Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

We don't celebrate boxing day here. So only Xmas eve is off.

Happy Christmas ladies! Just think, it's our last Xmas sans kiddies :).

We're making a prime rib roast tonight. And I made a chocolate cake and twice baked potatoes and creamed spinach. Lately I've been really into desserts. Mmmmm. Dh tried to tell me I can't have the egg nog I bought. But then I looked it up and store bought is okay. Yay!!! Lotsa presents under the tree. Dh said he spoiled me this year cause I'm preggers :)
Merry Christmas Ladies! I do love christmas!!

Hope you both have a lovely day!!

Think my OH has spolit me too mama2b as i'm preggo!! Tree looks very full this year!! Hope you both enjoy the day, and yay to to eggnog mama2b!! (though i'm going to have to go look it up now as i'm not dead certain what it is!!)
Had a very nice Christmas. DH was so sweet. He actually went online and researched gifts for preggo ladies. I got a new camera (to take baby pics) and some nice pajamas, slippers, comfy sweater, foot massager, assorted bath products (including this awesome belly cream. Do you guys have lush there? I know there's more stuff but I can't remember atm. For DH I bought a juicer. He's been wanting one for a while. It's great! Yesterday I had carrot/apple juice and then carrot/apple/celery/blueberry. Today was pineapple raspberry. He likes the green (all veggie juice) with beet roots and kale, but I am easing into that. PLus, DH read about too much vitamin A not being good for LO so now he's worried about me eating some of the leafy greens and carrots. I am dragging him with me to my OB appointment on Tuesday so we can ask her together.

I've been feeling LO moving around a ton! It's very reassuring. I also feel like my belly is finally growing, and it feels very achy at times. Everyone that came over for xmas eve noticed how much bigger I got, although in most clothes you still can't tell. So I've been wearing tighter fitting clothes to show off :).

Yay, my ultrasound is on Tuesday!!

I hope you ladies had a nice Xmas. Sorry about all the work you're doing Jess. I can totally relate as I worked retail for years.
ive taken a bump piccie too just not had a minute to go on laptop to upload as yet.

We went to OH's nans for xmas lunch, was a nice day.
OH got me some new boots i wanted, a gorgeous picchu maternity dress, some cd's i had been eyeing up and some other bits.

I can feel baby kick from outside now, although OH hasnt as yet as baby went quiet when he went to feel... Haha it felt so funny xxxx

Hope you all had lovely christmases xxxxx
We ended up staying home but headed over to my mums today, just chilling now watching films!

Oh got me a love my bump tshirt, bump keepsake box, cd's, DVDs, tickets to a singer, choc, a game and a double heart necklace to replace the costume one I got right after we lost the twins.

As far as I know I thought all veg was ok as natural vits? But always good to check x

baby moving loads here now too, tryed to get oh to feel yesterday, think he could feel twitching of my belly but no movments.

Less than2 days till scan now! How exciting!!
Glad you both had a nice Christmas. I'm back at work this morning, but should be off the rest of the week. Can't wait for my scan in the AM :). I don't thinkI can feel LO kicking from the outside yet. I was trying to yesterday but couldn't feel anything. I am SOOOOOOOOO relieved my m/s seems to have gone! I can finally eat normally and I feel like a normal human being again! It's such a relief. I ate well over the weekend for sure!

Yay, tomorrow scan and after that I may have to go a little crazy shopping for LO. Even though I'm pretty sure it's a boy, you never know. I could have gotten a ultrasound tech that didn't know what she was doing, or it just could have been too soon to tell. So I am excited and hope LO will cooperate so we can get a definitive answer :)

Meanwhile my sister is 2 weeks from her due date. Is it Jess whose bday is on the 10th? So I keep waiting to hear from her, it could be any day I think. The baby is really big already, at least 7 lbs they think. It kinda stinks I won't be there for the birth, but it was just too hard to coordinate with flying to Chicago. I hope she has a speedy and easy delivery, whenever it is :)
Can't believe your scan has come round so quickly! 19 weeks tomorrow!! You must be soooo excited now!!! Are you going to buy anything in particular once you have had it confirmed? So glad your MS is going, it's so nice to eat!!! I'm only just getting appitite back again after virus thing and missed it sooo much!!

It's my bday on the 10th, nice time of year for a bday, long enough after xmas (i was due christmas day!!). Will your sister have snow that time of year?

OH managed to feel LO kick/move (not too sure what it's doing!) this morning. Told him to give it a poke and it seemed to work!!

Been looking online at sales etc, not much really, bit disappointed. Maybe it be more new year sales, than christmas sales.

can't wait to see your pics tomorrow!
Yay!! Scan Day! It's confirmed...it's a BOY:blue::blue::blue: It was so cool to see the little guy. His legs and arms looked so long now and his head was much more proportionate to his body. Everything checked out normal with the measurements. My placenta is still low so I will go back for another scan at 30 weeks. We got to see some 4d which was really great. Although the little guy kept covering his face so we couldn't get a great view.

Afterwards I went shopping with my girlfriend and picked up some cute little outfits. I'm getting so excited now! It's so great to know everything is progressing as it should.



Hope you ladies ar doing well!
yey! A little boy! Congrats huni.... Got to go as working til 9pm but i will catch up with u both tomorrow. Hope you are both well xxxx
yey! a little boy!!! those pics are amazing, so clear, you must be so pleased!!! what bits did you end up getting?

Jess hope your doing ok, and works not too bad xx
I definitely think the scan yesterday kicked my nesting instincts into high gear. I bought a bunch of a clothes yesterday. Really cute animal stuff with animals on the bottoms. Very cheap too! Now I am read to buy more!! I sort of am thinking about buying this crib set https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3559718 I can buy it on amazon for a lot cheaper using a gift card from my employer. Or I could wait and see if I get it for a shower gift. I think my friends are throwing me a shower in late march. I am really excited to start getting organized and re-arrange the house. Now that we know we aren't moving I am trying to convince DH to move our bedroom into a bigger 2nd living room and let the baby have our small bedroom. But we may have to get rid of some furniture and other things to make it work. I was so excited I barely slept last night, I just kept picturing LO and i couldn't turn my mind off. Today I want to start sorting through and donating old clothes and storing some of my pre-maternity clothes since i won't need them for several months. I have no room in my drawers now! I might go to the baby store and look at a few things too. Yesterday we looked at the stroller I want and it was awesome! It closes with one hand and is really light weight (i'll have stairs to carry it up) but it also has big wheels and maneuvers well which is good because there are some really steep hills around here.

I hope you ladies are doing well. Lou, yo enjoying your days off and feeling better? Jess, don't work too hard and I hope you get a day off soon :)
Heres my before pic....and my 18.4 pic....definatley starting to see a difference now :happydance:


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Better late than never eh!! haha.... Although bump seems to have grown since then but not had a chance until now to get on the laptop...

Work until 9pm again tonight, but only working 5 hours tomorow then off until tuesday... :happydance:

Not long until my next scan now...in on the 11th Jan...

Little mans kicks are getting stronger by the day and he seems to like j2o as whenever i have one he kicks like mad...haha...hope you are both well and enjoying your breaks xxxx
Lovely bump there Jess!! Def coming alone nicely!!! that's good you've only got 5 hours tomorrow then a long weekend!! Not long till your scan!!

Any more shopping today mama2b? Crib set looks nice!!

Kicks for me getting more often and stronger. was eating brownies with a friend at the yard yesterday, then got a kick on the way back home!! Sugar rush i guess!! but so great to feel.

Pushed a pram around today, really liked them. ones heavyer than the other but not sure which one to go for as we do lots of walking with the dog so may need heavyer more sterdy one. Feel silly as i keep telling people i am actually almost 20 weeks, as i have no bump to be seen!! Women at the shop were lovely, and found nice nursery set too!!
Jess! Your bump is huge!! Much more bumpy than mine for sure. I asked my Dr when I will really start to show/get big and she said probably around 20 weeks based on where my uterus is, so we shall see. I bought some over the bump jeans and they are faling down on me, I need more of a bump to hold them up!

Lou, we need a bump pic! I bet we'll be able to see the difference more than you can. Sometimes I feel like I haven't grown at all, but its hard to tell when the change happens so slowly. I'm jealous you guys are feeling such strong kicks. I'm not sure if I can distinguish the kicks from regular movement at this point. It was weird watching him moving around on the ultrasound because I couldn't feel a thing.

Well, I added a bunch of stuff to my registry yesterday and guess what?! Someone bought some things already! My Dh told his brother and sister in law that I started a registry and they bought us a baby bjorn carrier and also our set of dr. brown bottles. It's so cool! I did the registry more or less for fun and to organize what we want/need in one place, so I was surprised somebody actually bought something. My friends are throwing us a shower in late March. It should be a lot of fun. I'm not doing the traditional all women thing because I was want DH and are other guy friends to come too.

I think I found the crib I like, but I haven't seen it in person yet https://www.toysrus.com/product/ind...romRegistryNumber=46248267&product_skn=777474. I also think I'm going to get a pac n play that has a newborn napper for LO to sleep with us for the first months. Otherwise we'll have to get a bassinet or move the crib into our bedroom. The pac n play is nice because it can be used for a while and for travel https://www.toysrus.com/product/ind...romRegistryNumber=46248267&product_skn=475124 It also has music and vibrates! So I will skip getting a bouncy seat since it's basically the same thing.

Well this is the last day of my vacation at home as we are going out of town for the weekend. I didn't get anything done yesterday because I didn't feel well, so now I've gotta run around to try to get everything done before we leave tomorrow. But, I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend, even if it is cold and rainy.

Jess, enjoy your weekend! You deserve it! And thats so great about your scan!

Lou, do you get another one? My last one would have been it for scans, but since they have to check my placenta I get a bonus one at 30 weeks.

I'll talk to you ladies before we leave probably.
well.... I didnt make it to 9pm today... I got in work and felt rubbish from the start, about 4 hours in my pelvic pain had me uncomfy and by the time 6.30pm came i was in agony and was in pain sitting at my desk....

Still not recieved my hospital referral date and i'm now struggling at work... Could really do with physio even if only to teach me how to ease it a little as i'll struggle for money if i keep being off work!
Lou...yes bump pic please!!

1sttimemama.... Apparently from week 20 they can do fundus measurements (i think thats the name) and from 20 weeks your stomach can grow by as much as 1cm a week!

I drink orange lucozade when i'm tired and that gets little man kicking... Must be all the glucose and sugar!

I think this is the best part of being pregnant, and definatley makes it worth while being able to feel him kicking, up until i started feeling him kick between the sickness and pelvic pain i thought i'd never want to do it again, but this makes it worth while.... Everytime he kicks me i cant help but smile!
When i was sat at work in pain feeling sorry for myself earlier it helped when he kicked as it gave me a bit of a lift...but no amount of kicking could have got me to stay until 9pm today ...haha....

So laid up in bed now with a warm hot water bottle on my back... Oh the joys! Xxxxx
Think sugar def gets my little one going!! Loves the brownies and choc!!

This is the range i like
Just trying to find it on sale somewhere! I also like the icandy prams.

Jess wonder if the referral is being delayed due to christmas? have you called to chase it? Hope your feeling better now your at home xx

mama2b - my friend said it's around 22 weeks you really 'pop' and start to look preggie proper. think midwife's take measurements from 24 weeks or 28 i can't remember, but think it's 1cm a week too!! I roll down my over the bump bits, seems to work ok.

Right well 'bump' pic below, i hate them as i just look like i'm fat rather than a bump, though below my belly button is very firm. I've put on 3lbs - and my weight chart says i should have put on 6lbs by now as a minimuim based on starting weight.


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Jess, I hope you are feeling better now that you got to get home and get some rest. That stinks waiting for the physio. At least you'll have a few days to rest.

Lou, I def see a difference from your last bump pic. My bump looks kind of like yours, I bet we'll start to pop in the next few weeks. Although today I was wearing a big sweater that doesn't completely close in the front and my eye Dr. asked "when are you due again" and I never even told her I was pregnant. So I think it's becoming more obvious. Esp with people that know me because I've always been a little curvy with big hips/boobs but a smallish waist. So people that know my body type can tell it's pregnancy and not just weight gain. I bet the same is true for you Lou, since you were slim before.

Well, my snoogle came today!!! Have you guys seen these things? I am so stoked to sleep with it, and I hope we can find room for it in the car when we hit the road tomorrow.

The only thing getting me down right now is my skin. I've totally broken out. It was really bad like this at the beginning of pregnancy but now it's terrible! I feel so ugly, even though Dh reassures me you can't even notice. Oh well, at least we are going to be hanging out with friends for the next few days and I won't have to go in public too much.

Other than that I am finally loving 2nd tri!! Now that ms is gone it's made me feel like a whole new person!! 20 weeks here we come! :)

I may get on while we are away, as we will have wireless. Just in case I don't get a chance to....HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2011 is going to be an awesome year!!
Hi Ladies,

Hope you all had a nice weekend and NYE xx

Jess hope your back is feeling better after the rest

Mama2b how was your snoogle to sleep with? I really need to get something!!

Only 4 weeks till V day for us!!!

AFM enjoying a few days with DH just chilling. Been playing donkey kong on the wii today, and now he is making me proper chips/fries and cajun chicken. Yum yum!
I can't believe we are half way done! Crazy, because I feel like time is flying right by.

I am not so great right now. I decided I need to take a little break from my sister. She has been really negative and saying hurtful things to me. And because she is about to pop any second I don't feel like it's the time to confront her. Today I was talking to her and she really offended me and made me cry. She told me my 4d ultrasound pics looked "crazy" and that it was "too much information" when I asked her to clarify what she meant by that she just ignored me and said how great it was because she got a video at 20 weeks. I know its just her opinion that the 3d looks funky and all babies look kind of weird on there, esp at 19 weeks. But I really took offensive and felt like she was saying that there's something wrong with the way my baby looks. There's no reason for her to say those things to me. I am so supportive of her, and I get NO support whatsoever from her. SO I decided to just stop talking to her when she acts like that. I know she's hormonal and probably saying things without a filter, but that's no excuse, I am hormonal too and I don't say anything like that to her. You just don't say things like that about someones baby! Maybe I am overreacting but I just feel like enough us enough now. So I am taking the high road for now and biting my tongue.

It's a long day today. Getting up at 6am was really tough. I didn't sleep well at all. I like the snoogle but I think I'm still getting used to it. Last night we went to the grocery store and when we got home i had a terrible headache and had to lay down. MY back/neck and head were killing me all night.

I hope you both are feeling well and rested from a little break.
Sorry your sister is being so thoughtless. I thought your 4D picture was amazing!! Maybe best to have a little break from her, even with hormones she should know that it might hurt you to say those things. When do you fly out to see her after her baby is here?

Hope your headaches better today xx

My scan is now 1 day away, thursday! can't wait. got some more outfits in the sales today. need somewhere to store them really!

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