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Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Okay Lou, we need some hints on the babies sex then!! Or you could just tell us...we won't tell anyone ;)...I promise! That's exciting about the bedding set. I have one picked out but am thinking I might take it off my registry since I've read that you don't end up using the quilt anyway and it's $$. We'll see. I haven't been able to drag DH to the big baby superstore here yet. I got him into one store to try out the stroller though, and he liked that.

Jess, that's great about your scan and physio. When is moving day?

I've had a nice weekend. I went through my clothes and got rid of 3 garbage bags full of old clothes. Now i have so much more room in my drawers/closet. It feels really good to get rid of stuff. I am hoping over the next month we can move our bedroom out so that we can start getting the nursery ready. DH is going to need some help moving the furniture and we are going to need to get rid of/rearrange some stuff before the move.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOU!!! It's also my sisters due date but she isn't showing any signs of labor yet. My friend who is due on Feb 2 is however. IN fact she went to the dr. to have her cervix checked and a bunch of fluid started gushing out. They though her water had broken and after 8 hrs at the hospital and thinking she would deliver that day, they released her and say she may go all the way to term. She is have contractions on and off and 1-2 cent dilated. So although she is due after my sis, her baby might actually come sooner. I wish my trip to Chicago was longer so I could drive 2 1/2 hours to see her, but we won't be there long enough for that.

I'm feeling so HUGE! I feel like I've grown a ton over the last few weeks. My center of gravity has totally shifted and I'm finding I have to remember to stand up straight. My belly really aches and feels tight and night too. Also I'm finding it harder to bend over and put on my clothes/shoes. You guys notice this?
Think new bump pic is in order mama2b!

Yep mines been feeling tight too, esp when I'm laying down. I show bits to dh online as ge hates shopping, when he says he likes I buy! He is coming to the baby show in London with me in feb though. He's very chilled out while I like to plan and have everything ready. Well before.

Yay to the clear out! Must feel so good to have the space! Is there much you need to move over?

Thanks! Had nice birthday weekend, and meeting my friend for tea tomorrow too, get to see her baby boy agAin.

Any one still sleep on their backs? I go to sleep on my side but dh says I make a big noice then literally throw myself onto my back once I'm asleep!

Ooo any day now for your sister then! And your friend! Very exciting!!!
i had physio.....that went ok....

I had my scan and spent 4 hours being passed fromone department to another...

The woman who did my scan was useless and it took her 20 mins to measure the skull even though it was on a still snapshot...

Then she said one of the ventricles in the brain is measuring 0.1mm above average and that we need to be referred to a specialist...

Saw a nurse who advised that most hospitals wouldnt even tell you unless its over 0.4mm above average. But now they'd bought it up they'll see me in 4 weeks and monitor it.

But it could be something as serious as resulting in brain damage if it were to get substanitally bigger...but how it is at the moment is probably nothing to worry about and could even be just the measurement is slightly out...

So now all i can think about is that my little boy might not even survive if it gets worse!...

Not in the best of moods now at all....so fed up and worried sick!
Oh Jess, I'm sorry to hear about your scan. I'm sure it's probably nothing to worry about, it sounds like the woman was just inexperienced and anyone else would not have even worried you about it. It's too bad she had to worry you like that, as I'm sure it wil be fine. At least you'll get to have another scan, although I'm sure that's not very reassuring right now. Hang in there, I'm sure it'll all work out just fine.
Jess I'm sorry to hear about your scan, sounds like you weren't treated the best, esp with an inexperienced sonographer. 0.1mm is very small so hopeforly nothing to worry about and everything will be fine. Try not to worry too much yet, I know you will, try and get down a list of questions you want to ask the consultant, things to put your mind at rest as it sounds like they let you go with no real answers and very worried. Big :hugs: to you, i'm sure everything will turn out ok xxxxxx
yeah i hope it is just an incorrect measurement.... I googled it last night...naughty me!

But it actually helped.... It said if no other anomalies that 1/3 will resolve themselves and 60% would remain the same but cause no problems.
Considering it was 0.1mm above average and not even a full 1mm i'm not as concerned now and think the woman got it wrong.
Spoke to a different hospital who adv unless over 0.4mm above they wouldnt have even mentioned it.

Little calmer now although didnt stop me dreaming about it all night,.. It feels like i'm going through the first12 weeks all over again wth the worrying! Xx

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21 week bump....doesnt seem to have grown too much in past few weeks .... Although i can see my tummy move when he does now....its cute but also kind of weird!! haha xxx

Bump pictures please ladies.... Cutelou...i saw yours in the 2nd tri bump pics...its coming along nicely!! xxx
Wow jess! Love the front view! What a lovely bump you have!!

I'll try and get OH to do a pic with no clothes. It sticks up when I lay down now. Told my students this week and they wouldn't believe how far gone I was. Having terrible cramping ligimate pains today, and hip pain, OH thinks bumps growing everyday - think growings def kicked in ligimate pain wise!

Bump pics plse mama2b and ladyred! X

how are you feeling today jess? When you back to hospital
Haha had to re-read your post then when you said about getting OH to do a naked pic.... then i realised you meant a bump pic!! haha

I think you can see my bump on the front pic but then i look at it and it doesnt look so big still!

I'm feeling bit rubbish, got a sore throat and my backs sore... must of got the sore throat from hospital Monday as was fine until Tuesday.

Going back tomorrow at 11am to see a consultant about the scan so hopefully they'll tell me a bit more...and i'm going to moan and see if stamping my feet gets me an earlier scan rather than waiting 4 weeks or a 2nd opinion as the woman who scanned me was useless!!

Yes ladies...bump piccies please, and Lou get OH to do another piccie for you!!

Lou...Hope the ligament pains ease off...i know too well that they are horrible!! xxx
ha ha! i've just went back and read what i wrote! doh! yep meant bump with no clothes rather than me! right pics are below, one laying down, one standing up. And i've put my 11 week pic for comparision!

Good luck tomorrow Jess, def think you should ask for second opinion or earlier scan. is your OH going with you? Hope your feeling a bit better tomorrow cold wise xx be thinking of you tomorrow x


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you can definatly see the bumpage coming along lou!
OH isnt coming with me, my mum is. As OH works for an agency and people are getting laid off at his work so we dont want to risk his job with more time off especially as i'll be having more scans etc xx
Here are my bump pics. I didn't think I had grown until i looked at them side by side.

1st one is 18 weeks and second 3 are today, 21 weeks 1 day :)


I def think both your bumps have grown. I still feel so small sometimes though. I thought I'd be a lot bigger by now. Oh well.

Jess, I'm glad you got in for another appointment. I'm sure it will ease your mind a lot. Sorry to hear about the cold :(. Feel better.

Lou, I def see a difference when you compare 11 week and 21. And also since the last one you posted I see a difference. I think it's harder to see the difference on yourself.
I know what you mean about ligament pain. I had it really bad last night and today. It was hard to stand up. Not sure there's anything to do. Mine is worse when I lay down and we can't lay on our backs anymore so it doesn't feel so great on the hips/side to lay sideways. Hope your pain feels better.

Yay, we're all growing so much now!
I def see a difference, you can really tell through your top, your bump is so lovely! I'm still sure mine just looks bit porky - didn't help when a student said it just looked like I was putting on weight!

Think we are all growing really nicely now! Think each week we should see a real deifference each week!

Glad someones going with you jess x

I still sleep on my back, OH tells me once I fall asleep on my side, once I'm really out of it, I make big sigh then literally throw myself onto my back, then make a happy noice! I'm not dizzy when I get up so not too worried yet but going to speak to mw when I see her.

Sorry your pains bad too mama2b, think it must be all the growth we are suddenly doing! Can't believe it's 5 weeks till 3rd tri!
OMG!! 2nd tri is flying!!! I feel like I lumped in the first part of it with 1st tri because I was still having m/s. Thank god everyday that's over!
just woke up...throats killing me still but not as bad as yesterday....not going work though as dont want to make it any worse by being on the phones all day as i'll only end up being off again with it otherwise.

Plus as i have hospital also i dont know how i'll feel about going in esp. If news isnt as good as i want etc.

Going to stamp my feet and ask lots of questions today.... Want some answers! Personally i think my little boy is just fine but still worried... Keep having bad dreams whereas the fluid gets worse and i lose him ....bloody pregnancy dreams!

1sttime mama... Can definatly see a change in ur bump! Wooo.... We've all got lovely bumps.... Also....what is your name if you dont mind me asking... Haha i always wonder! Xx
Hi jess - how did it go today? x

oo yes mama2b, i wanted to ask that too if you don't mind? Mine and Jess's are easy to work out! lol!
My name is Abbie :). I don't know why I didn't mention it earlier. I guess I just got used to being mama2b ;). But you can call me Abbie if you'd like. Lou is that short for anything?

Jess, can't wait to hear an update. I hope you got someone more knowledgeable this time. And I hope you feel better. I think you made the right decision taking off work. Do you have many sick/personal days?

I only get 2 weeks (10 days vacation per year) and if I haven't acrued the hours by the time the family takes their vacation I just don't get paid :(. I only acrue 1 hour sick pay per week. The benefits were SO much better when I was a teacher. I pretty much made up my mind I am going to part ways with this job after the baby. There's no reason to hang around if they aren't going to give me paid leave. After the baby comes I am going to continue to look for a librarian job (p/t probably at first) and if I can't find one then I might do a nanny share type thing where I look after one other child and my own. This way I don't have to put my LO in daycare and I am still making money. Another teacher I used to work with is doing the same thing. I'm a little frightened about living on one income for a bit, but DH is sposed to get a raise this month so that should help. I am really looking forward to having some time to stay home with LO. Most women in the states go back to work after only 6-8 weeks because that's all their employers will alow. Legally employers are required to give 6 weeks off, but it is up to the employer whether to pay or not :(. This is one thing I am hoping will change with Obama's health plan, but we'll see. Anyway, sorry to rant.

What about you guys? How long will you be off and what will you do with LO when you go back? I think we talked about this before but I forgot.

I watched baby kicking from outside for 15 minutes last night!! It's so weird/cool. Too bad Dh wasn't home at the time. He is starting to believe I'm making it up that I can feel the kicks form the outside. He thinks it's too soon.

Crazy dreams all night! Jess, I know what you mean about the dreams. Thankfully most of mine aren't about LO. I dream about apocalypse almost nightly, and I also dream about bad things happening to my doggy :(. I remember so many of my dreams due to the fact that I wake up so many times each night. Who said you pee less in 2nd tri? I feel like I'm constantly getting up. I try to limit my drinks at night, but I get thirsty.

This morning I got to sleep in because the mom drove my charge to school today. So I just have to finish up work tonight and then a long 10.5 hour day tomorrow and it's weekend time!! Gonna try to get Dh to a baby store this weekend...we'll see. He doesn't want to buy anything yet because we don't have anywhere to put it and he wants to see what we get at the shower in March. But we still need to pick out the crib, etc.

Okay, sorry so long winded today.
Appointment was a complete waste of time all in all :shrug: pretty much said what i found on the internet..

That it is more common for boys to have more fluid anyhow and that as only minimal it can either be nothing or be the start of something.

They refused to move my scan forward as they said that its nothing to worry about as far as theyre concerned at present so unless it increases by the next scan that they wont do anything for the next 4 weeks...

Bloody useless! :nope:

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