reactions may upset us or annoy us, so we thought we'll just keep it until the birth lol!

We love unusual names too, but our boy ones aren't really as unusual as we would like because we couldn't really agree on many lol! Your names are lovely by the way :) And I bet your daughter was so excited!! :)

I am suffering from colds all the time at the moment! I work with babies in a day nursery so I seem to be picking up every sniffle what with my immune system being weaker! sooo frustrating!! lol

Hope you start to feel better soon, and the same goes for everyone else, not long til we're in the second trimester and hopefully we'll all start blooming and getting our energy levels back!! lol xxxx

Oh and I can't believe my baby is the size of a lime now!! :D hehe!
Thanks so much for the advice, I haven't tried any of that, so I might just go try it right now :) Have a fabulous weekend!!!

No problem how did you get on? xxx

I had no luck. However, I had my 12 week appt today and heard it there. I also paid close attention to how the dr did it, and he was reallllly low and more off to the side. So I will try again. He said to bring mine in next time to make sure he can find it on mine and make sure its working properly. Im just over the moon to finally hear my baby again!!! :)
How are you?

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