Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

baby headbutts my bladder all the time! Not funny when i'm in work stuck on a call! Haha
I always thought i'd have a massive bump by xmas....not going to happen though! Xx
I guess we're all a part of the teeny tiny bump committee. But not the teeny tiny titty committee ;) Do you guys have that expression?
He he!! Yep we are not in the tinny titty committee!!

How's everyone today? X
Could be a lot better, could be a lot worse. I slept terrible last night. I was tired but I couldn't shut off my brain/body. I myst have gotten up to pee 6 times before even falling aseep!! Then I was up like 6 more times throughout the night. Once at 3 (up for an hour) and then again at 5 (up for an hour) by the time it was time to wake up I was so cranky!! Tried to take a nap while my little one at work is sleeping but all I can think about it CHOCOLATE COOKIES and the fact that I don't have ANY:(!!!!!!
Oooo chocolate cookies!!! Yum yum!!

Sorry your sleep was bad last night, it's horrid when the mind just won't shut off, and the needing to pee so much just don't help!! How much longer have you got left at work today? How's your sickness today? X

I had nightmeres last night that my class today rioted and I was left shouting at them
and they just ignoring me!! Dream so much, just never feel rested. Hopeforly I'll dream of chocolate cookies tonight!!!
I had an awful day my pgp has got worse got to go doctors then be referred for physio...oh the joys!! xx
Sorry to hear about you pgp Jess. Hope you feel better soon.

Lou, I've been having bad dreams too. No fun!

Last night I slept pretty well, I didn't have to be at work early. But I woke up with a headache :(.

My sickness comes and goes but seems to peak mid-morning still. It's rough at work because I worry I could throw up at any moment. And I want to make myself eat but then I worry it won't stay down. The little girl I work with is so sweet. She's so concerned when I tell her my tummy hurts. Yesterday she kept asking me "your tummy feel better?" She even asked me way at the end of the day, long after I had talked about it. When I told her it was better she smiled and gave me a big hug :)

I'm really counting down the days till my ultrasound now! 12 to go!
The little girl seems so sweet! And so caring, bless her. Glad you slept better last night. Really hope your sickness starts to get better real soon, can't belive it's dragging on so long for you, you must be so fed up!

One more day for me, and after a very hard term am very happy. Just wish my huge rash Would go so I could stop being an ichy mess!!

Jess sorry about your pgp. Did they say how long it will take to refer you?

You would never think so many aliments go along with pregnancy!
I know..i feel like i'm falling apart!haha

The doctor did the referral today so hopefully will hear off them in the next week or 2 (more likely 2 weeks what with xmas coming up though) xxx
Lou, how much time do you get off. I'm not sure if I ever asked what you teach? Yes, the little girl i take care of is a total sweetheart. It's a major relieve after working with my last family. They had 2 girls and they were both brats (I never like to call kids this, but in this case it's the only word to use). The mom let them walk all over her so it was really hard to get any respect. The youngest would have screaming tantrums any time something didn't go her way. We're talking screaming at the top of her lungs for an hour if I made the "wrong" shape of pasta. I didn't ever think I would be a nanny for this long. But honestly the pay is better than I made teaching! I left my teaching position to pursue my master degree and since then I haven't been able to find a job in my field. I want to be a children's librarian. If in fact we do end up moving, the job opportunities will be much better for me. Sorry if I already told you guys all of this.

Anyway, I consider myself very lucky to have a good job with a little girl that's a dream. For being 2 she is so thoughtful and empathetic towards others. I hope I can teach my LO to have the same qualities :). PLus, since I'm probably having a boy it's nice to get in some girl time ;). Ballet classes, dresses, hair styling, etc.

I'm surprised your rash is stil around. Did the Dr. give you some cream or something to use?

I m hopeful my nausea is on it's way out. Most days it doesn't stick around all day anymore. It's mostly in the morning and lunch time. I'm just looking forward to the day I can start a meal and not have to think about where the nearest bathroom is ;).

Well after I get off work tonight I only work 2 days next week and then I'm off for a bit! I'm really looking forward to the break and starting to get some baby things!
i get 2 weeks off, well go back 5th Jan, so just over 2 weeks this time. I teach law and business studies.

so glad you've got a nice family now - the last ones sound like a nightmere!

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend. I've come down with a cold, so on the sofa under a blanket. It's freezing out, -7, and snow and ice everywhere, so not facying walking the dog today!!
Lou, I hope you feel better soon. At least you don't have to go into work :). Although it sucks to waste precious vacation time sick on the couch.

Jess, how have you been feeling?

I've been really depressed today. I haven't been very hormonal or moody up to this point. Today my sister was being kind of mean and then my husband lost his temper because I interupted him in the middle of a business call. After that I went in the shower and cried my eyes out and after that I was in a funk all day. I'm just down in the dumps. My sister was being really snotty about the fact I still have morning sickness. She was saying how I must not be as "strong" as her because she's been so healthy and feels so great at nine months pregnant. Then when I tried to keep it positive and told her the sickness is actually a good sign that the baby is healthy she said "that's just what you sickies tell yourselves to feel better" She's such a know it all. I thought I was really going to enjoy being pregnant together but for her it's all a competition or something. I'm worried how it will be when our boys are here. I wish she could just be supportive. It's not like I moan about it to her all the time. I just tell her how I'm feeling when she asks. But she doesn't seem to care.

I really have tried to remain positive, but lately it's as if everyone is trying to drag me down telling me bad stories about other preggos or just being mean. Maybe I am more sensitive than usual but I just don't see why people feel the need to tell me their horror stories about some friend/relative that had a bad pregnancy experience. On top of that I worry that I'm not gaining any weight and really not showing at all. This is yet another thing my sister reminds me of because her baby is huge and she showed pretty early.

Sorry for venting guys. I really hope to be back to my old positive self soon :). I feel like I have PMS, so I guess it must be hormones. Have you guys had days like this. On the bright side my DH did not get the job so we won't be moving. We are both relieved actually.

I just keep reminding myself of all that I have to be thankful for. The amazing miracle going on in my body should be enough to lift me out of my slump :). I think my ultrasound next week will cheer me up too!
Yeah it's bit rubbish as wanted to be going out and about. still met my friend with her little baby boy for lunch which was nice, she just had to listen harder as my voice was going. so nice to see him and her, our babys will be in the same year at school which is lovely as was going to have the twins the month before her so would have been roughly same ages, so in the end i'm not too far behind her and can go for play dates so very happy!

Sorry your feeling so low mama2b. Think it's hard for people who have not experienced the sickness and how much it takes it out of you. Every pregnanacy is different so she may experience it if she decides to have a 2nd, and then understand how your feeling. Your babies won't be too far apart so hopeforly be a lovely experience to have together.

In reference to other people telling stories, i just don't know what they get from it! I try to just ignore them, but not sure why they think its ok. I've been told some things you just don't need to hear! Maybe they just don't think before they speak!

Don't worry about the weight gain, i've gained 2lbs, sometimes 1lb depending on the day. Prob lost that now i'm ill again. My friend today said it starts to 'pop' at 22 weeks. I have no real bump at all, but feels hard and slightly bump like below my belly button when i lay down so guessing something is growing. Think everyone is different, but looking at the bump pics section really shows the difference, tons of bump envy!

Hope your feeling better today, don't feel bad for having a bad day. lots of extra hormones make things harder. big :hugs:

Hows jess doing?
Thanks Lou! Thats so nice to have a friend with a bay close in age. My sister and friend who are both pregnant now live far away. Otherwise I have some friends with older babies but no one else around whose pregnant or with a LO now. But I have a few friends who are trying, so we'll see what happens. It would be great to have some friends to have play dates with.

I had a better day today, in spite of not getting much sleep last night. I am really looking forward to a break. My boss asked me how much I was to work while they're away and thankfully she left it up to me because I can't see wanting to work any more than 1-2 days. At least I can save the vacation days for another time. I booked my flight for next month, I will be going back when my sisters baby comes! She's almost ready to POP! Maybe she was just hormonal yesterday too. But her comments were pretty typical. Maybe motherhood will mellow her out a bit....I hope!

Well tomorrow's my "last" day of work, so I am looking forward to some rest. And my house looks like a bomb hit it!!

Hope you're both feeling well :). 6 days till my scan!!
how was your last day? how long do you have off now over the festive period? Glad your feeling better, think the hormones just get the better of us some days! When are you flying back? when is she due?

not long till your scan now! very exciting! you getting confirmation of the gender?

AFM it's 4am here, my throats so sore it kept waking me up every half hour so i just got up to see if i can ease it. not luck so far, after a honey and lemon and now a tea. went to docs and they said i have lyrengitus so lots of hot fluids and rest. 2 days before christmas -really hope i shake it as have no appitite and was sick again yesterday.
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. NO fun at all! Hopefully with a little rest you'll be feeling better for Christmas. Are you spending it with family?

I am off the rest of the week but then I have to work on Monday and possibly Wednesday too. She left it up to me but I have a stack of work to do and it would be nice to get it done. It's not too bad because my DH is working too. I'm flying Jan 21st-24th. I wonder how big I will be then. Well today was day 3 with no ms. This is important because I've only eer made it 2 days before! I felt a little sick in the morning but that was basically it. As long as I eat something every 3 hours I am good. I really hope this means the end of it for me!

I got off work early and did some shopping. I bought a few cute little baby things. I bought Dh a cute monkey onesie that says "daddy's little monkey." I figure it could work for a boy or girl. Although I'm pretty sure it's a boy. We'll find out for sure Tuesday. Dh surprised me and says he might be interested in 3d/4d ultrasound. I also bought some maternity thing. I am fitting into maternity stuff a bit better now. Before it was a real stretch. I bought some cute jeans that go over the bump and a few other cute things. It sounds like DH may have picked a few things out as well. I think a little retail therapy was just what I needed.

Really looking forward to some rest ans sleeping in!!

Jess, where you been? Everything okay? You heard form her Lou?
i'm here, ive been keeping track of you both, but my laptops on the blink and i'm just shattered due to the shifts...

Hope ur feeling better lou, and 1sttimemama sounds promising theres no ms!

My little boys been kicking me lots and lots this week...
Bought him some little dinosaur babygros yesterday...so cute.

I wish i had time off, i work xmas eve and then back in on the monday even though its a bank holiday! Its rubbish!

Xxx back to work now, just thought i'd say while im on break xxx
I'm glad everything ok Jess! Aside from the working all the time :( that stinks.

I'm so excited! I took my doggy to the vet today and as soon as my vet walked in she asked if I was expecting!!! It's the first person to say anything!! I was wearing a tighter fitting shirt. So maybe I'll wear tighter fitting clothes from now on. I'm sure some people still might just think I look fat, but I don't care :). It took me by surprise because when I asked my husband if I looked pregnant in the shirt he said "not really" What do men know though.

How are you lou. Throat feeling any better? I want to see bump pics form you ladies! When you have time to take one and load it up :)

Here's mine (although I already posted it on 2 other threads)
Morning ladies,

feeling little better today, had to change christmas plans - not going to my mums tomorrow now, seemed silly as just wouldn't be able to be merry and eat, so going over boxing day night. On the plus side as i've spent the last 2 days in bed, i've felt baby move loads which has been great. OH had a dream last night that i gave birth, said it woke him up as he felt so proad, aww bless him!

Mama2b - nice bump coming along there! i have bump envy now. Sounds very promising with your ms too! yipee!! do you get any extra days off as christmas lands on a saturday in the US?

Glad to hear your well Jess. Pretty rubbish you don't get the bank holidays off! are they giving them back to you in leiu? do you get to finish any earlier today?

anyway here's my 'bump' from this morning 18 +3. i just look fat!


  • 18+3.jpg
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i started at 8am today and finished at 4...

As we work a 7 day week we arent entitled to any of the bank hols as we are off xmas day and boxing day.... Oh the joys!!

Im shattered today, ended up having flu jab yesterday and now i have a sore arm and the sniffles!! xx

Will take a bump pic when i get a moment to myself....it seems to be growing nicely now!

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