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Looking for buddies who also have unpredictable cycles....

I really hope we all get our BFPs!!

I've had some nausea, but it was really bad yesterday but had cleared by lunchtime. Starting to feel a bit iffy now actually (8am) though I've been up for an hour and half feeling fine. Lots of twinges and cramping. Last couple of days bad lower backache.
Though my temps are fluctuating it did dip below coverline and then stay above it.
Increased thirst and weird taste in mouth.

But I still don't think this is it!! I think I want it so badly that my body is tricking me!
Hence why no testing yet! AF due around the 31st, so will try to hold out and see if she arrives or not first!!
It still would be brilliant though if this was it, as it's our wedding anniversary on the 5th and think a nice little gift-wrapped bfp would be soooo cool!

Sounds like you did enough and around the right time too mattsgirl! I have my FXed for you!!!
So for the first time since ttc I'm 99% sure of when I ovulated. So I'm 5 dpo today. I'm trying really really hard not to symptom spot but its really hard. I've had cramping the last 2 days. And I know its a little early but I haven't been feeling very well either. FXed that this is it for us eternity!!

Hope everyone else is doing good.
I really hope this is your cycle mattsgirl!!!

Personally I reckon the witch will get me, she's due in 2-3 days and I'm sure she's polishing her broomstick ready!!
I really hope she's not on her way eternity! And you get your bfp!

Afm af is due in a week, so just watching to see if I start spotting like usual. Had a little cramping this morning which is 6dpo. And my lower back has been hurting so fx that is a good sign!
......there was something else I was gonna tell you but I'm completely spacing and can't remember.
Lol, I do that all the time - think 'oh I must remember to tell whoever' then by the time I speak to that person it's gone!

Sounds promising!! It could've been implantation cramping!
So did you use OPKs to know when you Oed?

AF due tomorrow, will expect to see some spotting later, I've had other signs: in the week before I nearly always get clumsy and mix up my words, which has been happening so :shrug: she's gonna get me!
Just wish I knew why my lower back is agony and I get regular nausea.

I've got my fingers crossed for you!!
No I didn't use opks. I had major cramping in my ovaries (which I don't usually get) and a ton of ewcm (which I usually don't get either) then the next day completely dry. But I still haven't remembered what I was gonna tell you. This morning I woke up and my boobs feel a lot heavier and are kinda sore. I know its a little early to be pregnancy related but last night around 11 I got really really nausous. Which is weird but I never get nasous or throw up or anything like that.

I refuse to believe your out yet!
Hoping you o sooner this cycle!!! And it ends in a :bfp:
Go on ttcbean!! You catch that eggy!!!

Mattsgirl, how many dpo are you now? I've had nausea since really early (too early in my opinion). I am crossing my fingers so hard for you! I really hope this is it and you get your bfp!!

AFM, AF due today - am missing a couple of my tell-tale signs so she may not be here til later (it's only 7.50am!) or tomorrow.
But I have set a plan in place even though I don't think I'll need it: if no AF by bedtime tomorrow I will test first thing Thurs. Nothing gets the witch here quicker than taking a hpt lol!
Yea I know what you mean about the witch showing up as soon as you take an hpt. The last two times I actually took an hpt af showed up in a hours time. I'm praying this is it for you eternity.

Afm I'm 9dpo today with af due around Sunday, but last night dh and I messed around and when I went to the bathroom afterwards (sorry this is gonna be tmi) the stuff that came out was tinged pink. So af will probably be starting right on time. I hate that I spot for so long before hand. I don't even get to hope for the whole tww. It sucks!!
Welcome to this thread cmiclat!! It's horrible not knowing when to expect the witch, and I've heard that the first one or two cycles off of the pill can be really crazy. What CD were you on when you had your pos opk?
Are you using any fertility aids?

Mattsgirl, you are more than welcome, that's the great thing about BnB, is to learn and share!! Where abouts in your cycle are you now?
I'm sorry you had such a bad time at the BBQ! :hugs:

I was on CD 18 when I got my first +opk.
Hi there,

I am in the same boat with my periods everywhere. My cyclebcan be from 28 to 35 days.

I was always confused trying to detect O but could not pin point.

Instead of tracking and counting days, my Dr told me to BD every other day and not stress out trying to figure out cycle.

hope this helps. FX
Hey ladies just wanted to let you know that af showed up right on time on sunday.so onto cycle 16. Gods luck every one else this cycle.
My cycles can be 32 days to 65 days!!! Most recent was 25 days.. WTF this only started happening in november 2011... since then I have had 2 normal cycles... the rest have been bonkers :wacko:
Hi ladies. Can I join? I'm currently cd64, just started accunputure and fertilitea. My cycles are always irregular. Makes it so difficult doesnt it! Xx
Welcome to the new ladies on here. Before me and my dh started ttc my cycles were always regular (between 28 and 30 days) Then last year around july they went crazy so now they're anywhere between 28 and 56 days. Thankfully though the last couple cycles have gone back to 30 or 31 days. So yay! But still not able to get excited if I'm late cuz could just be a stupid cycle. Right now I'm just waiting for af to leave. She should be wrapping up in the next day or 2.

The last couple days I have been really emotional because my sister got married on friday (which was beautiful) and they are ntnp just gonna see what happens. But I just know that they are gonna fall pregnant right away. Not that I wouldn't be happy for her, I'll be exstatic. I just don't know how I'm going to handle it emotionally. Unfortunately I can't control my emotions as well as I wish I could. So I'm going to have a talk with her. She knows that we've been ttc for a while now with no luck and how upset its made me. So I'm just going to ask her not to tell me with a bunch of other people just because I don't know how I'm going to react. I'll make sure she knows how happy I'll be for her and she'll understand....(I hope). So FX'ed I can keep it together when the time comes.
:hi: ladies welcome to this thread!!

On cd9 for me. Having a laid back cycle as we are busy busy busy elsewhere.

Mattsgirl, it's great that your sister is understanding of your situation, and if they're only ntnp rather than ttc then it may not happen as quickly as you worry it might. Who knows you may even end up pg together with your sister!!
I know it might not happen right away for them but considering there has been five women that I know who started ttc after we did, get pregnant and already have their babies, I have a really hard time not thinking that its going to happen with her too. I would LOVE to be pregnant at the same time as. Her. My mom keeps saying that's why it hasn't happened yet. Because we are meant to be pregnant together. Hoping that's true. I'm getting really discouraged about ttc. Sometimes I just want to give up but I don't want to waste that time plus I don't think my braain would stop letting me anyway.
Hey ladies, just wanted to update and say I got my BFP yesterday at 12dpo!!

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