Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

By bleeding stopping they meant proper flow not spotting
I haven't taken a hpt yet. I almost did this morning. It's just hard to see, you know? I stopped with a regular flow about 5 days ago. So, maybe I'm on my way now.
I think your doctor may have been wrong about the less than 5 hcg thing. I only billed for a little more than a week but j for positive hpt test for 3 weeks :(
I haven't taken a hpt yet. I almost did this morning. It's just hard to see, you know? I stopped with a regular flow about 5 days ago. So, maybe I'm on my way now.

Hard though it is I would do it - lingering hcg is a sign of incomplete MC, which would need treating before you can conceive again.

But Ye I reckon you may need to give it 5-10 days before you worry about not ovulating
My first loss at 13 weeks dragged on almost 3 months. There was a bit of tissue that didn't pass which the doctors didn't know about. :/ It could be worth looking into if things don't get back to normal soon. :hugs:
AF showed this afternoon :/I'm obviously bummed, but trying to stay optimistic!

1. I'm going to focus on getting healthier! I've already cut out gluten because I've noticed I have trouble digesting it.

2. I started a gym membership a month or so ago, but with the holidays I got a bit off track. I want to start working out at least 3 times a week for 1 hour!

3. I don't currently work. I always planned to stay home with the children, and with each pregnancy I ended up on bedrest so we decided it was best to not work (I only worked part time). I expected to be pregnant again by now, it's been almost 6months. Since I'm not, I thought maybe I'd try to find something to part time. I applied for my substitute teaching license today, hopefully it doesn't take long to get processed! I think it would be a nice job, in that I could control my schedule and go in on days I wanted.

4. I'm going to start my raspberry leaf capsules again, and plan to BD every other day once af leaves. I'd love to say I'm going to start temping, but I never can stick with it. I get up a lot to use the bathroom throughout the night, and can't always sleep very well, so never wake up at the same time every morning.

Anyway, just want to get that all written down so maybe I have some accountability...especially with working out :haha:
I had my MMC on Dec 20th, and I log in a LOT. I have for months. Maybe even more than a year now. Here's to rainbow babies for all of us. I'm really depressed today about it for some reason. Maybe it's because it's been 16 days since my MMC and I'm still stark white on the LH stick.

I can totally relate i went through a depression after my MMC and still have weeks that are really tough. it took my body 7 weeks for me to get rid of all the hcg in my body which was rough waiting that long
Tc- as I said in my first post were doing the ntnp thing for a couple months to try and relax and in that time I want to loose about 20-25 pounds since I know it can help with fertility. Anywho I just did my first workout! I think we should try and keep each other accountable.
Yay! Let's do it! Is there a specific workout you've been doing?
There's an eight week challenge on toneitup.com that started today and I'm doing that since it's free and they tell you what to do every day. Lol
What do you plan on doing?
I just looked into that, seems good! :) Well like I said I joined a gym because I thought if I actually put money towards something, I'd be more motivated to use it. Nope! :haha: I mean I go, just not as often as I'd really like to. I tried to get my mom and sister to join so we could workout together. It's so hard to get motivated! I do like that they have an indoor gym, I like to walk/jog that. If taken a few different fitness classes but haven't found one I really like. Maybe I'll try zumba next.
I was just telling a coworker today I want to try cycling. I'm super out of shape so I'm scared I'll be terrible but I'd love to try.

I just checked cm and looks like AF will be here tomorrow. Right on time on cd 29 like always. Only problem is I never ovulated.
Positive HPT this morning. :cry: I just want to move on.

As for weight loss, I'm doing a couple of weight loss challenges.


TTC74, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'm glad you decided to join us.

MsGreen and tcinks - I just joined a gym two weeks ago! If nothing else, it's been very good for releasing endorphins and helping me to not feel so depressed all the time. I also have about 20lbs to lose to get back to what I weighed last spring. I have never been a gym-going kind of person. I always just liked hiking and biking outside and while I wasn't totally out of shape before, I wasn't exactly "fit" either. But, I have so much unexpected free time (I'm still on maternity leave, vicious irony) I decided I'd better put it to good use for my own mental health. After two weeks going to the gym 3x a week, I feel like I've already felt a BIG improvement in my endurance and strength. One thing I would suggest, be sure to include strength training and not just cardio. Don't be afraid to lift heavy! It won't make you too bulky, I promise. But, the extra muscle mass will help avoid GD during pregnancy because it reduces insulin resistance. My local gym offered a very nice intro program that comes with a couple free sessions with a personal trainer, and that has been super helpful to help keep me accountable. Before the gym, I was just doing free weights and workout videos at home for two weeks, and that was working too as long as I remembered to actually do it.
Ms Green, regarding cycling classes - go for it! I was doing a spin class when I got pregnant last spring, so I feel like it's lucky lol. But seriously, it's just a great way to get started with cardio because no one knows what resistance you have the bike set to except yourself. So, it was easy for me to dial things back when I was first getting started without the embarrassment of feeling like the class had left me behind. I do recommend padded shorts though if you're new to cycling. The sore bum can be a little hard to overcome the first few sessions.

MsH thank you for giving us the update. I've been thinking about you a lot these past few days and wondering how you were doing. I'm glad they're going to do some follow up testing to confirm if that really is the issue. Hopefully, insurance will cover things. I also really like tcinks idea - I too know women who were told they would never conceive naturally who one day had a big surprise! :)

As for myself, I'm pretty sure I'm going to start AF in a couple days. I'm ok with that. We weren't technically supposed to be trying this cycle anyway. But you know, I'm probably going to poas tomorrow too! lol
TTC74, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'm glad you decided to join us.

MsGreen and tcinks - I just joined a gym two weeks ago! If nothing else, it's been very good for releasing endorphins and helping me to not feel so depressed all the time. I also have about 20lbs to lose to get back to what I weighed last spring. I have never been a gym-going kind of person. I always just liked hiking and biking outside and while I wasn't totally out of shape before, I wasn't exactly "fit" either. But, I have so much unexpected free time (I'm still on maternity leave, vicious irony) I decided I'd better put it to good use for my own mental health. After two weeks going to the gym 3x a week, I feel like I've already felt a BIG improvement in my endurance and strength. One thing I would suggest, be sure to include strength training and not just cardio. Don't be afraid to lift heavy! It won't make you too bulky, I promise. But, the extra muscle mass will help avoid GD during pregnancy because it reduces insulin resistance. My local gym offered a very nice intro program that comes with a couple free sessions with a personal trainer, and that has been super helpful to help keep me accountable. Before the gym, I was just doing free weights and workout videos at home for two weeks, and that was working too as long as I remembered to actually do it.
Ms Green, regarding cycling classes - go for it! I was doing a spin class when I got pregnant last spring, so I feel like it's lucky lol. But seriously, it's just a great way to get started with cardio because no one knows what resistance you have the bike set to except yourself. So, it was easy for me to dial things back when I was first getting started without the embarrassment of feeling like the class had left me behind. I do recommend padded shorts though if you're new to cycling. The sore bum can be a little hard to overcome the first few sessions.

MsH thank you for giving us the update. I've been thinking about you a lot these past few days and wondering how you were doing. I'm glad they're going to do some follow up testing to confirm if that really is the issue. Hopefully, insurance will cover things. I also really like tcinks idea - I too know women who were told they would never conceive naturally who one day had a big surprise! :)

As for myself, I'm pretty sure I'm going to start AF in a couple days. I'm ok with that. We weren't technically supposed to be trying this cycle anyway. But you know, I'm probably going to poas tomorrow too! lol

Uni - Thanks Girl. :hugs: We are keeping a positive mind about things. My love is down for whatever we need to do, LOL, def my biggest supporter and fan. God, I love that man. So for now, Anything can happen and all deals are off until AF shows every month :thumbup: The not so loved AF is due today so I'm just waiting for unwanted behind to come and go already.. LOL! Once AF is done I will call and make an appointment with the specialist to have the HSG test and the other panels run so we can discuss our options. It looks like my insurance may cover some of the procedures that we COULD need and there are discount programs, grants and loans that are always an option.

Just wanted to say a special thanks to Uni and all of you ladies. This group has helped. I was pretty destroyed after my doc appointment, but that may have been AF emotions... And all weekend I kept thinking "F U mother nature and your evil ways..." LOL But I had my own lil pity party and now I'm done. Time to get to getting.. LOL

:dust::dust::dust: Good things come in threes, right? So lets get some BFPs going so the luck can rub off on the rest of us! C'Mon 2016 babies!
Hey ladies, I lost almost 40 lbs since June... I was at 174 lbs. (my absolute biggest, I am a small built woman at only about 5'1" and some change) I am now 137 lbs. and counting. All I did differently was I take Biotin, B complex (liquid) and Thermofit (from the It Works line, my sis sells) every morning. I also got a cheap jawbone (fitness tracker) from Walmart and set daily goals for myself. I have a desk job so I also set a reminder for every hour so I get up and move or walk for at least 10-15 minutes every hour or so depending what I'm working on and how involved I am. But it all seemed to really help me. I am a healthy eater naturally so I don't diet. I do however, have to watch my portions sometimes. I am truly a FATT KIDD at heart.. LOL Hope this helps Ladies. Keep me posted.
MsH that is SO inspiring!

I tend to do ok most of the time, till I eat an entire pizza by myself :p
Hahahaha Uni, I def feel ya. Been there.. LOL My mom sent us home with two pieces of thick cheese cake, one for me, one for my love.. Well, he didn't even get to look at this piece, I devoured it like it was nothing.. lol and let me tell you, it was sooooo good.. LOL

Best advice I can offer though, stay moving, even if you only pace your hallways a million times a day, just keep moving... that is the hardest part because most of us have desk jobs that don't require a lot of physical activity so we have to FORCE ourselves to get motivated to move more.
Hahahaha Uni, I def feel ya. Been there.. LOL My mom sent us home with two pieces of thick cheese cake, one for me, one for my love.. Well, he didn't even get to look at this piece, I devoured it like it was nothing.. lol and let me tell you, it was sooooo good.. LOL

Best advice I can offer though, stay moving, even if you only pace your hallways a million times a day, just keep moving... that is the hardest part because most of us have desk jobs that don't require a lot of physical activity so we have to FORCE ourselves to get motivated to move more.

Oh that made me laugh so hard. We had a similar incident at my house recently involving some chocolate fudge that was gifted to both of us. I did manage to leave my H one tiny little square, which I thought was a good display of willpower on my part! I'm not sure how I managed that lol

While I've always tried to be reasonably active, one thing kicking my butt lately is that during my pregnancy I developed gestational diabetes. They said I did a really good job keeping my numbers under control and that it didn't contribute at all to the outcome. But I can't help but wonder "if I hadn't eaten that ice cream the week before" blah blah.... but, what sucks now is that my fasting glucose is still higher than it was originally because of the extra 20 lbs I'm carrying around. If I end up with type 2 diabetes that puts me in a higher risk category :nope: I feel like I have so little control over what happened and what will happen, at least how active I am and what I eat are two things I can have total control over. So that's been very motivating.
Uni - My love and I are very cautious about diabetes. WE lost my Father-In-Law (God rest his soul) 2 yrs ago to diabetes. It was along struggle for him, but my husband is his mini-me (looks so much like his dad) that we try to be aware.. Doesn't help hubby has a sweet tooth like no other... LOL
BUT, YOU CAN DO IT. once you drop off some that extra weight, your numbers should go down quite a bit. Keep at it, you got this :0)

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