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Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Mine has really changed over a week. Think I've got last weeks in my journal. It was very low last week, but seems to be more all over this week!

Looking foward to the bump pics jess and mama2b!

Can you believe it's only 16 weeks to go!

Not long now till your next scan jess, he would have really grown by then!
Here was my v-day pic taken yesterday


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What do you think? I can see a big difference now xx
Your bump is looking great jess! Amazing pic from
the front! Really can see it's a lovely baby bump! You can see I real change from your last one!
Thanks Lou... seems to be massive now!! None of my maternity stuff fits properly so had to buy more stuff!! luckily Very catalogue have a sale on mamas & papas maternity wear nearly all 50% off!! wooo xx
Wow Jess! I definitely see a change! There's a baby in there for sure ;). Looks lovely!. I am feeling my maternity stuff is a little tighter now too. But I never really bought too much because the seasons are going to change soon. Now there's only 4 months left, but I'll need to buy a few more things to last me. Just waiting for some sales!
i'll have to have a look at 'very' as would like a few more dressess. My maternity trousers still fall down on me, so leggings or dresses are the best.

Your bump is so defined from the front.

Mama2b loooking forward to your bump pic

Scan went well today, low risk for pre term labour. so all steam ahead!

16 weeks to go ladies! Starting to feel so very real!
well my size 8 maternity trousers are too small now. So going to have to find some different ones, although i think they were a small fit anyway.

I've gone from being a size 6 to being too big for size 8 maternity...haha!

Kitty is back from the vets, got him castrated and he caught fleas from the vets! Not happy. Just had to spend 70 on castration and another 30 on flea treatment! Expensive kitty!

I have the worst heartburn ever! Everything else with little man is going great but the heartburn is killing me!

Not long left at all! Haha still doesnt seem quite real....can't wait for little man to be here and looking forward to seeing how big he is now!

Lou....can i ask why you had a preterm scan and what it means? Never heard of one of them, what do they actually check? Things like fluid level and cervix competence?? Xxx
oooh almost forgot..... OH taking me away weekend after my birthday to hastings to see my big sister and hes also hinted about an engagement ring when we are there..woo xxx
My hospital and a hospital in London are doing a study in pre term labour and scans. They offer all ladies at both hospitals to take part at 24 weeks, you can opt out. They do internal scan and measure length of birth canal, cervix and blood flow to baby. If birth canal is below 25mm then high risk, then they offer you support and more scans. Mine came back 32mm, and cervix closed. Think if study goes well, they may roll it out.

Heartburn is terrible isn't it jess! Had it terrible yesterday too!! Think it's the less space.

Woohoo! Sounds like oh may propose jess! When is your birthday?

Maybe they were a small 8. My size 10s are still too small, leggings are my fave!
My birthdays on 15th March Lou.

Heartburn is evil! Although mines more like acid reflux than heartburn, its horrible i actually get it that bad i can taste it in my mouth and it makes me heave.... Everything i eat or drink sets it off... and gaviscon does nothing!!!

Have yo had any info on antenatel classes yet?? I've still not had anything and i cant afford to go on the private nct ones as the only one they have space on is over 100.00 for just me and not my partner!

Apparently the nhs ones are fully booked up until June which is no bloody good to me! :cry: xxx
I hate acid reflux, just horrid! It's it as bad if you eat smaller meals or us it just any food no matter how big or small?

Not long till your birthday now!

Thought nct included partners? Ours round here are 160, too much for me so not going. My midwife running 4 week one on nhs in march. When is your next midwife appointment? I think legally we are entitled to them from nhs, so maybe one from a slightly different area? I think with nhs choices, as we can choose our hospital, it doesn't have to be the local one, anouther close hospital could offer them with spaces where you could attend?
Lou, glad to hear your scan went well. That's great that they offer that. Fir some reason I am anxious about preterm labor. It's funny how the worries shift.

Jess, sorry to hear about the cat. Pets are so expensive sometimes. I get heartburn but it doesn't sound nearly ad bad as yours. It's no fun! Thata great about your weekend away! That's so exciting about getting engaged too! Rings are fun. I haven't been wearing mine for weeks now. Every time I put it on my finger gets all red and itchy :(.

Well I am going to try to post this bump pic from my phone. I thunk maybe I've grown a bit more.
Oh we sent in registration for our baby classes. We are taking (hopefullly) 3 together and then dh is taking ind just for dads :(. They are expensive, so hopefully they will be worthwhile.
Are u guys having leg cramps? I've been getting them at night. I try to stretch thd calves a lot and ear bananas and if sort if helps. But they are nasty and make if hard to sleep. Also lo has thus nice habit if kicking/punching whichever side I lay on. If I switch he kicks the other side. I think he's going to be a little trouble maker ;)...like his father
Bumps def grown mama2b! Really showing through your top, looks great!

Hopeforly your course will be good, it's nice they do a daddy only one! Mind you my dh doesn't want to go to any!

I re read leaflet today, says it was for before 34 weeks, so may still be little early but not really early. It was good for peace of mind, as I was getting worried bout it too!

Have you both brought anything more for baby yet?
i've worked out milk, milkshakes and yogurt make it worse.... So avoiding dairy at moment to see if it helps with it.

Not bought anything more although mum has bought a travel cot this week.

Hope you are both doing well.... Not got my internet on laptop at moment as having issues with it but will pop on here and there on my phone :hugs: xxx
Just went maternity clothes shopping. Wow, I really have gotten bigger! I bought a bunch of t-shirts and tanks but I didn't find any pants which is what I really need. My favorites right now are my gap jeans, but they are too big and get stretched when I wear them. So I can really only wear them once or at most twice. Thank goodness I have a washing machine. I feel like I am getting bigger everywhere :(. My hips and thighs seems bigger. My boobs are def bigger. Strangers are finally noticing I'm pregnant. Which comes I'm learning. So I think I might work that angle ;). I tried on a dress, possibly for my shower the end of March and dresses make me look REALLY big.

Jess, I hope you find something that helps the heart burn. Your scan is coming up, right?

I scheduled my 30 week scan for March 15th. I can't wait!

Hope you girls are feeling well!
Hey Ladies, my EDD is May 28th and I would love to join in if you dont mind having a late comer. Im new to the site, so im still figuring a few things out.
Hi :hi: kammmmay, yes of cause you can join in. How has your pregnancy been going?

thats not long now Mama2b till your scan, it will fly by. I really wish i had done measurements of my whole body before, so i could have seen the changes! Glad you got some nice tops, i find finding bottoms the hardest bit too. Want to get a nice dress for my friends hen do in April

Jess when's your next scan again?

Hope everyones having a nice weekend. My DH cleaned and tidyed the whole house while i was out this morning, bless him!!
my next scan is on 10th so not long, should have been in work til 9pm that day so used the last of my holidays to book it off.

OH has chosen my engagement ring now but he has had to have it specially made as i am a H and they dont do engagement rings in that size anywhere we looked!

Went and got measured for a bra again today as now all of them are too small... Now measuring at a 34F ....omg! Haha

Hi Kammmmay! Hope you and bump are well!

Got little man some clothes today too! Haha hes got more than me now!!

Heartburn sucks.... Still not gone but avoiding dairy and certain food helps.

How are you all doing? Are the bumps getting bigger? Apparently i'm starting to glow...but i'd say i'm just wearing more make up in all honesty...haha xxx :hugs:
My pregnancy had been pretty rough up until a couple of weeks ago. I was sick and sore and just all around yucky for the first 22 weeks, but Ive had a couple good days lately, so that has helped a lot. Mostly I just have horrid back pain, but still get nauseous around certain smells. My little girl was measuring small at the last scan, so I have another one tomorrow. Im hoping shes on track this time :)

Jessica, I totally understand that one. I just measured and I'm at a 38H. I dont even know where to look. I wanted to get a nursing bra, so i a couple for later on, but I am scared to buy one online without being able to try it on. Sizes are never consistent.

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