Looking for a bump buddy EDD March 27, 2012

Just a quick 1 from me for the mo, am back at work today after 2 weeks off, not looking forward to that, just wanted to say good luck today coco and greeneyes, ireally hope all is ok for you guys, will check back tonight to see how you got on xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey guys!

Had my scan all went well :) baby was measuring 9+4 and was kicking its legs about, so cute!

How is everyone? hope work is not too bad for you lexi :hugs:

Fab news coco that's really great!!

Did they say why you had the brown discharge?

How are you feeling these days, do you have much in the way of symptoms?

Work was well.... work, was hard getting up this morning, but gives me something to take my mind off how slow pregnancy seems to go! xxx
They said it must have been old implantation blood just working its way out :) it was only a very small amount last thursday and not had anything since.

Feeling much better but i did worry for a bit, babys heartbeat was going so fast even compared to last time, it was amazing :)

My symptoms have calmed down now, still sick when hungry and boobs still tender, only thing thats got worse is tiredness, having to have a nap most days now.

How about you, hows the symptoms?

when is your next scan again? my 12 week scan is on the 8th september now, seems ages away :(

My next scan is on Thursday to see how things are going then dating and nt scan is 19th September.

I'm not too bad with symptoms, feeling tired and bloated and need to eat something every 2-3 hrs, oh and weird dreams and peeing but apart from that not bad! xx

Was all ok greeneyes ? xx
Congrats Coco :) so glad things were ok! Bet u feel so much better now :D
Lexi: i know what u mean bout pregnancy seeming to b so slow i just wanna meet my lil one now! lol glad ur doing good :)
Im fine, i only spotted that one day and only lasted like 5 hrs or so then stopped right after i posted on here but i did call my midwife to let her know and she said pelvic rest which means no BDin lol but honestly been avoiding that anyways for the most part. she also called in a prescription of progesterone that ill have to take 2 times a day supposed to have a calming effect on my uterus or at leats thats how she put it. so now im waiting for my insurance to ok it cuz they dont usually pay for that so they need a reason from my dr b4 they will fill it. but otherwise feeling pretty good besides being tired ALL the time, sick feeling when hungry and im always hungry lol, having such weird dreams too lexi and i do mean WEIRD!, peeing all the time im up every few hrs so not sleeping very well but taking lots of naps to make up for it. had a bit of cramping but midwife assures me its just uterus growing. i have another appt on monday so gonna ask if she will let me have another scan at 12 weeks just to be sure things r ok, hoping she will let me have another one!
Hey guys

i'm afraid it's not good news for me, baby hasn't grown much since last scan and no longer has heartbeat :cry: i'm gutted.

A year ago today i was having an erpc and i will be having another 1 tom, that's 3 mc for me now, i hope they will do some tests now and find out what is going on.

Wishing you all the best xxx
Oh no, lexi i'm so sorry :hugs: hope you are ok.

They should do tests for you now. I had all the recurrent MC testing after my last MC so if you need any info let me know, i'm on asprin and heprin injections for this pregnancy and it seems to have done the trick

:hugs: thinking of you. xxx
Can you give me some info on what tests i should be asking for? I asked after the 2nd 1 and was just told to go away and try again it's bad luck!

Ive heard lots about aspirin and also nk cells, did you have the test for that?

I have Crohn's disease although haven't had a flare up in about 12 years and im wondering if that has a part to play.

I'm gutted but i dont even think its sunk in yet xx

I was tested for
-blood clotting factors, (APS, lupus)
-antibodies in blood ( i have RH- blood type too)
-karotyping (blood taken form me and hubby to check if one of us was ppassing down a faulty gene)
- thyroid function
-Full blood count
All in all i think i had 11 viles of blood taken and 1 taken form hubby.
I also had:
-vaginal swab to check for infection

After the bloods the next step is to do a hysteroscopy to check womb structure for abnormalities.

I didnt have the NK cells test as i dont think its offered anywhere here but have heard people on the forums talking about it.

All my tests came back normal, but my gyne is treating me for a blood clotting (asprin + heprin combo) as she said that there are still blood clotting disorders that have not been discovered and that sometimes they are missed in bloods as they only show up in the blood when you are pregnant. It seems to be working in my case.

Hope this helps a little.
Thanks for the info am gona make a note of everything before i see the gp xx
Oh no Lexi im so sorry sweetie :( i was really hoping this time was going to go good for u. also ask ur dr about progesterone when u do get pregnant again taking a supplement can help maintain a pregnancy thats one reason they prescribed it for me. if u need to talk hun im here for u anytime, im so sorry u have to go through this again. {{{BIG HUGS}}}
Having some very weird twinges around my pelvic bone, not really sure what it is but its not hurting me so im just going to assume its my uterus stretching. got another appt on monday so ill go over it then with the midwife, and ask for another scan. how s everyone else feeling?
hey hun, i have been getting weird twinges and pains too, think its stretching :)

I'm good, sickness returned yesterday but feeling good today, just counting down the days till 12 week scan, feels like its taking forever :( i still feel nervous alot of the time even though i had a scan on monday, its very annoying that i cant just relax! xxxx
Ya im thinking its stretching too but like u said its so hard not to worry at times... i have another appt on monday as long as the weather is ok cuz we r getting some of the tropical storm weather from hurricane irene right now so gotta see what happens, im hoping i get in on monday cuz i havent had an appt since my midwife put me on the progesterone supplement so really wanna talk to her and try to convince her i need another scan mostly for my own piece of mind cuz if i have to wait till nov. for my 20 week scan i know im gonna go crazy lol my sickness comes and goes too but from what i read thats common so im not too worried bout that i just wanna see my lil one again so i can see with my own eyes that everything is ok u know?
my dr appt was rescheduled for thursday :( ugh 3 more days to wait now!
ok seen my midwife today and heard the heartbeat :) AND talked her into another ultrasound which is scheduled for Tuesday so ill update pis then. i feel so much better after hearing the babys heartbeat today cuz i was getting worried especially when it took her a few min to find it but baby was moving so much she had ahard time listening to it for more then a few seconds lol cant wait for tuesday! how r u feeling coco? when is ur next scan?
yay! thats great! hope you feel more relaxed now :)

My next scan is 12 week one next thursday :) feel nervous already, eek

Will let you know how i get on.

I hope you get another scan, seems like way too long to wait till next one. xx
I'm so sorry lexi *hugs*

I had my booking appointment on tuesday evening, we got a surprise scan, had no idea I was getting a scan lol.

Would like to post a pic to show you guys, but perhaps now isn't the best time in this thread due to the sad circumstances.

Anyhow appointment went really well, came home with bounty packs, lots of leaflets and a big book of pregnancy information.

Next appointment is in 2 weeks with consultant for dating scan, can't wait.

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