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I was so mad that I forgot my thermometer at home. i house sat for my parents last night. But one day won't matter too much right now. And now I am back at home and will be on schedule, sort of. I temped way early on Friday because I just couldn't get back to sleep after getting up to pee.

For the last 3 days I have not been able to hold it through the night. it is rare for me to get up to go but here i am having to quickly get up, go pee, take a test and then lay back down for a couple of hours once I am done taking a pic. Then when I get up normally I post them. :haha:

Im glad you made it home ok! Was it a nice semi mini vacation for you?
nah. I'm at my parents every day as I work in their office. and they are only a 20 min walk from my house. But I like getting dog time. I have 4 awesome cats and we aren't allowed dogs and dogs are so much work. I love that I can sleep in and they don't cry to go outside to pee. :haha: But I love their dog's personality and she is so easy to care for.
aww, im glad you love the dog! We have 4 dogs and 2 cats. I cant imagine life without dogs! (cats i can)

and my nanny family cancelled this week so i wont be able to go to the OB/GYN on the 5th (since im self pay).
Amber, he listens but he rolls his eyes too. Lol.

makes perfect sense. my DH is a lot like that. Especially now that we have been doing this for a year. lol Take this morning for example. So I used a FRER for the first time and since I could sort of see something but not see something I was obsessive over it. I had been up since 6am (since I can no longer hold my pee during the night :growlmad: ) So he was surprised to see me up when he got home from work. I told him I took a good test and I think I can see something but not totally sure. He just started laughing and said you always see something. So I tried to show him and of course he saw nothing. :nope: And then he just shook his head and then went to bed.

Now he just accepts my craziness. He wants a baby right now just as much as I do and knows we are on a time limit but knows most of it is out of his hands. I do the obsessing for the both of us. Sometimes I wish I could stay quiet so I could surprise him but I get so excited about the possibility.

I think FF looks good with the way they are climbing. I would go with that. and timing is pretty good for cd 16. I would stop stressing and just welcome yourself to the TWW! :D

I think FF looks good with the way they are climbing. I would go with that. and timing is pretty good for cd 16. I would stop stressing and just welcome yourself to the TWW! :D

I like the way they are staying up too! Before bed im like " ok, let me wake up to either my temp the same or up! It cant go down!"

I was so mad that I forgot my thermometer at home. i house sat for my parents last night. But one day won't matter too much right now. And now I am back at home and will be on schedule, sort of. I temped way early on Friday because I just couldn't get back to sleep after getting up to pee.

For the last 3 days I have not been able to hold it through the night. it is rare for me to get up to go but here i am having to quickly get up, go pee, take a test and then lay back down for a couple of hours once I am done taking a pic. Then when I get up normally I post them. :haha:

Aayla- Yeah, my SO doesn't even try to look if I try to show him a test that I might be able to see something on. He will take one glance at it, and if it is not glaring obvious then he hands it back to me and tells me I'm crazy that there's nothing on it! :growlmad: LOL- He makes me so mad sometimes. But yes, he does not "obsess" over any of it, it will be what it will be and he's done. I can't be that "hands off". I decided to go ahead and do another OSOM last night bc I hadn't done one in a while and woke up this morning to it having a HORRIBLE dye run on it so you can't see anything! So upsetting. I feel like I can see something on the acumed's I did last night and this morning but it's still super faint, and certainly questionable. But you saying that you are having to get up in the middle of night to pee, is a GOOD thing! That was one of the first "pregnancy symptoms" I had with Emma. It was SO annoying. So hopefully it's a sign for you too ;)

OnErth- I agree with Aayla on you O date, I think FF has it right and you should stick with that ;) But I totally get the temping thing. Every night when I lay down, I do the same thing, as if I can will my temp to stay up and that it somehow mean's I'm actually pregnant? :rofl: #ThethingsWePutOurselvesThroughWhileTTCing LOL
I'm happy to hear peeing in the night is a thing. lol Heartburn also started today and I'm having a hard time cleaning the house. I get a spur of energy but too much movement is making my stomach feel like it's in my throat. I'm trying to unclutter the dining area so I can unpack boxes and start selling my stuff. We have so much crap and too much furniture for our tiny place and we need to downsize something fierce. Especially if we have a baby on the way.

But the day is young (only 1pm here) so I have the time to do some work, sit and rest, do some work, sit and rest etc.
I'm happy to hear peeing in the night is a thing. lol Heartburn also started today and I'm having a hard time cleaning the house. I get a spur of energy but too much movement is making my stomach feel like it's in my throat. I'm trying to unclutter the dining area so I can unpack boxes and start selling my stuff. We have so much crap and too much furniture for our tiny place and we need to downsize something fierce. Especially if we have a baby on the way.

But the day is young (only 1pm here) so I have the time to do some work, sit and rest, do some work, sit and rest etc.

Yeah, it actually was one of the very first symptoms I got with her. I read somewhere that the reason it can be an early symptom (bc the baby and your uterus are not even close to being big enough to cause it yet lol) is because when you first conceive, everything down there gets swollen, inflamed, basically irritated, which is why cramping/feeling as if your period will happen any day but never does is also an early symptom, and that slight swelling/irritation is what causes you to have the urge to go all the time. But it also could be coincidence. I also felt like I was starving all the time, which was highly unusual for me, bc I've never really had an appetite, and if I didn't eat as soon as I got that feeling, I would get super nauseous. Acne on my forehead was also an early symptom. I think that was about it as far as very early symptoms. But I didn't get a lot of the "classic" pregnancy symptoms with her either, even throughout the rest of the pregnancy. All I really had was occasional heartburn. Oh- the other thing that started happening early on was pain in my vaginal canal, like it felt like being stabbed and tiny burst of lightening bolts (and I promise this is a thing, lol, it is very painful and most commonly referred to as "lightening crotch" lol) and if I would raise my arms above my head to really stretch I would get pain in the sides of my abdomen that was so painful it would automatically make you jerk your arms back down, lol. But from what I read, most people don't get those two symptoms until later on, if you even ever get them, I was "lucky" and got them in the first month, lol.
And I feel ya on the major need to declutter and downsize our belongings. I feel like my house is started to close in on me sometimes. My craft room is horrible, I can't even get into it. I'm going to have to slowly dig myself into that room and organize all of it. Ugh. Here are the pics from last night and this morning. Also a CB from 11DPO. The first pics are from 11dpo pm and then the last pic of all the IC's lined up is from this morning 12dpo fMU. I feel like I can see a squinter on both acumeds (the IC pic that's by it's self and then with the OSOM, and on the last pic the Acumed is the very bottom test) but it's so faint I still don't believe it. I definitely saw something on the CB, and it was there within the time limit, but every body complains about them so much that I find it hard to trust with it being that light. Humph. :dohh::wacko:


  • 11DPO PM and 12DPO FMU 011 (640x480).jpg
    11DPO PM and 12DPO FMU 011 (640x480).jpg
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  • 11DPO PM and 12DPO FMU 013 (640x480).jpg
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  • 10DPO PM and 11DPO FMU and SMU 014 (640x480).jpg
    10DPO PM and 11DPO FMU and SMU 014 (640x480).jpg
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    10DPO PM and 11DPO FMU and SMU 016 (640x480).jpg
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  • 11DPO PM and 12DPO FMU 001 (640x480).jpg
    11DPO PM and 12DPO FMU 001 (640x480).jpg
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on the first CB photo I can see a line when I don't click on it but when I do click on it, it seems to disappear. Weird. I see about that dye run. That sucks. and i do see something on the acumed.
Yeah, I don't know what to think about the CB, just bc so many ladies complain about them. The OSOM, looks horrible. I tried to "wash" it to see if I could get it to clear up at all, but no, it still looks horrid. These are the one's I did today with SMU. I swear I can something on the two wondfo's and the acumed. I don't see anything on the two blue handled skinny one's, but I can see something on the other's. Not sure if I've officially gone crazy and am seeing things or if they are really there. :rofl:


  • After Dried 12DPO SMU 001 (640x480).jpg
    After Dried 12DPO SMU 001 (640x480).jpg
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    After Dried 12DPO SMU 002 (640x480).jpg
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    After Dried 12DPO SMU 003 (640x480).jpg
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    After Dried 12DPO SMU 006 (640x480).jpg
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    After Dried 12DPO SMU 007 (640x480).jpg
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So question: because my nausea is on its own schedule, it hits me mid afternoon to early evening, and I usually wake up with no symptoms, I was thinking about changing my work out time to the morning so I can guarantee I get it in. But I have my temp time set for 8:30am. I get open circles if I am off by more than 15 min either way. Do you think at this point I should stop temping? Or make the shift to an hour ish earlier and make a note and then have it be consistent for that time?

I really want to work out and I think that is more of a priority than temping correctly. Especially when I have already ovulated.
I'd stop temping but that's me.

Amber, I've been TTC for 8yrs, on FF since 2006. I don't have a normal for O.

Temp dropped a smudge, hopefully implant.
Yeah I didn't bother this morning because once again i was up well before my alarm to pee.

here is my test from this morning.


  • FRER 11dpo.jpg
    FRER 11dpo.jpg
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11. I don't expect anything now until at least 13dpo. Tempted when I go to the doc tomorrow to ask for a blood test. At the same time I am so afraid it will be negative.

I have had tests do this to me before. I kept seeing the indent line and it made me wonder. Lots of people saw "the start of something" on my last cycle too.

This is driving me nuts. Lol
11. I don't expect anything now until at least 13dpo. Tempted when I go to the doc tomorrow to ask for a blood test. At the same time I am so afraid it will be negative.

I have had tests do this to me before. I kept seeing the indent line and it made me wonder. Lots of people saw "the start of something" on my last cycle too.

This is driving me nuts. Lol

Yeah tell me about it. Yesterday at 12dpo I started seeing really faint squinter's on my wondfo's and acumed's that I'm starting to think I'm crazy, bc I don't think anyone else can see them, and I don't want to "waste' my more expensive test's if I'm really not seeing anything. I don't know what to tell you, because, part of me doesn't want to use the more expensive one's bc it's seems a little more concrete that it's a no if nothing comes up on them. So I get the not really wanting a BT, it's like it's easier to sit in limbo land with the looming "possibility" that you might actually be pregnant than to face the possibility of a no.
exactly. my wondfos aren't as sensitive as I thought they would be but then I thought I might get lucky and produce more hcg more quickly. I have one frer left. and I really don't want to waste it. I know I have wasted these others. But then I thought just maybe my numbers would triple or something. Wednesday is really the earliest I should use it but then I think if I can hold out for even one more day the line would be that much better.

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