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Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

kammmmay... I went to mothercare for mine and tried them on.... Mine are nursing ones as didnt see point in getting normal as i'd end up having to get nursing ones anyhow.

I know marks and spencers over here do them in store so you can try them.... Do you have m+s over there? Xx

I'm seeing midwife tomorrow and then next scan thursday....
Hoping for better news than last time and that the fluid on babys brain has resolved itself xxx
Welcome Kam! Sorry to hear it's been rough for you. I had m/s pretty bad up to about 17/18 weeks. It was nasty stuff. Now I have the back pain too. And terrible leg cramps/aches at night. As for the bras, I am a 32/34H at the moment. I bought a bunch of 34H at nordstrom rack. Do you have one near you? They don't carry nursing bras so I have no idea where I will find those in my size. I bought one online at amazon but it's really only good for sleeping and doesn't offer much support https://www.amazon.com/Support-Mate...N16I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297028520&sr=8-1. There's also nordstrom online and a few other sites which I'm sure you've tried. I think the only option will be to buy online for me. And even then I'm not even sure if I'll find something that fits well. I am waiting until 3rd trimester to see how much more I grow and then I will order a few different ones to try.

Jess, your scan is not long now! Hope you've been feeling well and not too stressed.

Lou, that's so nice about your OH cleaning. Mine woke me up with a full body massage today :). I was up most of the night with leg cramps/aches. I'm def going to ask the dr. about this because it really stinks. I've been trying to stretch and get lots of potassium, but it doesn't always help.
I have gotten my previous bras at nordstrom rack, since it seems to be the only place to carry above an E. I've found a few places online that carry larger cups in nursing bras, but i think its going to be pretty hard to find a good fit too. I hope youre able to find some though!

Jess, i dont know if we have any of those stores over here. I will have to look into them. Thanks for the info though! Good luck on your scan :) I had another today to check her growth and she was another 3 days behind, putting her at a total of 8 days behind average growth. I hope nothing too serious is wrong and that she is just a smaller baby.
argggghhh... Cramps.... Upset tummy....lower Back ache....

3 signs of preterm labour i am not happy to see!

Been going on a few days then stopped saturday so put it down to a tummy bug...

Now on bed rest for at least next few days due to having all of it again last night!

Fingers crossed nothing more than upset tummy!

Doctor has done me a pescription for something to help the acid reflux....but due to the cramps etc i'm not allowed to use it! Haha xx
Jess hoping it's just an upset tummy for you. Are they going to do a scan for you to check your cervix? I had the same last Monday through to Tuesday, but cervix was closed on Wednesday and long, so fxed it's just a dippy tummy for you xxx Did you see your midwife today?

Kam sorry to hear it's been a bit rough so far, hopeforly you'll feel bit better from now on xx When is your next scan? Hopeforly she is just a little smaller, think they all grow at different rates. Not too sure what stores you have over there, but i tend to go online to get them, think bramissavo ships to the US. I've been avoiding having my measured again, know they have grown, but trying to put it off till next tri..

mama2b thats really sweet of your OH! I had cramp last week, real pain! How are you keeping?

Keep getting pins and neddles in my right foot, very strange!
wll i have my scan thurs so going to wait until then, if its not got any better i will mention it at the consultant appointment thurs. But surely if labour is coming they'll be able to tell on the scan frm babys position and amniotic fluid level etc xxx
thats good your scan is only a few days away, as you say they should be able to tell. keep nice a rested :hugs:
cramps arent as bad and seem to be more when i try and eat, so thinking a mixture of braxton hicks and tummy bug, as midwife said when you are dehydrated braxton hicks are more frequent and can be a bit painful!

Had day off today, cnt wait to see baby tomorrow!

Hows everyone else? Xxx
Hey all!

Glad you are feeling a but better Jess. I bet your ultrasound will be reassuring. I've bern having sone tummy pains as well. It started when he was kicking hard last night. I don't think it's Braxton hicks, but I don't know what those feel like. I just feel a slight pain in the middle/left side of my belly when ge moves around now. Not sure if it's normal or something to call the dr on. Gonna rest a bit and see if it goes away.

Maybe it's just growing pains. I feel bigger now.

My friend had her baby!! She was a couple days late and they induced because her blood pressure was high. In lab about 16 hours. Haven't talked to her yet.

So, dh won a free trip to Mexico at work. He wanted me to go but u an too anxious about traveling far from home in 3rd tri. ESP out of the country. So he might go by himself. I'm not happy but it is a free trip so I understand. Plus he will use all of thus yeRs vacation days up when lo comes. I left it up to him but I'm secretly hoping he stays home... Is that selfish? Gonna post another bump pic.

Hone you're well lou! Bump getting bigger?
25 weeks!!

Jess hope the scan went well today xxx

Mama2b, i'd def see if the pain goes away with rest, if so it's prob just ligimate streching. But you can always ring doc for reasurrance xx Bump is looking great! xx

AFM back ache hit me yesterday, with pain down my legs when standing and pins and neddles sitting. Brought a bump band now for support. Also now on iron as i'm anememic!

25 week bump below. I have finely popped i think!!


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lou.. You've popped! Wooo

Scan went well.. Measurement is 9.6mm now... Down from the original 10.1mm and well within normal range!

So now back to midwife care instead of consultant, they think everything is fine, theres no worry now....wooo xxx
Good new Jess! Now you can relax a bit. Did you get any good pics? Have your symptoms lessened? Will you have any other scans after this?

Lou, you def popped! Bump looks great!

I haven't been having as much painful kicking today. Seems like he's sleeping a bit now which is good. I don't think it's ligament pain (although I have that sometimes too) it feels like it's sore on the inside from where he's kicking me. It's more of a discomfort than a pain. Like when someone rubs up against you where you have a bruise. I think he's just a strong kicker/mover. But apparently now is the most active time. Otherwise I am having some back pain. The leg cramps have gotten a little better, but my legs still feel sore and achy a lot. I really could use another massage. Dh gives me little ones here and there which is SO nice. It's getting harder and harder to get comfy at night! I think 3rd tri will be the longest of all ;). We're almost there!
1sttimemama..... The cramps have stopped, although alternating between an upset tummy and constipation... Oh the joys! Haha

Apart from that i'm feeling a lot better, they did point out tht baby is actually pretty much engaged but hes been in that position from the start so he just seems to be comfy there...

But can't get a picture of him while hes got his head tucked down there! But i'm a lot more relaxed about everything...

just want my little boy to be here... Hurry up may! Lol...

Great news jess! Sorry bout the tummy, it does play havoc on our systems! I'm with you, I'm so excited now I'm not sure I can wait till may!!

Mama2b hope your little man has given you a little rest! Some of baby s's kicks are getting very hard!

When do we start 3rd tri? Is it 27 weeks or 28?

Hope everyone had a good weekend! Xx
in the uk 3rd tri starts when you enter your 27th week so even 26.1 is counted as 3rd tri... Woooop...

Bumps gettin so heavy now, my physio lady gave me a support belt i have to wear when i'm walking about. Looks funny but so comfy! Haha xxx
Eventful day for me! Sorry if TMI but last 2 days i've had leaks which of gone through my knickers and my bottoms, so ended up in hospital today after ringing midwife. back home now after being in hospital since 11.30. All is fine, it was not a leak from my main waters and the womb is still closed, so the consultant said the main thing is i'm not in labour. But i must call them if it happens again. They think it could be the hind waters or just watery discharge or infection.

Feel shattered, was there all by myself. Spent last 2 hours having baby heartbeat montiored as it wouldn't stay still to get the reading they needed to discharge me! But said all is well with baby and Baby S is very strong (kicking the midwife all the time!).

Jess glad your support belt is nice and comfy! Hows physio going?
well i've found that as bumps got bigger i cant walk to far so the support will help, ideally this will do the trick but i was told i may end up on crutches and the physio lady thinks its all due to my size as i'm so petite,

As i'm 5'2 and only weighed 7.8 stone before getting pregnant and i've put on 17lbs now.... But the weight is all boobs and bump... God help me as he gets heavier!

So apart frm that things are good now, and idnt mind being achy as it means hes growing nicely!

Sorry to hear about the leaking! I had something similar, hospital took a sample to check for infection etc but said they think just very watery discharge and that its quite common especially in 3rd tri...

Has anyone else found they feel quite tender down there...almost swollen.. Sorry if tmi!
Think its all to do with the increase in blood down there but dtd with OH and had to stop as just felt so tender and sore... :nope: not a nice feeling!

Bed time for me... Night night xxx

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