Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Yay, Lou! So great you have another scan soon. Jess did you have another one scheduled this week too? Are you tempted to find out the sex? I forgot if your OH knows or not? It would be funny if you had a boy too!

Yeah I think a break from sis is best. It's tough because I don't think it's all her, her DH is a total a-hole. I don't say that about very many people but in this case it applies. He is extremely negative. My DH thinks I should stop holding out hope that I will have a good relationship with my sis, but I guess it's easier said than done. My whole family is a big mess actually. Everyone except my dad has been fairly negative. My mom also said my baby looked like it had "barnacles" when we showed her the 4D pics. I guess they aren't for everyone, but if you don't have something good to say...keep it to yourself!!! I'm lucky DH is awesome and his family is really great too.

Anyway, we fly to see my sis in a couple weeks (on the 21st) so baby will for sure be there by then. I really hope my coat will still fit by then as it will be VERY cold there.

I went out to buy some new bras today. 34H!!!!!!!! I'm probably a 32 H really, but I wanted room to grow. I bought 3 nice bras that were on clearance for under $20/each. Not too bad. I do feel guilty though because I splurged on a hand bag. Dh was going to get me one for Xmas but he got me other stuff instead. It is really cute but was expensive. But I only buy a handbag once every 2-4 years, so I don't feel too terrible. But these days I feel guilty if I spend money on anything besides LO. I feel like I should be saving every penny.

I am going to take a bump pic today. I feel like I've gotten bigger the last couple weeks. Babies been very active, esp when I drink something hot/cold or eat. I feel the kicks pretty strong from the outside, but every time DH comes close they stop :(. I can't wait for him to feel this!

Lou I know what you mean about places to store babies stuff. We have not rearranged our house yet so we have no baby room yet!!!

Jess, hope you're hanging in there and feeling okay...not working too hard.
Am I to late to ask for a bump buddy?
I am due my fourth, 23rd May xx
Not at all lady red! Join right in :) Theres three of us who post regularly here. The more the merrier! How is your pregnancy going?
Of cause lady red, how's your pregnancy going? X

mama2b it's hard to give up on family, hopeforly things will improve with her once her lo is here. It's great you have dh family to lean on - are they far from you? Don't feel bad bout the handbag, it's nice to treat yourself! Hopeforly going for the bigger size will mean they will last longer!! Think mine have stopped for a bit.

Yep be last scan, very excited!! Think I will but going to keep it a secret from family and friends. Want a surprise for them. It's great isn't it feeling baby moving more now! Chocolate sets mine off!! Need to remember to eat some before the scan!!

Think new bump pics are needed!! Think I may have grown!

How are you jess? Pain amy better after the rest?
lady red, hello and welcome!

Lou... Back and hips are still sore, i shouted and stomped at the hospital as im in pain yet they said they wouldnt see me until feb....after plenty of sulking i hve an appointment on monday for physio.... Its not bad at weekend... Its the sitting at a desk all day that kills me!
Oooh hope scan goes well tomorrow... Will you find out the sex tomorro or has OH told you already???

1sttimemama..... My scan is on tuesday...so the day after my physio...ive booked tuesday off work as on a 9pm finish all next week....

When are you both thinking of going on maternity?? Have you sorted out getting your matb1 form yet??

Little conor keeps kicking me and i can feel him wriggling round constantly...he has woken me up the past few nights! My tummys growing superfast it seems... I cant lie on my tummy anymore ....its a nightmare getting comfy!
glad the stomping got their arse in gear for you! Feb was just a silly time to wait, esp as you have sit down job - it be worse by then. Glad they are seeing you Monday. Would a different chair help? Guess physio would be able to advice how to make work more comfortable for you xx babies been moving here loads too, kicking while I'm teaching, cheeky thing!!

Put mat leave in today, leaving 4th may - 37 weeks. Have you decided? May go week eariler if it all gets too much. Not got matb1 form yet, guessing get it tomorrow or at 24 week appointment. Need to ask about nhs birthing classes too. Have you signed up to any yet?

Yep going to find out but keep secret. Can't wait, hope it's not asleep!
Jess, I'm sorry you had to stomp for them to listen to you, but I'm glad it got you an appointment. I can't imagine having a desk job. My back has been SO messed up since the weekend. I think it's from sitting in the car for a long time. I am dreading my flight to Chicago now too. I've always had a hard time sitting because of my breasts and also physical therapist told me I have a hyperflexible spine/neck, which causes me problems with sitting for long length of time. I will have to bring some extra pillows for the plane as they no longer provide them for domestic flights here. My back has been so bad, I scheduled a prenatal massage for tomorrow. I hate spending the money, I'm just hoping it helps. So, I feel some of your pain Jess. I hope the physio really helps you!

As for maternity leave. I am sort of afraid to bring it up with my boss. It is not mandatory to give paid mat. leave here in the states :( so I probably could take as much time as I leave, but it would most likely be unpaid. So we have to decide if I will go back to work after the leave, or just stay at home with the baby. There is so much to decide. Dh doesn't get any paid leave either, but he get 3 weeks vacations he's going to save up for when baby comes. PLus, he can work from home too. The bad news is, I get 2 weeks (10 days) vacation days and I already will have used them up all when I go to chicago later this month. I used them up when I was sick with m/s and went to chicago before. So that's it for me. Although I acrue 1 hour of sick pay per week ;(.

As for the birthing classes. They advised us to take it 2 months before the baby is due. And they are one days classes. But I need to register soon so they don't get filled. OK I need to go put some heat on my back and lay down!

Lou! I'm so excited for your scan tomorrow! Are you going to tell us the sex? Or will it be secret to us as well?
Hiya ladies:flower:

My pregnancy is going really well, been feeling little tiny bouncing about quite the thing, I was further on with my girls before getting as strong movements/kicks, so I am finding it amazing at the moment lol (just wait till i am complaining because baby is kicking to hard lol! :haha: )

I am still needing to read back and see how your all doing, but thanks for saying I could join in :D

Hope your all OK and little bumps to xx

I have my next scan 11th of this month, really looking forward to it. I managed to hear babies heartbeat with the doppler also, beating fast and strong, which is giving great peace of mind
Hehehe :D we all have babies the size of cantaloupes :D amazing to think they are that big already eh x
ladyred gad everything is going well and your feeling movements/kicks! Must be great to have a doppler to listen in. Have you told your girls about the new arrival? Not long till your scan now, think you may be same day as Jess. Think we are all due 23rd or 24th May!

Mama2b sorry to hear your mat leave in the states is not manatory. So is it up to your boss whether they pay you any leave or not then? Have you had any thoughts whether to go back to work or not? Hope your back is feeling better today.

Back from scan, the pics are below. All's fine, they saw no problems. Had it's back to us, but then turned over to see us and pop it's thumbs up! They said i'd have another scan at 24 weeks which is not complusory, they said it's for me, it's an internal. Not heard of it before so going to look it up


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ladyred....i used my doppler a lot less now hes kicking but so glad i have it for wheni have quiet times.... My scan is also on the 11th at 2pm xx

Lou....why an internal scan hun?? Hope everything ok! Baby looking good on the pics... Hope my little man has moved out of his silly position hes been lay in at the past 2 scans...but where the kicks and weight are it looks like hes still going to be awkward! Boys eh!

Well i picked up my matb1 cert frm work so i'm now "officially" pregnant....strange that! I thought you were prrgnant once you got a :bfp: bt my work think differently!
Going to sort out my maternity leave this week.. I'm only staying off 3 months and going bck parttime...woooo!

Less than 4 weeks till our viability dates.....after what happened last time i'm so excited just to get to 24 weeks.....

Need to get a diary or a calender! Keep forgetting everything with all these appointments.... Just booked my 25 week app with midwife.... Not having the horrible one i'm seeing a nice one who did my matb1 today....( i rang up and she did it then and there...no need to even stamp my feet) haha...

oh... Lou.....go on...whats babys sex i'm dying to know! Haha xxxx pretty please xxx
aww mega sweet scan pictures cutelou :D so clear to!!
I hope all goes well with your scan in a few weeks to.

As soon as I used the doppler, i felt loads of movements kicks, so don't feel as much need to check now, but none of my girls have been so active at 20 weeks, so its so lovely feeling the movements.

Congrats on your baby boy news Jessica (btw Jessica is on our list for baby girl names :D)

Hope your all OK xx
LOU!!!!! We want to know the sex!!!! So glad your scan went well and that you will get another one. The pics are adorable. My 2d's were not nearly as clear. It seems like you guys get more scans over in the UK. Typically here in the states, the 20 week is the last one. I have a while to wait till my 30 week scan.

Ladyred, do you know the sex of the baby yet, or do you want to find out at the next scan? You must have your hands full with 3 little girls!

Jess, hope you're feeling good and that your boy cooperates for the next scan. Mine was wriggling all over the place and covering is face last time.

Well, I had my first prenatal massage and it was amazing! I wish I could go every week, but it's so $$$. Maybe i'll ask Dh for another one as a valentines gift. My boy liked it too, he was kicking me hard the entire time!! I could feel it from the outside and it was a little distracting, but not a bad distraction ;). I'll have to make DH simultaneously give me a massage and fill my belly to feel LO kick. I wish I didn't have to go back to work tonight, but it won't be too long of a night. I had a stressful morning. I was scheduled to go in at 8:30 but my boss sent me an email late last night asking me to come in a half hour early. Of course I didn't read it until a half hour before I was supposed to be there. So I was rushing around trying to get ready :(. I feel like I move so slow these days...rushing and pregnancy do not mix.

Take care ladies! Lou, any special plans for your BDAY?
i've officially lost the plot...i could have sworn my scan was tuesday...i even booked the day off work... Just sorting out my file and noticed its monday! Hope work arent too arsy! This pregnancy stuff messes with my head! Xx
I think the standard scans here are the 12 week and 20 week depending on any concerns. I will be 21 weeks though by the time my scan comes. I am getting a further scan at 38 weeks as my Joanne was breech until the day before I was 38 weeks lol.

We would love to find out, as this is our last little one to :D but if little one is shy then we have no problems waiting, we will just see how it goes lol. It does get very mad here sometimes lol! but i find calm deep breaths does wonders lol! :haha:

Your massage sounds wonderful! and especially after having such a hectic day to, it is a horrible feeling, like your going so slowly and having to much to do, although in actual fact your not going slow lol, but really feels that way. Congrats on your baby boy bump! x
How annoying! I just lost my entire post!!

Really want to tell you, I'll have to work out a code or drop hints along the way! From my reasearch on the net it seems to be a pilot scheme that Essex is running to conduct some research. The idea is to check mummys cervix and blood pressure through internal scan to see likleyhood of preterm labour. You can opt out if you want to. Prob will go I think.

Mama2b your massage sounds lovely! Do they massage certain places or use special oils for preggie ladies? I know what you mean bout go slow! I just seem to takes ages now! Did you manage to make it?

Jess hope works ok about it and your little boy moves for you. I ate chocolate just before I went in, and woke it up a few mins in. Less time to wait too!

Redlady hope your lo is not too shy for you! Do you have a feeling either way?

Birthday plans for me is hotel tomorrow night, got Hilton suite for over half price!! Then horseracing Saturday! Hope it stops pouring with rain!!
Hi ladies!

How was your weekends?

I brought all my nursery bedding today, matching curtains, lamp shade, bouncer and play mat!! Very excited!!
wooo for shopping!
50% today....yey! Scan tomorrow at 2pm and physio in the morning!

Little man is kicking stronger than ever and me and OH were lay with hands on my belly for ages this morning.... You can even see my belly move when he kicks now! Haha.

I worked yesterday and so had a lie in this morning and then went to help mum out as some idiot has smashed her car windscreen!

Booked tomorrow off as didnt want to be rushing about all day and wasnt sure if i'd be a bit sore after my physio!

Hope you ladies have had a lovely weekend... Xxx

I'm going to eat my box of lindt chocolates...yum!xxx
Looking foward to your pics tomorrow jess!hope the pyhsio helps xx

did some delibratly smash her windscreen? That's just horrid!

Great the kicks are getting stronger! Mine was kicking all morning while I was Internet shopping!

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