Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

I was standing in line at Kroger waiting to check out. There was a woman in front of me waiting to check out as well.

She says, " Oh you look like youre about to pop, when are you due?"
" Im not pregnant" I say.


Congrats MrsGreen. Clomid Twins!
oh...Onerth...that sucks. and this is why no one should say anything even when you are pretty sure they are pregnant.
So, I do have a ?- I've been taking a good women's multi, EPO, and an Omega-3 Berry Complex. Since, I don't know if I O'd between CD9-11 should I stop with the EPO? I'm so confused at this point. My surges don't last long at all. So it is entirely possible that the monitor and I missed it. The monitor, bc my surges are normally in the afternoon, and me bc I wasn't expecting to O this early in my cycle, as it's normally between the 14-19th so I didn't think to start using the Wondfo's in the afternoon when I got a high fertility reading on the CBFM. But everyone say's not to take the EPO after O, only before, so I'm worried, even though I don't know if I did O or not.

Ive never taken EPO so I cant say.

Amber, you haven't o'd yet. Your temps are trending down, not up. As for all the supplements I don't personally belive it that stuff because I'm worried it can do more harm than good. So I've only taken a prenatal. And then real medication perscribed by my doc.

She could have Od before that spike with with missing temps, its anyone's guess.

My temp went up to 97.1 this morning, so I'm not sure what to think. I don't think that the missing temps from this cycle would make any difference though, bc IF I did O it was so early in my cycle, those temps would of been literally from when I was still bleeding. I got my first High on the monitor when I was still lightly bleeding. It's just so strange b/c my surge is normally much later in my cycle. Has anyone else had a super early O directly following a CP?
Mrsgreen2015- that is so exciting! So happy for you :) Congratulations and wishing you a happy and healthy next 9 months, as well as periodic moment's of sanity throughout the next 18-35 yrs! :rofl:

OnErth&InHvn- That is just despicable. BUT- I've had it done to me before as well, so I know exactly how it feels. It's horrible. What I don't understand is why people think it's okay to say those kind of things when they don't know you, have no idea if you are actually pregnant, etc, etc. When I am out somewhere and see a woman that looks pregnant, even when it is totally obvious, I don't remark on it, just BC I know that you truly just never know. And it's best just not to say anything than risk offending/hurting someone's feelings by commenting on something that I don't know for sure or anything about for that matter. Plus, if you are wrong, it's makes everything so awkward and humilating after that, it's like you two just stand (and hopefully, there aren't other people standing around, like a cashier or in line, too to hear it) there staring at each other in this awkward silence with them trying not make eye contact with you any more. I don't know why people set themselves up for this by opening their big mouths. I'm so sorry that that happened to you. It happened to me a few yrs back, and it was hurtful. BUT I wasn't trying to conceive at the time, nor had a Lost a baby yet, so I can only imagine, at least for me that the timing of your interaction didn't make it any better either. :hugs::flower: I've thought about what I would say if anyone ever said something like that to me and I wasn't, and honestly, wondered if I should go along with it, to avoid the whole awkwardness, bc chances are I will never see that person again, but that's probably just me- lol.

kmpreston- I wasn't around to see the positive tests, but I swear I was just looking at her chart in her signature, after she welcomed me to the group and it crossed my mind, looking at it, with the sharp temp increase and it being so much higher then her "control line' (or what ever they call that thing lol) that I wondered if she was pregnant with twins, lol. How weird is that?

OnErth&InHvn and mrsgreen2015- even without the temps from CD 1 to when I started, isn't that a pretty steep drop to not be an O drop in temp? I'm new to the temping thing so I'm in uncharted waters, but I didn't think it fell like that when you were in a "stable" follicular/leutal phase, I thought the fluctuations were smaller and not as dramatic?
You can have a rise for O, but your temps after need to stay elevated. It will take a few more days to really see.

I was upset and cried to DH.

My spotting is back.
Spotting stopped again.

I think its from the FE, maybe. I just pray every time that it stops and stays away. 2 more days of FE and then waiting to O! I feel like the time is creeping by for some reason.
The wait to O part sucks worse than the tww. Especially if you aren't sure O is even going to happen.

This cycle I have weird symptoms. If I didn't know better I would say I am pmsing. Serious bitchyness is going on. But at the same time I am super horny :haha: So much so that the idea of John Oliver being in the sequel to 50 Shades of Grey sounded like a fabulous idea. :rofl:
The wait to O part sucks worse than the tww. Especially if you aren't sure O is even going to happen.

This cycle I have weird symptoms. If I didn't know better I would say I am pmsing. Serious bitchyness is going on. But at the same time I am super horny :haha: So much so that the idea of John Oliver being in the sequel to 50 Shades of Grey sounded like a fabulous idea. :rofl:

Hahaha I always get so horny when I'm going to O.

At the time I always think the wait to O is harder cause of the pressure to have timed sex. Then I get to the TWW where not thinking about it is impossible and the not testing is so hard! My conclusion is that AF is the least stressful time of the month :haha:
Thank u very much uni ts

Mrs g, omggggggg!!!! Yesssss!!!!!!! So excited for u babe!
richiees- I can't even imagine how everything you and your SO have and are going through. I hope it works out. I'm also still very anxious for you to test! Lol

Thanks for all the love ladies! And KM you were sooo right lol
Good Info To Know:

Astroglide makes a sperm friendly lube, like Preseed and its cheaper, so i ordered some. Well i decided to use it today. Here are my thoughts if anyone is interested:

1) It comes in a tube like applicator. I put some in my fingers.
2) It is kind of watery/runny. not thick/goopy.
3) Its not super slippery like some lubes, meaning its not a slip n slide in my vagina.
4) It does not dry quick, so you have time to play and get the motion in the ocean.

Its a little weird though to just go waving a lubed hand at DH and say " come here". :haha:
Oh I hear ya on the time. Cd 16 here. I'm losing my mind. Every temp, ever negative opk and I'm certain I am not going to ovulate. I could ovulate tomorrow but it will likely be 3 days from now as every cycle after my mc was on cd 19.
Oh I hear ya on the time. Cd 16 here. I'm losing my mind. Every temp, ever negative opk and I'm certain I am not going to ovulate. I could ovulate tomorrow but it will likely be 3 days from now as every cycle after my mc was on cd 19.

Oh I hear ya on the time. Cd 16 here. I'm losing my mind. Every temp, ever negative opk and I'm certain I am not going to ovulate. I could ovulate tomorrow but it will likely be 3 days from now as every cycle after my mc was on cd 19.

Your temps are so nice and steady though I think it's looking good

7dpo here and also feeling time dragggggggggg
Oh I hear ya on the time. Cd 16 here. I'm losing my mind. Every temp, ever negative opk and I'm certain I am not going to ovulate. I could ovulate tomorrow but it will likely be 3 days from now as every cycle after my mc was on cd 19.

Your temps are so nice and steady though I think it's looking good

7dpo here and also feeling time dragggggggggg

You had that spotting though, maybe it was implant!! :happydance:

In other news, our AC went out weeks ago, so we got window units and at 90+, they cant keep up and its so hot! :shipw:
My temps are weird compared to other cycles. but this cycle I have been very determined to get about the same amount of sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. But I am hoping that the stability is a promising sign.

Onerth: that sucks about the a/c. We had a heat wave last week and i have never been so thankful that we have 2 a/c's. once powerful one in our bedroom and one built in that came with the apt in our living room. Unfortunately once the living room goes, it goes. They told us when we moved in they aren't replacing them. But we could buy a a wall one and swap it out. If it lasts the summer I will be happy. this week it has been nice and we got some rain over the last few days.

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