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Looking for buddies who also have unpredictable cycles....

Hey! Its been a while since I last posted here! Whats up? What did I miss??

I kind of forgot what I told you last time. Back in june after a heavy fight DH and I separated for about 2 or 3 weeks, but things are back to normal..

We´re not TTC at all, so now we´re on the NTNP swing...

These weeks I have not been feeling good... after a migraine that lasted an entire weeked, I got some blood tests, and got as a result that I have low sugar, meaning I have to eat more often, and also seems like I might get hipotyroidism (sp?), so I want to get that checked with a doctor this week..
So besides being sick, theres nothing else new in my life!

Sorry I've not been around. We went back to ntnp instead of actively ttc, so I've not been on here as I've been focusing my attention elsewhere.

Hope everyone is doing well!!:hugs::flower:
Hey Eternity! :hi:

Yes, its been a while! How is NTNP working for you? Im suppossed to be on that path as well!
It's certainly a lot less stressful, but no results yet lol.
Kind of not been too bothered though, really we could do with working on timing a bit better lol!

How's it going for you?
Hi Eternity and Pola, I'm really glad that ntnp has been less stressful for you. I understand the timing thing though. That's kinda where we've been the last couple months too.
Pola how are you doing?
Im ok!! same old, same old, but defenitelly NTNP has been much better for us...
Im no longer depressed, and Im more optimistic! Which is good!

whats new with you??
Hey sorry internet acting up. But sadly nothing new with me. The ntnp helped relieve stress for a couple months but now back to being emotional and depressed all the time. I'm pretty sure I missed o this time so I already feel out this month. (I guess I'll know next week) but trying to find all the good things about not being pregnant yet. (there aren't many and don't seem good enough). Trying to find a hobby for when I'm home and have too much time to think but so far no good.

Hope everyone is having a good week!
Thank you!

And yes, it is difficult to spend some cycles without that BFP! :hugs:

I asked DH to adopt a pet... a cat or dog to keep my mind busy! Im also cooking more than usual... this is helping me distract! :)
I would love to have a dog but our apartment won't allow them and Dh doesn't want one til we own our own home and have an outside for it to run around in.

Spotting started on Thursday so I should be starting tomorrow or the next day. So today I'm gonna stop at the store and buy some opks and mucinex. I need to feel like I'm doing something, even though I know in the end I really have no control. Plus if it doesn't happen in the next couple months might be scheduling an infertility appointment and they won't really do anything until you've tried them. So just gonna get that outta the way now.

Where you ladies at in your cycles?
Hey pola your one day ahead of me. Got my mucinex and gonna get my opks tomorrow after work. Was going to buy them the other day but I couldn't find the 20 pack at any store. So I'm just gonna go with the pack of 7 and not test twice a day.

Hope your doing good eternity!
Hey Mattsgirl! Lucky you! I cant get ovulation predictor kits in Ecuador! And if I buy them online, with the shipping and all, it gets pretty expensive!

Im on CD6, and today is my last clomid day. I switched my clomid days from cd5-9 to CD2-6, and so far Ive seen results.
Usually my preriods are 6 days long. From CD1-3 bleeding is full, cd4-5 bleeding is normal, and cd6 bleeding is light.... since I took clomid on CD2, by CD3 my period was so light, that by cd4 I stopped using pads, and so far Ive had these light cramps I get prior ovulation.. Ill cross my fingers for you all and I! :winkwink:
Hey ladies, glad you're both keeping well!

Sorry I've been AWOL!

I'm currently cd38, no real symptoms and now I've decided that I really out to test in the morning I've started to get very very light spotting :shrug: so who knows lol ?! :wacko:
OOOO sounds promising Eternity!! My fingers are crossed for you! Time for one of us to get a :bfp:

Pola so glad that it seems to be working better this cycle (at least so far) Really hope it does the trick.

AFM I bought a pack of opks. Not only is there 7 tests but theyre the line ones and not the digital. I could have gone to a different store and got the 7 pack of digital but I knew if I kept putting it off like I have for the last couple months. So should be starting those next week. Still debating with myself as to which day to start. Because I only have 7 I don't want to start to early and run out before I o but dont want to start to late and miss it that way too. I think I have a general idea of when I o so how many days before that do you think I should start?
Good luck! Let´s hope youll get a BFP! :happydance:

I took my last clomid lastnight! :)
Well cd8 over here. According to ff I should be into my fertile window now.

No idea why I had such a stupid long cycle before - hope this ones more normal!!

We should be doing plenty of BDing though as at the weekend we went away and while away we saw a friend of ours with her new lil boy. I was (surprisingly) fine - hubby on the other hand was mega broody :haha:

How are you both doing?
FX you have a 9 months cycle this time!!

Started mucinex yesterday and also took my first opk. Opk was negative but no surprise, shouldn't turn positive until tomorrow. Hopefully I do get a positive and these weren't a waste of money. But I may have found something to keep me busy until it finally happens. I might be going back to school. If we can afford it and fit it in with work. But I'm really hoping it'll work out cuz I'm getting really excited.

Pola hope your doing good!
Oooh sounds good, what will you be studying?

I'm doing a long distance learning course (study from home) as I couldn't fit college in around work once they stopped doing the courses in the town where I live.

Definitely go for it though Mattsgirl, as chances are that's when you'll wind up preggo!!!:thumbup:

Pola, how has the clomid been working for you? Are you and your oh actively trying now?
hey Eeternity and Mattsgirl! :hi:

Eternity, was does broody means? :haha: sooooorry! Its just that English is not my first language!! :rofl: so you´re in your fertile days?? Hope this cycle is the one! :winkwink:

Mattsgirl, Im doing good! Seems like clomid is defenitelly doing its job! I dont know when Im exactly ovulating, I dont have OPKs, and I forgot to temp! :haha: but judging by CM, I either ovulated 2 days ago, yesterday, or today! DH and I have been :sex: since monday everynight! Im also wishing for this cycle to be at least normal! And what do you want to study??

Whats new girls??? Not so much is going on here! But maybe my FIL will move to my country on dec 20th, so december will be a hard month for us!

Hope you all are doing great! :flower:

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