Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

I totally see the line!!

Ye me too

I totally see the line!!

And it doesn't look "funny" to you ladies at all? lol. I'm cautiously optimistic. A little worried about my temp dip this morning though. I didn't think your temp was supposed to be all wonky after your shift, bc it might now sustain a pregnancy.... Also, I took an OSOM with urine, and there is a line on it too, I'm just not going to try to get a pic of it bc it's even lighter then the blue handled one and don't think I could get it show up anyways. BTW that photo, was taken in indirect sunlight and has not been altered in anyway. :winkwink:
It may look a tad thin but that could just be the lighting. I definitely see a pink line.
I don't think I od, I hope not. That would mean I od way earlier than normal. Opk are the same darkness, that's a good sign.

And Amber, there's no perfect chart. Pregnancy or not you can have weird dips and temps. It just needs to stay above coverline.

You're early for testing so you still have a chance!
Onerth: you'll have to see what your temps do over the next day or so. If they stay up that high then it may look like you O'd because 97.9 seems to be your coverline. Any sustained temps above that and FF is going to give you cross hairs. Sometimes it can take a few more days for FF to move them or delete them. Just gotta keep temping and keep Bdin'g as if O is close.
Onerth: you'll have to see what your temps do over the next day or so. If they stay up that high then it may look like you O'd because 97.9 seems to be your coverline. Any sustained temps above that and FF is going to give you cross hairs. Sometimes it can take a few more days for FF to move them or delete them. Just gotta keep temping and keep Bdin'g as if O is close.

Our BD timing would be off, which makes me upset, like we wasted all this time.

Next cycle if no BFP, im not temping because i was perfectly fine going along until today.

I just have to wait and see. :( #TTCisHARD
I don't think I od, I hope not. That would mean I od way earlier than normal. Opk are the same darkness, that's a good sign.

And Amber, there's no perfect chart. Pregnancy or not you can have weird dips and temps. It just needs to stay above coverline.

You're early for testing so you still have a chance!

Thanks ;) I'm cautious about it, only bc of last month. But I've been having some symptoms that I didn't have last month, so hopefully that is a good sign!

And I agree with Aayla- that you should get to BDing, those two temps are higher then what your coverline would be, and higher then any of your other temps. What is your estrogen line doing on the OPKs? Is it really light, or just a tad lighter? Can you post a pic of last few you've done with one that has a dark estrogen line so I can see the comparison please?
And OnErth- even though it's a stretch, the BDing you did on CD8 is still within the realm of possibility and you BD'd the day after, which is still within the window, bc it takes time for the egg to travel. I wouldn't give up just yet, even if you have O'd, you still have a chance! Crazier things have happened with other ladies and I've seen lot's of ladies throw their hands up and in with the towel, only for that cycle to be "the cycle" . Don't give up just yet, I have hope for you though, even if you can't muster it. I felt the same way about temping when I thought we had missed our "O" and was just like what's the point I was happier before. But now, I'm really glad that I stuck with it, pregnancy or not, bc it tells you SO much about what is going on with your body and is great info to have if you ever need it for a dr. But I enjoy having mine for personal use regardless if I will ever actually need to show to a doctor. So, hopefully, you can keep your chin up and continue with it. I think it's worth it. And like I said, you are still within the window with your BD's if you have O'd ;)
I don't think I od, I hope not. That would mean I od way earlier than normal. Opk are the same darkness, that's a good sign.

And Amber, there's no perfect chart. Pregnancy or not you can have weird dips and temps. It just needs to stay above coverline.

You're early for testing so you still have a chance!

Thanks ;) I'm cautious about it, only bc of last month. But I've been having some symptoms that I didn't have last month, so hopefully that is a good sign!

And I agree with Aayla- that you should get to BDing, those two temps are higher then what your coverline would be, and higher then any of your other temps. What is your estrogen line doing on the OPKs? Is it really light, or just a tad lighter? Can you post a pic of last few you've done with one that has a dark estrogen line so I can see the comparison please?

CBEFM/CBAd: Estrogen line is still dark, no change. The LH line is very slowly, slightly, getting darker. Still Low though.
Answer: LH line is greyish faint, the squinty kind.
FRER: LH line is dark but thin and still not quite as dark as control.

No pics- I have to literally take out the trash after i take them or i will obsess. I have Od on High before but never low and all other OPK being :bfn:.
I don't think I od, I hope not. That would mean I od way earlier than normal. Opk are the same darkness, that's a good sign.

And Amber, there's no perfect chart. Pregnancy or not you can have weird dips and temps. It just needs to stay above coverline.

You're early for testing so you still have a chance!

Thanks ;) I'm cautious about it, only bc of last month. But I've been having some symptoms that I didn't have last month, so hopefully that is a good sign!

And I agree with Aayla- that you should get to BDing, those two temps are higher then what your coverline would be, and higher then any of your other temps. What is your estrogen line doing on the OPKs? Is it really light, or just a tad lighter? Can you post a pic of last few you've done with one that has a dark estrogen line so I can see the comparison please?

CBEFM/CBAd: Estrogen line is still dark, no change. The LH line is very slowly, slightly, getting darker. Still Low though.
Answer: LH line is greyish faint, the squinty kind.
FRER: LH line is dark but thin and still not quite as dark as control.

No pics- I have to literally take out the trash after i take them or i will obsess. I have Od on High before but never low and all other OPK being :bfn:.

Hmmm.... I would say, and only because your temp shift wasn't very much higher then your lows, that it "could" be possible for you to of O'd. And like I said before your still within the realm of possibilities to have conceived this cycle if you did, BUT it also could just be a fluke. Has anything changed those two day's that wasn't going on the other day's you were temping? It's hotter in your room/outside, slept some where else, stress, didn't turn on a fan, anything at all different, even things you wouldn't think would matter?
Amber, nope, slept the same.

I have decided if i dont get high/peak/:bfp: on an OPK the next 2 days, im going to stop temping and pug along because its clearly stressful for me.
Sometimes I find I just have to plug in the temp and walk away. Maybe increase the time you BD to every second day just so you know you likely timed it ok. With how up and down they are they may not show ovulation.
You have pretty big spikes up and down. Your thermometer could be off too.
Amber, nope, slept the same.

I have decided if i dont get high/peak/:bfp: on an OPK the next 2 days, im going to stop temping and pug along because its clearly stressful for me.

I'm sorry, hun. I remember those day's and they are no fun. We were "NTNP" for a very long time, and actually trying for about 2 1/2 yrs. I finally just gave up. And I mean really gave up. I had accepted the fact that we would never have kids and was in the process of day dreaming up a life with out them. Then about a yr later, I got pregnant. Just like that. Not trying. Not even thinking about it. I truly thought we just couldn't have kids. I had always had cycle's that were unlike any of my family or friends, it was normal to go months or even over a yr without just ONE cycle! My SO was 29 when we got together, he had not been "careful" in numerous long term relationships and had never had a even so much as a close call. He truly believed he was sterile. Finding out I was pregnant was a shock, surprise, disbelief, etc. The pregnancy didn't even seem 'real" to me until I had her, and even then it took months for it to truly sink in that I in fact had, had a baby and she was mine. I did all the charting, temping, tracking, opk's, preseed, timing correctly, etc. Anything and everything that I could absorb from the internet on how to get pregnant, I did it, and nothing. I got pregnant one time, after we had stopped trying and about 7 weeks in I had a miscarriage. I chalked it up to what I had already believed for so long, was that I just was not able to have kids, and we moved on. So, I do know what you going through. Even though from my post's it may not seem like it, I do. I have just put all of that way back into my "emotional closet" and closed the door on it. My heart truly goes out to you, and hope and pray that you get the baby that you totally deserve as quickly as possible. But I also know when you are in the thick of it, it's hard to see the forest for the tree's and all you can focus on is wanting a baby, and wanting it quickly. The waiting, and putting in so much work for it, is the hardest part when you are having issue's trying to conceive, and believe me, I know all about it. I'm sorry, but what are your doctor's saying and what about hub's swimmer's? Do they have any "plan of action" for you?
Sometimes I find I just have to plug in the temp and walk away. Maybe increase the time you BD to every second day just so you know you likely timed it ok. With how up and down they are they may not show ovulation.
You have pretty big spikes up and down. Your thermometer could be off too.

OnErth- I also agree with Aayla's advice, and maybe you should try getting a new thermometer. How long have you had yours? Also are you temping orally or vaginally? I, personally, choose to temp vaginally, and I feel more confident in those temps, only bc outside factors can effect your oral temp, but that is just me and my take on it. Did you buy a cheapie or did you get one of the "nicer" BBT thermometer's? You could also just stop with the temping and you and hub's try the sperm meet's egg plan? I've heard of a lot of ladies having success with that method fairly quickly after trying it. I also decided to add softcups to our "regimen" after reading the studies done on cervical capping, but there are actual medical devices made for you to do this in the privacy of your own home. Are you currently taking any supplements or vitamins? And have you ever considered doing acupuncture? I've heard a lot of success stories from women going to an acupuncturist that specializes in fertility treatments and/or does a "whole health approach" so they can advise you on other things as well. There are also acupuncturist out there that have combined western medicine with eastern practices together to come from a broader approach and they are able to do other things with you that someone who is only an acupuncturist wouldn't be able to do. They normally combine massage and reflexology along with the acupuncture treatments so it is a stress reducer too. And there is something to reflexology, if there wasn't then OB's wouldn't tell you not to get just any massage esp. foot massages without 1-telling the massage therapist that you are pregnant esp in your second and third trimesters and 2-make sure that you are getting "pregnancy approved" massages, bc it can make you go into early labor. No joke. Some places won't even do a massage on you if you are pregnant bc of the liability factor. Anyways, I know I probably sound like a nut, but I hope at least some of it is helpful to you and that you at the very least look into some of these options yourself to see if they might be something worth trying. :hugs:
Aayla, I think that's good advice.

Amber...I can't answer right now because it would be an emotional response and I just can't right now.

We all walk this hard journey. It's emotional for those of us years into it. One temp, one bfn, anything and we are hermit crabs crying in the corner.
Aayla, I think that's good advice.

Amber...I can't answer right now because it would be an emotional response and I just can't right now.

We all walk this hard journey. It's emotional for those of us years into it. One temp, one bfn, anything and we are hermit crabs crying in the corner.

I get it. You do what is best for you. And you are the only one who can decided that. Just know that if you do want to talk, I am here. :hugs:
Didn't temp this morning.... Not going to anymore.

Tested with cbefm- low
Cb adv- PEAK

Obviously haven't used other opk yet.

So do I mark peak or low? We did BD! As soon, literally, that I saw that smiley!!!!!
I would mark it as peak. And you did BD. So that sounds like you should O tomorrow? Not sure how in advance these are. But then opk's can be next day or same day.
I would mark it as peak. And you did BD. So that sounds like you should O tomorrow? Not sure how in advance these are. But then opk's can be next day or same day.

Says 12-48hrs. I'm not sure.

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