Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

Yeah, but the monitor is supposed to warn you two days in advance that you are going to O, not the day of. Last month it was exactly right. I got a peak the next day I O'd based on temps.

It CAN warn you, it doesnt always. In the instructions it says that you may not get a peak.

" in some cases the Monitor may not show Peak Fertility even when ovulation occurs " from them.

From my experience, i did not get peak, only low and high and i ovulated and got BFP. Last cycle with the CBadvanced digi, i went straight from low to peak, no highs.

these are just guides, not guarantees.

Yes, I know the line on the end is the estrogen line, I've already had several estrogen "surges" this is darkest the LH line has been so thus far with the advanced monitor but I was using the old one last month, so maybe that's why..... I'm going to do another test in an hour on the old monitor to see what it hold in store for me. The latest I've O'd according to FF is CD21, so we still haven't reached that yet. That was my CP cycle though.....so I'm not feeling good about this.
My advanced monitor every morning, says that it has already detected a surge in estrogen and is looking for LH now..... if that makes any sense to you. lol
My advanced monitor every morning, says that it has already detected a surge in estrogen and is looking for LH now..... if that makes any sense to you. lol

yes, thats why you have the high readings.

Hopefully soon youll see a peak. Im going to guess within the week, not the next couple days based on your LH color.
So, here is my wondfo from my third dip today. CBFM gave another high, :cry: , But this wondfo is looking promising like maybe withing the next 2-3days right?


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So, here is my wondfo from my third dip today. CBFM gave another high, :cry: , But this wondfo is looking promising like maybe withing the next 2-3days right?

getting closer, you may just O tomorrow! I am close too! Here are mine from today!


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So, here is my wondfo from my third dip today. CBFM gave another high, :cry: , But this wondfo is looking promising like maybe withing the next 2-3days right?

getting closer, you may just O tomorrow! I am close too! Here are mine from today!

Wow!!! "YaY!" Maybe we will be "O" buddies and be able to do the TWW day by day together!!!! That would be too cool. I had loads of clear very fertile EWCM tonight, so of course I took full advantage of it ;) We will be BDing tomorrow night as well (or day) lol. But probably the night, so his swimmer's can "recoup" and deliver proper little soldiers. I got my reading back from "Star", I've actually developed an email relationship with her, besides the psychic stuff, and I really like her. My reading was really great too. She said she saw me conceiving soon, and included a candle ritual to do to increase my fertility and speed up the conception. I'll post next the full reading. I responded back to her though, bc it wasn't included in the reading, if she had a more specific time frame then "very soon". I'm sure she will email back with a more specific date. I'm really excited though. She says it will be a girl, which I was actually hoping for a boy so we would have one of each, but I would be very happy with another girl! It's so cool. It really gave me hope and made me excited for this cycle and the next few ones, which really is what I needed, I just needed to hear from someone else, if that makes any sense at all?
***THIS IS THE ENTIRE READING, HOPE YOU LADIES ENJOY*** (Btw, I actually asked her if she wouldn't mind emailing a "copy" of the recording she did while she was reading and all, and she is totally going to send it me. I feel like there will be some more details in the recording, and I just need to actually hear it, I can't explain it. But I'm super excited to get the voicemail with the recording attached!!!)

Dear Amber

Many thanks for choosing me to read I do hope you find your reading of interest

Your pregnancy reading is as follows.

I do hope that this reading will help in some small way, I will first explain how I read through email which I do attach to all my readings.

I first meditate around you and lay cards to assist with my connections I then dictate your reading onto my Dictaphone and then type your reading out , I also connect with sprit whilst I meditate and they show me visions of the children I have been shown around you with a clear vision of a fertilized egg or not if I did not see any other children and around the aura an initials of the month that I see positive results around you and at times dates are also shown , when I say positive this can be Conception , birth , or first scan date , I thought I should mention this because I have had emails from ladies saying that yes I was correct but it was connected to the scan , I do hope you enjoy your reading .

I have connected for you this evening and have been shown a conception for you I connect around pink auras for this little one Amber so I give a baby girl.

A few details of how your pregnancy birth and child character as shown to me through spirit connections and baby cards.

I have been shown a birth weight of 7 pounds 6 ounces and I feel that she will be born in the early hours of a Saturday morning , I have been shown a labor that may take a little out of you at the time and feel that this labor may take between 11-15 hours and it may also be discussed that you may need assistance with the delivery such as a c section but I don’t feel that this will be needed as she suddenly decides she is making her own way through , please don’t worry over this as all will go well and you will be fine it’s just I pass this on because your baby’s birth will be a natural birth but spirit wanted me to see the c section and pass this on to you because we know it will all be fine so please don’t worry you will be in awe of your baby Amber especially when they pass her to you , she will I feel have a good set of lungs on her and will make sure she is heard she will be a contented baby , and is just beautiful .

She will settle well for you and will fall into a routine quite quickly I feel she will be one of those babies that prefers a little noise around her rather than complete silence a sleep times and will also love music playing. I also connect with her being a little wriggler when trying to feed or dress her but you will find a way and have lots of helpers around with you other children eagerly trying to assist.

I feel as she grows she will be a positive confident child.

I see her mixing well with others and will enjoy school once she is there but may make a few excuses to why she shouldn't go on certain days , as she loves to be around you and doesn't like missing out on things .

I feel that she may go into a profession that requires attention to detail, this could be around Arts or design, she will be a popular young lady and will I feel be very pretty in looks.

I do feel things will all start gelling together soon but I need to pass on that I feel at times you may try to please people a little too much just try to relax a little and even hold back on emotions at times and by doing this I do feel that you will see a stronger bond between you and those you love. I do see happiness coming forward for you Amber you will be content soon x

Spell Cast and instructions.

This evening at 20.33pm, your fertility spell was cast this spell is unique to you.

The evening was dry and warm with a clear sky

Your next monthly cycle will show renewal and all that comes from your body will be refreshed in preparation for conception of your baby.

When you are ready please light one white candle on

Day 1 day 0ne can be any day you wish to begin. Allow the candle to burn for 2 minutes and please light the candle in a safe place as it burns hold your stomach and visualize your baby, say the word renew in your mind as the candle burns. After 2 minutes blow out the candle and take deep breaths relaxing.

Day 2 do nothing just try to relax

Day 3 repeat as day one

Day 4 light a red candle and let it burn for 2 minutes repeat the word Kapa to yourself over and over as the candle burns. After 2 minutes blow out the candle and imagine the image of you with you holding your baby ……………………….. Your spell is now complete. Try to go about your daily routine as normal but every now and again say the word renew renew renew………………

My thoughts and prays are with you , please remember this spell can take up to 3-9 months before you hear positive news but I do know that you will hold the baby that you imagined on your life’s pathway.

Please feel free to keep in touch with updates.
So, here is my wondfo from my third dip today. CBFM gave another high, :cry: , But this wondfo is looking promising like maybe withing the next 2-3days right?

getting closer, you may just O tomorrow! I am close too! Here are mine from today!

Oh, and just curious, what kind of LG strips are you using?

Cb Pink handle
$ Tree

and boy her readings sure have changed...

What does that mean? Just curious......:shrug:
So these are from my morning's bout of testing. I'm going a little nuts with the tests sticks bc I have several boxes and seeing if the different lots give different results, which in fact they do...which is probably why they suggest staying within the same box per cycle :dohh:...... Anyways, This is how crappy my FMU is the two wondfo's- bottom one is FMU top is my SMU. Then the CBFS's are all from my SMU just different test lots. The bottom one is the one that actually went into the advanced monitor and yet again, another fing High reading....wtf? I did have another pretty significant temp drop this morning and last night I had LOTs of clear VERY FERTILE EWCM. Like way loads more then normal. We took full advantage. Still waiting to do my second test of the day, so we will see what that monitor says.....to be continued. The other pick is the progression of the wondfo's the bottom two are SMU the dark one, FMU the very bottom, and the two top ones are from the day before yesterday, the rest are yesterdays.


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The one Wondfo is +, the darkest one.

Maybe you had a short LH surge this cycle?
The one Wondfo is +, the darkest one.

Maybe you had a short LH surge this cycle?

I don't think it's positive just yet. I think it will be tonight though. I've had them get darker then that. What did you mean by saying that her readings have changed? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
The one Wondfo is +, the darkest one.

Maybe you had a short LH surge this cycle?

I don't think it's positive just yet. I think it will be tonight though. I've had them get darker then that. What did you mean by saying that her readings have changed? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

her readings were much shorter and more detailed.

hopefully tonight then. Mine so far today are darker but still reading low/high and BFN. We got in BD last night and ill have to skip tonight if i want anything tomorrow. :winkwink:
OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! :happydance: :wohoo: :happydance: I finally did it!!! I got a PEAK just now on my old monitor (it's the one with my last cycle stored in it to, the advanced is only on one cycle so far) I'm SO relieved, you have no clue, well, actually I'm sure you all know EXACTLY how I feel but let me tell, while I'm experiencing it now- IT'S AMAZING (this is where I would put the confetti bomb emoji, lol, if we had one wink, wink)


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And, yes, I was so excited to finally see PEAK FERTILITY, if I'm being honest I did dance around the room with my toddler to a song playing on Transylvania 2 :blush: HAHA
You are supposed to use FMU. Maybe im confused. Was this just now or this morning?
Yes, you are "supposed" to use FMU- But as you can see my FMU is rubbish, always has been, that's why I've been double testing with both monitors, one with FMU and the other later in the day with SMU/TMU depending, but I will test with the advanced tomorrow morning just to see if it finally gives me a Peak. I was conducting an "experiment" if you will. Bc if the Advanced does not give me a peak this whole cycle and I am right about Oing today, then I would of missed my window had I only been testing with FMU. Does that make sense. Not everyone is exactly the same, and I don't think that across the board that it's possible for FMU to be "perfect" for every woman, so I decided to test it. BTW- I just did another wondfo and it's already back to light like before it peaked, so it's either diluted urine or I had a very short surge that the advance will miss bc I was using FMU with it.
Yes, you are "supposed" to use FMU- But as you can see my FMU is rubbish, always has been, that's why I've been double testing with both monitors, one with FMU and the other later in the day with SMU/TMU depending, but I will test with the advanced tomorrow morning just to see if it finally gives me a Peak. I was conducting an "experiment" if you will. Bc if the Advanced does not give me a peak this whole cycle and I am right about Oing today, then I would of missed my window had I only been testing with FMU. Does that make sense. Not everyone is exactly the same, and I don't think that across the board that it's possible for FMU to be "perfect" for every woman, so I decided to test it. BTW- I just did another wondfo and it's already back to light like before it peaked, so it's either diluted urine or I had a very short surge that the advance will miss bc I was using FMU with it.

If you use it outside of when its supposed to be, wont it give a false reading?

their site says " Do I have to use my first urine of the day to do the tests?
It’s important for you to use your first urine after sleeping as this contains the highest concentration of hormones."

"It should be set so it's convenient for you to test the first urine of the day."

Maybe in their studies most women used FMU and thats why. :shrug: Interesting experiment though!
Yes, you are "supposed" to use FMU- But as you can see my FMU is rubbish, always has been, that's why I've been double testing with both monitors, one with FMU and the other later in the day with SMU/TMU depending, but I will test with the advanced tomorrow morning just to see if it finally gives me a Peak. I was conducting an "experiment" if you will. Bc if the Advanced does not give me a peak this whole cycle and I am right about Oing today, then I would of missed my window had I only been testing with FMU. Does that make sense. Not everyone is exactly the same, and I don't think that across the board that it's possible for FMU to be "perfect" for every woman, so I decided to test it. BTW- I just did another wondfo and it's already back to light like before it peaked, so it's either diluted urine or I had a very short surge that the advance will miss bc I was using FMU with it.

If you use it outside of when its supposed to be, wont it give a false reading?

their site says " Do I have to use my first urine of the day to do the tests?
It’s important for you to use your first urine after sleeping as this contains the highest concentration of hormones."

"It should be set so it's convenient for you to test the first urine of the day."

Maybe in their studies most women used FMU and thats why. :shrug: Interesting experiment though!

Not every one has the most concentrated hormones in their FMU, LH actually builds up over night, but normally isn't released into the urine until the afternoon or evening - When do you do your LH testing what time of day do you normally get a smiley or a positive?

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