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Looking for buddies who also have unpredictable cycles....

Sorry Pola, I never think before I use slang!
Broody is that feeling you get inside when you see/hold a baby - that longing for one of your own.

Usually whenever anyone brings up the whole 'isn't it about time you had another kid' we manage to skirt around it and turn the conversation elsewhere (we are actually very good at that), but when hubby was holding this little baby boy he was so obvious. The baby's mum pointed it out and then asked him would he want a boy or girl, and he just said 'I really don't mind' - was so sweet!
awwwww your DH sounds like a sweet guy!

And its ok to use slang... that way I can learn more! :winkwink:

I think I already ovulated, but I will torture DH with one last sexay session :winkwink:

I still get tons of CM!
Hey ladies, eternity your dh does sound so very sweet. I love the way men get when they hold babies is soo cute.

But I want to go to cosmetology school. I know it sounds silly but its something that I really enoy. I also got my positive opk today!! Which is good because holding in your pee for 4 hours is aot harder than I thought it would be. But we've bd'ed everyday since Tuesday and we'll do it again tonight and tomorrow, and maybe Sunday just to be on the safe side. So fx it'll happen this month.
I'll cross my fingers!!! That positive opk sounds promising! :dance:
Hey ladies, How's everybody doing?

3dpo and feel really relaxed right now. FX I stay that way!
Hey!! Im good...

Im not sure what DPO Am I... I might be 4-6 DPO... Im not that relaxed, I got paranoid today! :wacko:
Whatcha paranoid about?

Oops meant I was 2dpo not 3. But my younger sister told me today that she's over a week late for her af but she's too scared to test. Her and her dh just got married and they're not trying and don't want a baby right now (and can't really afford it) but they're not preventing anything.....I'm trying really hard not to get upset. But easier said than done.
I know what you mean! :hugs: its so hard to not be upset about it! :hugs: :flower:

And, with "paranoid", I mean that I google diseases (like endometriosis), and then I convince myself I have that, and when I read the symptoms, I start feeling them! Im nuts! :wacko:
Hey ladies, I'm cd16, no idea how many dpo I am, but I'm fine with that :thumbup:

Hubby gave up smoking at the end of September and I must admit it seems to have increased his libido :sex::rofl:
And I caught him doing research into how long it takes for :spermy: to improve.

:hugs: Mattsgirl, has your sister tested yet? Such bad timing when you were feeling so positive too!!
Oh, and with regards to OPKs, yes it is incredibly difficult to hold for 4 hours - think I usually only lasted 3 and a half :blush:
Pola oh my gosh I know. I spot a week before my period actually starts so I googled it and it can be a sign of endo or poor egg quality ( both of those things run in my family). So now I'm freaking out thinking I have one or both of those things! Stupid google. Humans were not meant to have that much information at they're fingure tips.

No eternity she has tested yet. They don't get paid til Friday and can't afford to buy a test until then. That's so cool that your dh is doing research. I'm sure it helps knowing how much thattttc is on his mind too.
Yeah, google makes us paranoid! And I hate it!

Since the days I thought I Oed, I got mild cramping, now I barely feel something every now and then, I barely get CM, and boobs sore, but nothing special...

Whats new tho, is that Im not gassy, or bloated! And also boobies start soaring a few days before AF is due, and boobs have been soaring pretty much after O, but still, I really dont feel pregnany at all! :haha:

Also, pre AF days, I feel fat and ugly, and I feel ok... at moments pretty! :rofl: (thats REALLY noticiably new)

Whats up, ladies??

I should test by next tuesday/wednesday, if my calculation is correct! :winkwink:
Good Luck!!! Really hope this is it for you! Don't worry about not feeling pregnant, there really isn't a certain way your supposed to feel. Everybody is different and experiences different things. So maybe for you its not feeling anything.

Eternity, where are you at in your cycle?

AFM nothing new to report. AF is due in a week so spotting should start any day. FX'ed it won't though. My birthday is on the 15th and I would love that as a Birthday/Christmas present.
:hugs: Mattsgirl! I'm sure that's very difficult to handle, even though I have no doubt that you're happy for your sis!!
Maybe you are destined to be preg at the same time?!

Where abouts in your cycle are you?

I'm in the tww, so I'm not around as much as I need to stay distracted to avoid obsessing lol.

How about you Pola? How many dpo are you? I hope this is your BFP!
Mattsgirl :hugs: I know its difficult to have someone close pregnant! It happens to me all the time! :hugs: but we´re here for you!

Eternity I should test tomorrow... assuming I ovulated on the 12th or 13th of november, tomorrow should be 14 or 15 DPO.... I still get some very mild cramps every now and then, boobies soare, and last night I had a very vivid dream... but I present this is not the cycle! But lets see! DH Is buying tonight a HPT, so I can test tomorrow morning!

How was your weekend? :flower:
Pola those symptoms sound really promising!!

I'm 9dpo today. I was really hoping to be pregnant with her too because that would be awesome, but started spotting last night so af will be here by saturday if not earlier. I still have 8 months obviously to get pregnant and still be the same time but after 19 months of trying I don't see that happening.
She told me at the beginning of a work day (we work together) and so all day I was pushing back tears and just trying to be excited for her and talk about all the exciting things. On my lunch break I called DH and told him and he sounded excited for them. (my sisters husband is his brother, think I already told you that but just in case) but when I got home DH was a mess and we just spent the night holding each other crying. Then yesterday we went to church like we normally do but every time I would look at my mom and I would almost lose it. Because I knew that it was gonna be one of the best days of her life. Shes wanted a grandchild since my older sister got married 4 years ago. But thy wanted to wait a couple years first, then after a year and a half of marriage her husband got testicular cancer and now they can't have kids. Then when me and DH got married there was hope again because we didn't want to wait. But at the beginning of this year after my sis got engaged my mom kept making jokes about them getting pregnant first. And nows its happened. But I ended going to the bathroom at church and breaking down. So DH took me to the truck and we both cried some more.

I feel like I'm a terrible person because most of the time I can only think of all the reasons they don't deserve a baby right now. And driving down the street I see the 15 year old thats high on some kinda drug pregnant. It's just not fair. I feel like I'm letting DH down, because I know the spotting is some kinda sign that something is wrong. And DH feels like he's letting me down because he thinks something is wrong with him. I'm just so tired of feeling like we're never gonna have kids.

I'm sorry for the very long rant, I just really needed to get that off of my chest.
awww :hugs: you´re not a bad person for feeling this way! Is very normal!

I hope you can cheer up soon!

Something similar happened to me last year: my best friend got pregnant, and next day I got a fake BFP. When DH and I found out, we werent pregnant at all, I had a meltdown, and I ended up in therapy with DH... Its difficult to not get upset, but being depressed might make things worst... my BF ended up having her daughter who´s 3 months now, but I learned to be really happy for her!

:hugs: dont cry!

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