Ok, so I'm a dork. I'm not new to all this but I've been waiting and waiting on my FR opk thinking the line will get thicker/darker......No. It's been
and I didn't read the instructions. The color of the line, not thickness. Ooops.
So now I feel dumb but there's tomorrow! Here's to hoping for high/peak on the monitor!!
I think we all have those moments. lol
OnErth- Oh no
Well, you still probably have time, bc those things give you a peak about 12-36 hrs before you O. Also, I had three days of blazing positive wondfo's before the monitor gave me a peak reading, so I would trust the monitor a little more, bc it's looking at your estrogen as well and those two hormones work in conjunction with each other to make you O, so it's giving you a bigger picture then just a regular LH test. I wouldn't worry about it that much, but that's why I kept asking you to post pics! I think you'll be fine and time your BDing right even though you were reading the test wrong
No biggie
Aayla- So very true. When I first started in on the TTCing many many yrs ago, I thought OPK's were like PT's. A line was a line. I didn't realize you had to wait until it was as dark or darker then the control, I didn't think the color meant anything. Needless to say, that first month was a very exhausting month, lol. I finally figured it out, but not before we did ton's of BDing thinking I was about to O any day. LOL
As for me, I am currently 8dpo. My temp went up this morning again, so I'm happy with that. The pink CM stopped, for a day, then it came back this morning, but has been gone ever since. still never made it to actual spotting, though. Still have very mild cramping on my left front low abdomen, nothing bad enough to take anything for, but enough to notice it. It just comes and goes as it pleases. I took an OSOM this morning. Here is a pic. I'm really trying not to get excited, bc of last month, but it's hard. Nothing has been blaring enough to convince me that they are actual beginnings of BFP's, but I've heard that the OSOM are like 99.99% evap proof and if you get a line, you can almost bet money you are pregnant. It is darker then yesterday's OSOM, but still light enough that I'm not convinced. It's going to have to be dark or a digi for me to believe it probably. lol. It's still early, so we will see what happens, but here are the pics of the OSOM. One of them is the original with no altering, the other has been inverted and the contrast fiddled a little.