Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

Didn't temp this morning.... Not going to anymore.

Tested with cbefm- low
Cb adv- PEAK

Obviously haven't used other opk yet.

So do I mark peak or low? We did BD! As soon, literally, that I saw that smiley!!!!!

I would take it as a peak and get to BDing as much as possible :happydance:
Didn't temp this morning.... Not going to anymore.

Tested with cbefm- low
Cb adv- PEAK

Obviously haven't used other opk yet.

So do I mark peak or low? We did BD! As soon, literally, that I saw that smiley!!!!!

I would take it as a peak and get to BDing as much as possible :happydance:

we probably cant tomorrow because he works 11-11 and it would really be rushing as soon as he walked in the door. Not impossible but not likely. Hes off Friday so i will be jumping him then! :happydance:

I do know you can get a few peaks on the advanced, thats one of the problems and so im hoping the rest of my OPK catch up but if not, id rather treat it like Im Oing and BD, than wait and miss it!


I really could have ovulated already like you all said and the adv is peaking up tail end of the surge.
Ok, so I'm a dork. I'm not new to all this but I've been waiting and waiting on my FR opk thinking the line will get thicker/darker......No. It's been :bfp: and I didn't read the instructions. The color of the line, not thickness. Ooops.

So now I feel dumb but there's tomorrow! Here's to hoping for high/peak on the monitor!!
Ok, so I'm a dork. I'm not new to all this but I've been waiting and waiting on my FR opk thinking the line will get thicker/darker......No. It's been :bfp: and I didn't read the instructions. The color of the line, not thickness. Ooops.

So now I feel dumb but there's tomorrow! Here's to hoping for high/peak on the monitor!!

I think we all have those moments. lol

OnErth- Oh no :( Well, you still probably have time, bc those things give you a peak about 12-36 hrs before you O. Also, I had three days of blazing positive wondfo's before the monitor gave me a peak reading, so I would trust the monitor a little more, bc it's looking at your estrogen as well and those two hormones work in conjunction with each other to make you O, so it's giving you a bigger picture then just a regular LH test. I wouldn't worry about it that much, but that's why I kept asking you to post pics! I think you'll be fine and time your BDing right even though you were reading the test wrong ;) No biggie

Aayla- So very true. When I first started in on the TTCing many many yrs ago, I thought OPK's were like PT's. A line was a line. I didn't realize you had to wait until it was as dark or darker then the control, I didn't think the color meant anything. Needless to say, that first month was a very exhausting month, lol. I finally figured it out, but not before we did ton's of BDing thinking I was about to O any day. LOL :rofl:

As for me, I am currently 8dpo. My temp went up this morning again, so I'm happy with that. The pink CM stopped, for a day, then it came back this morning, but has been gone ever since. still never made it to actual spotting, though. Still have very mild cramping on my left front low abdomen, nothing bad enough to take anything for, but enough to notice it. It just comes and goes as it pleases. I took an OSOM this morning. Here is a pic. I'm really trying not to get excited, bc of last month, but it's hard. Nothing has been blaring enough to convince me that they are actual beginnings of BFP's, but I've heard that the OSOM are like 99.99% evap proof and if you get a line, you can almost bet money you are pregnant. It is darker then yesterday's OSOM, but still light enough that I'm not convinced. It's going to have to be dark or a digi for me to believe it probably. lol. It's still early, so we will see what happens, but here are the pics of the OSOM. One of them is the original with no altering, the other has been inverted and the contrast fiddled a little.


  • 8DPO- OSOM's, SurePredict, Calgene, and Comparison's to 7DPO 034 OSOMORIGINALUPLOAD1.jpg
    8DPO- OSOM's, SurePredict, Calgene, and Comparison's to 7DPO 034 OSOMORIGINALUPLOAD1.jpg
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  • 8DPO- OSOM's, SurePredict, Calgene, and Comparison's to 7DPO 034 OSOMINVERTUPLOAD1.jpg
    8DPO- OSOM's, SurePredict, Calgene, and Comparison's to 7DPO 034 OSOMINVERTUPLOAD1.jpg
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yeah, i dont know why i even bought the silly II test because i can never read them!

On the 2ww side of it, i do have gobs of HPT. internet cheapies, FRER (old kind) and Answer brand. Im set there at least!

FX for a high/peak on the CBEFM in about 10hrs! :happydance::flower:
Amber: I totally see that second line!! I would say BFP!!

Onerth: fingers crossed for you get your peak!!
Randomly bought and took CB opk (pink) and got low but the lines are impressive. Should be + today.

Pic attached. These are the pink ones so its just LH or not, not estrogen too.


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HIGH on CBEFM!!!! (which i got pregnant with Wylder with only High (no peak)
Still Low on the pink CB though!


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Woo Hoo!! Yay for high. Pmaybe when it goes peak the other one will give you the smiley face?
Woo Hoo!! Yay for high. Pmaybe when it goes peak the other one will give you the smiley face?

Im not sure to be honest? I may not get a peak. With Wylder i had:
cd10-17 Low
cd18-23 high

Od on cd19 with BFP later :)

THEN im super SUPER excited! Ive been toying back and forth about this cyst/cancer and whole OB/GYN ordeal plus what IF i did get BFP, what do i do? I contacted my old OB/GYN, who delivered DD2 (in 2007) and handled Wylder (2009). he doesnt take my insurance so id be self pay ($120) BUT i can get in with him and I 100000000000% trust his thoughts on the whole Cyst/Cancer thing and hes very hands off/natural anyway. Its the kind of trust that if he said "auto 3rd section", id fully trust and not judge or question.


I see him July 5, so id be 12dpo, which id hope id have a :bfp: by then!! EEEEK!
oh that's awesome! It's so nice to find a doctor who you like. My RE left the clinic suddenly and I had a choice of doctors. They immediately thought I would want another female but I had had a doc when my female doc was on maternity leave and I loved him. He was the one who said screw the weight we are putting you on letrozole. I immediately chose him, which surprised them but I want a doc that's going to get shit done and not discriminate on my weight.
I don't know if you all can read wondfo hpt but here is mine from this morning. I am 7dpo. I have total morning sickness. Well nausea and dizziness. No throwing up thank goodness. But it's hard to concentrate on my work.

Some ladies in another thread can see a bit of something. I'm back and forth. I know it's early and I didn't expect anyone to see anything. I only posted for the test porn reason. :haha:


  • 7dpo.jpg
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I don't know if you all can read wondfo hpt but here is mine from this morning. I am 7dpo. I have total morning sickness. Well nausea and dizziness. No throwing up thank goodness. But it's hard to concentrate on my work.

Some ladies in another thread can see a bit of something. I'm back and forth. I know it's early and I didn't expect anyone to see anything. I only posted for the test porn reason. :haha:

I sort of can!

This dr was one that when everyone else said 3rd section, he said VBA2C. He didnt make me lay in the hospital bed either. Then with Wylder, he was nice and gentle, not dismissive of our loss.

I have gone to 5 other GYN/ONC about this cyst and they are ALL surgery happy and quick to rip my insides apart. Maybe this dr will agree but i have a feeling based on the past, he will EXPLAIN, rather than talk at me.
Im trying to woo DH, but hes at work and wed have to rush when he gets home to get it in tonight. :sex:

HIGH on CBEFM!!!! (which i got pregnant with Wylder with only High (no peak)
Still Low on the pink CB though!

That's great! What is the second line on the pink on then? Just a control?

The pink handle CB digi OPK only do LH, not LH and Estrogen like advanced digi/monitors. So yeah left is LH and right is control.

Okay, cool. Looking good. Do you happen to ever use wondfo's for LH strips? I had a lot of problems with other LH strips not being sensitive enough to catch my surge, but I went ahead and tried the wondfo's and they are really great. And you get them for really cheap on ebay, and sometimes Amazon. It might be something you want to check into. Some other lady on here was saying that the One+steps actually carry LH strips in different sensitivities, like 20, 30, and 40 and maybe even 10 but not positive on that one. I found them in an online store once if your interested.

Do you mind looking at my chart for me? Is it "normal" for the temps to start going up so high like mine are?
I don't know if you all can read wondfo hpt but here is mine from this morning. I am 7dpo. I have total morning sickness. Well nausea and dizziness. No throwing up thank goodness. But it's hard to concentrate on my work.

Some ladies in another thread can see a bit of something. I'm back and forth. I know it's early and I didn't expect anyone to see anything. I only posted for the test porn reason. :haha:

I don't see anything on that, but it's still super early, esp to be using a 25mIU Wondfo. Your not out yet, but I don't see anything on that test. Good luck and sending lots of sticky baby dust :)

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