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Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

I dont get paid for my sick days as when i had my ectopic i went over my paid sick allowance of 20 days a year! it sucks but seein as though they arent doing me any favours i wont be doing them any by going in when i am not feeling great...just bit rubbish that my wage sucks every month because of it!

I will be leaving on maternity on 1st May but only doing 2 weeks in April....and i will be going bck to work on 1st September...

My MIL will be looking after little man for the hour or so that my work crosses with OH so no need for childcare which is good and i'll only be working 4 hours per day when i go back xx
Sorry your appointment was a flop. Well, I guess the fact that they don't seem too concerned should put your mind at rest a little. I bet if it was really something to worry about they would be more proactive in getting you in. I know it sucks to wait though, I'm sorry. Hang in there.

That's great about your leave and having MIL watch your son when you go back. Will some of your leave be paid? We don't have any family here, but Dh's parents are older and my parents...well let's just say I would not trust them with my baby.

We may be able to work out something where Dh worked from home and watched the baby some days while I worked. I guess we'll just have to see.
My maternity leave is only statatoury at 123.00 a week, so not great but 80.00 child benefit on top plus OH wage....we will manage for the 3 months i am off, but we have no savings and i owe about £2000 in total to the bank hence going back sooner than later as we need the income so we can get everything paid asap as i dont want to be worrying about money xx

Yes not worried as much now, glad they confirmed the fact boys have more fluid anyhow so means that it may just be that xx
sorry the appointment didn't get the answers you wanted. I hope that you can try to not worry too much the next 4 weeks, as mama2b says if they were not too concerned then hopeforly everything is fine xx

Does your work give you any maternity pay as extra Jess? Would you be working each day for 4 hours then Jess? Great you have MIL to watch LO. I'll have to decided between nursery or child minder, but want to go back only 3 days. teaching is very time consuming in the evenings - so would prefer less homework with LO!

For me it's the same as Jess, £123 a week plus child benefit £80 per month. But we are allowed legally 52 weeks off as maternity leave in the UK, our statutory pay of £123 goes on for 39 weeks (so roughly 9 months), then the rest at no pay. As a teacher i also get 18 weeks of pay, 2 weeks full pay, 4 weeks 90%, rest at 50%. I'm leaving on 4th May, and taking 39 weeks at least, and try and do some exam marking to make some money.

lou, is short for Louise. All friends call me lou.

Doesn't sound too great leave wise in US. Seems so strange that legally they don't have to pay you maternity leave, would Obama's health plan make changes in maternity too then? I haven't looked into it too much what he's planning to do. Sounds like a good idea to do a nanny share - so would they drop thier child to you for the day?

Dreams are mental too, guess they focus in on our fears. I had dream about dog too - woke up with a scream and grabbed DH. Dreamt his legs were severed and sent to us
i will be working 5pm-9pm Monday - Thursday and 7 hours on a saturday.

My work dont pay anything on top of basic government 123.00pw so need to go back sooner than later.
Will stay off until 1st sept then go back xxx
Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
So you get paid for 9 months!!! That's so incredible. Although it sounds like its not as much as you were making, but still.

Well I am trying to work up until the end of pregnancy, but it might get a little tricky towards the very end so I might take the last couple weeks off. After that I don't think I'll return to my job. There's really no incentive. I will look for something else.

I had a nice weekend. Nothing too exciting. Lots of eating and relaxing. Didn't get a lot done. Dh and I have a growing list of home improvement/organization tasks we want to get done. We are running out of time to do it all. But after we get back from Chicago, I definitely want to switch our room so we can start getting the nursery ready. We are also thinking about redoing our bathroom (tile, sink/vanity, paint) and getting new windows and maybe buying some new furniture. Not sure how much of that we will actually be able to afford, but we'll see.

Today I went to the big babies r us and looked at cribs. I am so indecisive. There was two that I liked, one is the perfect height (since i'm so short) but kind of cheap looking. The other one was a much better construction but a little higher. They are the same price. And then of course I can't decide on color/finish. So my Dh's dreams of me picking out the crib without him having to go were crushed. He should know better though, I am very indecisive and this is a big purchase. It's a lifetime crib so it converts later to a full size bed.

Still no nephew. Tomorrow my sister will be exactly a week past her due date!!! I know she's getting really antsy. If it doesn't happen naturally before Wed. they will induce. So either we he will be here by Friday when I get there. It's so exciting! I hope everything goes well and everyone is healthy. On the other hand I am REALLY not looking forward to how cold it will be there. It's been in the 60's (farenheit) here and there the high for the day we arrive is 9 degrees!!! Not looking forward to that. And I've felt like I'm fighting a cold (the little girl I watch is sick).

Baby is going crazy moving around this weekend!!! Today I think he maybe had the hiccups because it was just one right after the next for several minutes. I'm feeling him allover too. Up really high by my belly button and down low. It's crazy I was even feeling him in two place at once. So maybe he's kicking and punching at the same time.

Hope you ladies are feeling well!
Yeah it's quiet good over here, we are legally entitled to 52 weeks, and have to inform employers when we want to come back if you don't want to take the full time. It's not much a week - but it does help. I'm trying to stay off as long as possible as been told my job is redundant when i return, so will have minium of 3 months (which is protected as been on leave) when i get back. But job be gone by summer 2012.

Glad you had a nice weekend, i know it's hard making the big purchases, i'm going to have to drag DH out too - as can't make decisions at the best of times!! Hopeforly your nephew will arrive naturally when he's ready, but least you know he'll be there by the time you get there! That will be a big change in weather for you! It's brrr! Raining all day today, and back to 4 degree's and lower from tomorrow.

waited in all day for baby delivery for the nursery - but rung them mid day as couldn't online track it so was feeling like something was wrong. And it's not coming today, so waited in for no reason!!

sounds like nice p/t hours Jess, that way you'll have all day with lo, and OH gets some 'daddy time' in the evening too! You see the new paternity changes they are bringing in from april this year? Dad's can use our unused maternity leave for up to 6 months - but no extension for the 2 weeks paid bit for them yet.
Yay, 22 weeks today and 2 weeks till vday!

I wish I was feeling better. I have a sore throat still, stuffy nose, and headache. I really am hoping to feel better (and nto worse by friday) when I have to fly. I also don't want to be sick and be around my baby Nephew. They are planning on inducing my sister on Thursday. I can't believe how long she's had to wait. But, I had a feeling the little guy wasn't going to come out without a little intervention. They are still saying the high will be 9 degrees in Chicago, that's -13 celsius!!! I am going to have to layer up with leggings under my pants.

Is it 4 degrees celsius there Lou? Is that pretty cold for there? It's been gorgeous here the lately. I took the little one to the park and it was sunny and warm. I even took off my coat for a few minutes. Of course she fell asleep on the way home and woke up when I was trying to transfer her to the stroller. So it's taken 2 hours to try to get her down for a nap. I still don't think she's asleep.

Well, I am going to try to rest for a minute before she gets up. Long day/early morning today. One more long day, then a short one, and then I leave for 4 days!

Lou, did your items arrive from the store? Do you have a lot purchased?

Jess, how are things going for you? How's the physio?
They randomly turned up at 7.30am the following day! Gave me and my dog a fright!! There was a man there with a big box!! So it's come, got Moses basket, sheets, blankets etc. Love them!

Yeah it's 4 degrees celcius, roughly normal, tends to average 6 degrees c, but can go minus 2 or 3. Sometimes gets snow. Have to wear coat, gloves and scarf when walking the dog in the evening. We can get alot of rain, which makes it quiet miserable weather at times! Sounds really nice out there - be lovely to take coat off! I would definately go for layers with minus 13!! Brrrr!!!!

Hope your feeling better by friday, hopeforly you can shake it off by then. It's so hard when there's nothing you can take to make it go quicker!!

Woohoo 22 weeks!!

Jess how are you? Xx
well..... I'm still getting over the flu....2nd week now....

Mama2b... Hope you're feeling better soon, its horrible being ill!

Lou.... You'll hve to take a pic of ur moses basket...

We're not going to be in our new house now until september so have to set up for baby here.. I have bought a swinging crib as it should do until we move and possibly after....bought it from kiddicare website... Upto 50% sale on.... Its great! Xxx

My beloved kitty went missing monday and has not been seen since.... We've put out flyers and leaflets but still no news....

Bump seems to be growing quite a bit, and little man is getting more and more active.... He wakes me upin the night and is always wide awake first thing in the morning and after my tea. He has even had hiccups past few days which was funny.
OH likes wathing my belly jump about when he kicks as can see it clearly now. Is it sad that i could watch my belly for hours? Makes me feel happy that i know hes ok i guess as after the ectopic never thought i'd get to this.

Heres my 22 week bump....


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Oh no jess I'm sorry to hear about your kitty! Hope he/she's back soon!

Well my sister went in to be induced this morning at 12:30am. It's been over 12 hours and no word!!!! She hasn't bothered to contact or return phone calls from anyone in my family. I don't have her husbands number and the hospital wint give our info. Im worried sick! I'm sure everything is ok but I won't relax till I know for sure. Mt dad us going to the hospital so hopefully I'll get good news soon! I'll post m
I'm an Aunt!!!!!! Connor was born January 20, 2011, 9lbs exactly!!! I can't wait to meet him tomorrow!
woooohoo congrats!

good choice in name too by ur sister....thats what my little man is being called! Xx
wooohooo! Congrats mama2b!!! He'll be all lovely to meet tomorrow! Nice weight too!!

Sorry about the kitty Jess, hope it come back soon. Feeling for you with the flu, it's horrid and takes forever to go. Great news on baby movements though!

Just keep getting bad news each day this week in regards to work, not sure how much is scaremoungering. but baby always gives me a kick when i start to get upset. Had my first unwanted belly rub and sex prediction at work today!

Shall try and take pic tomorrow, basket still in the box as need OH to dismantel the cheap furniture and take to tip tomorrow so i have space for the baby bits!!
How's everyone doing! I got back in town last night. My cousin is amazing!! My sister had a rough labor and they had to keep the baby in NICU for a couple days. But everyone is healthy. I guess sometimes when they induce and things don't progress fast enough there is a chance the mother can get in an infection. So my sister did and she had a fever. Also, baby Connor took 22+ hours to come out because he was so big and his cord was wrapped around his head. They kept him in the nicu just as a precaution but he was perfectly healthy. MY sister was pretty traumatized and she had some 3rd degree tears. But I am proud of her for delivering that big baby vaginally. Because the baby was in the nicu they didn't want many guests. But luckily the day before I left they brought him home form the hospital, so I got to go and hang out with him for a while. He is so precious. I know I am biased but I think he's the cutest baby I ever saw! I held him for a long time and he slept mostly. It was really hard to leave, knowing I won't see him for a while. But the next time I do he will get to meet his cousin!!

I am glad to be home! It was freezing there. Of course I came back today and it's gorgeous and sunny. All of my maternity shirts are long sleeve. I'm going to have to pick up some t-shirts now that the weather's changing. Travelling wasn't too horrible, But my legs/back were really sore on the plane. Dh reminded me to get up and stretch/walk around every 30 mins. I don't think I want to fly again until the pregnancy is over. Although DH talks about taking one last vacation before the baby comes. I suppose if it was a shorter one it would be okay. 4+ hours is too long.

Wel I hope you guys are doing well. Jess, what happened with the kitty?

Here's my 23 weeks bump pic

I feel like I've gotten bigger in the last 2 weeks. Here's the 21 week

I went to the Dr. this morning. I gained 8lbs in 4 weeks!!! MY jaw nearly hit the floor when I read the scale. I know it's because I finally got my appetite back. My dr. said to watch what I eat better and get more excercize. 4lbs a week is good. But then again I hadn't gained much up to that point, so I guess I'm just catching up. All in all I've probably gained a total of 10-12lbs. But I don't want to become a whale!! She measured my belly and that was about it.
kitty strolled through the door at 6am on monday morning as OH was leaving for work! Haha.

My bump has grown and i feel massive now.... Will upload a pic when i get to the laptop...

1sttimemama ....your bump is lovely!

Woooo not long until v-day now! Yey!

Got my travel system and my swinging crib now so all starting to come together and told work i'll be leaving on 01.05.11 for maternity.

Hope your both well..breakfast time now before work! Xxs
prob wondering what the fuss was all about! Glad she is back well and safe.

Sounds like your in full swing now jess! Have you worked out how many days you have left? Looking forward to your bump pic!

Glad you managed to meet your cousin mama2b! Your bump is looking great! I don't think your weight gain is anything to worry about - think your prob just catching up! The books say 1 to 2lbs in first tri, then a 1lb a week in 2nd tri. so by 23 weeks at max that would be 12lbs. So think it might just be catch up as you say.

Will post my bump later. still think i just look fat. so many people at work are saying i still look tiny and it just looks like i've gained weight. my younger kids are worried about baby size for me! saw a friend i hadn't seen since sept yesterday, she said she really couldn't tell. Was hoping to wear my posh maternity dress out on Friday night when we go up london for the theatre - but not sure if it will look right just yet. prob could just fit in my old dresses (but they are in the loft!)
Happy V day ladies! hope you are both well xx

Here is my V day bump. Went to midwife today and she said it was spot on. Pre term likleyhood scan tomorrow. Brought my pram at the weekend, seeming very real.


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happy v day!

Lovely bump lou!
I took one but nt had a chance to put it up.... Bumps had a growth spurt recently...

Got my follow up on 10th feb to check babys brain again, cnt wait to see him!
Happy V-Day guys! I can't believe how fast the time is flying now. It's def feeling very real now.

Lou your bump as really popped!! I don't feel like mine has grown much since my last pic, but I will try to take pics every week from here on out. Maybe I'll see more of a difference in the pics.

Feeling so much kicking!!! This baby is an active one for sure. Yesterday he woke me up with a nice swift kick to the ribs...ouch! But it's really nice/reassuring to feel him moving around in there. He's def getting more squished now cause I can feel him all over the place. Way up high and down low. I'm feeling pretty good, but I'm not ready for 3rd trimester!!!!!

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