Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Hey ladies, I'mok, sore and having a nightmare with my spd. Been off work again today as couldn't even get out of bed this morning!
Got my first antenatel class at end of march, really lookin forward to it! Can't wait for little man to get here now!
I've had bad bh since about week 18 and they're still going strong! Won't be long before its the real thing!
Any thoughts on your birth plans ladies? Xxxx
Hi jess! Sorry your SPd is bad, what week are you planning to start mat leave? Do you find some relief in the bath or bed? Xx

did you manage to get on nhs one? Or did you go nct?

I know what you mean, I'm so excited to meet baby now! It's feeling so real!

On my notes they say home birth, but think I'm going toward hospital. Thinking water birth, and renting a pool for home just doesn't seem very easy or practical. Have you had any thoughts on birth plan?
Jess I hope you're feeling better. I don't think I've had any braxton hicks but then I don't really know what they feel like. I do feel my uterus contract when DH and I are intimate ;). It sort of freaks me out though, I don't like the feeling even though I'm pretty sure it's normal.

I definitely am starting to feel a slow down now. It's like I cam full circle to 1st tri (minus the puking). I pee all the time, feel exhausted, and have insomnia. It's so hard to get comfy in bed and my hips and back hurt and I get leg cramps sometimes. Oh, and the heartburn. But in spite of it I am sort of enjoying being pregnant now that I have a bump to show for it. I sort of wish I could cut down my hours at work, but I feel like we need all the money we can get at this point. I am thinking I might tell my boss I want to cut back my hours in a few weeks and then have my last day around 38 weeks.

Next weekends my all day birthing class!! Then the following is my baby shower! But I am most excited to see LO on the ultrasound on Tuesday!

Hope you ladies are doing well and feeling okay. This is it, the homestretch. 3/4 of the way there and only 10 weeks to go! Yay!!
mama2b not long now, i was laying in bed thinking that this morning after waking up early again! (i'm with you on the insomina!!). Yeah mine contracts after DTD too, so all normal albeit a bit weird! Sounds like a good week for you, scan tomorrow, antenatal then baby shower!! You must be very excited! Can't wait to see the pics from your scan, are you going to see LO in 4D?

Jess hope your feeling better with your spd xx

AFM still on rest to keep my contractions at bay, going away for the weekend on Friday so going to take notes and mini hospital bag. Also found address of the local hospital, not sure if i'm being over cautious! Painted the babys room this weekend - so pleased with it. Just need to order the carpet and furniture now. Antenatal class today again - labour complications!!!
Its my birttthdayyyyy! Wooo

I treated myself to a new car on finance yesterday as needed a bigger car!
Work also cut my hours down so not workin til 9pm anymore... Will affect my wage quite a bit but I think it'll help as I won't be off work because of the pain so prob won't be as down on my wage as I normally am!

Hope you are both well need to see more bump pics! Haha xxx
Happy birthday Jessica!!!! Congrats on the new car and reduced hours.

I'm working this morning then 2 dr's appointments and back to work. Came down with a cold and didn't sleep at all last night :(. Just excited to ser bibs on the bug screen!

I'll post pics later!
Happy birthday Jess!! Congrats on the new car and the reduced hours. We ended up getting new car too as needed bigger. What did you end up going for?

Mama2b looking forward to the pics later, hope your feeling a bit better xxx

I'll get OH to to 30 week bump pic when he's home from work
Back from appointment. Placenta is a little low still but not too bad...not a previa. Still they want another ultrasound in 4 weeks. And my fluid level is low so my Dr wants me back every week to monitor that by ultrasound. So I guess I'm gonna get to see LO a lot more. But I'm hoping my fluids are better next time so I dont have to go back every week. Didn't you have the same thing Lou?

The u/s was really cool except his had was down low and she couldn't see the placenta. So she was going to town on my stomach trying to move him but he wouldn't budge. After a while she had to do a vaginal u/s which was actually more pleasant than all the poking and prodding. LO did not like that and his little bottom was squirming around on the top of my bump. His little feet were up by his head so he's all tucked into a ball in there, with head down, ready to go!

I feel like total crap and after all this running around all morning with work and 2 drs i have to go back to work and stay late tonight :(. Gonna try to take off tomorrow, but it's tough if there's no one to cover me.

thats his foot above his head and his head in front of his face :)

Here's his mad face from being poked too much!

And my bump, which she still says is measuring big although I dont feel that big and baby is measuring average at 3lbs 2
Hi mama2b - amazing pics! Just so amazing to look at, and what a change since your last one. He looks so cute in there. Great news he is head down and in the right place, and the placenta has moved a little. Hopeforlly it will move up some more in 4 weeks. I think drinking more can increase fluid, know it can be replenished, I'm sure I read that upping fluid intake can replenish the fluid. Don't worry about measuring big, ultra sounds are more accurate than the measurements of bump. I don't think it looks big, looks nice bump size to me!

Yeah I had simular us, but I was measuring small, still am. Baby slightly on small side, if it's still breech at 32 weeks I'll get another one. Been trying to lay on side and encourage it to move, but it seems very comfy head by my belly button!! Freaked myself out by looking at evm today, know it's 6 weeks off and it could turn, but looked very painful and only 1 in 3 work!
Hey Ladies!

Checking in after a very busy weekend. I was fighting a nasty cold (still am) last week. I was able to take one day off but then I had to work the rest of the week. Worked a 10 hr shift friday then my friend from out of town arrived. Which was perfect timing because I recruited him to help Dh move our bedrooms finally!! We spent most of the day yesterday moving furniture and although I wasn't doing any heavy lifting I think all of the action, being on my feet, cleaning up, etc. was a little much for me. When it was done I laid down and was having some cramping. I'm not sure if it was BH because it was sort of painful. They came and went for about 30-40 mins. I was going to call the dr. but then they got better on their own. It did give me quite a scare though, worrying that it could be the real thing! I wish I could've spent today resting from all the action but instead we had to be up early for our 8 hour crash course in childbirth. Between the cold, my allergies from all the dust (from yesterdays furniture moving) and being stuck in a stuffy basement with no windows all morning I felt pretty crappy. My head was throbbing and my throat was hurting and they had us practicing all these breathing exercises. The class itself was good. Our teacher was great and I feel much better prepared for the big event. But it was a REALLY long day! Now just trying to get he house back into order for the week. I am so excited to see the nursery all clean and ready, even if it is mostly empty. My shower will be next week and so far I know I am getting my crib and some other really useful stuff. We are insulating and painting the nursery later this week (professionals will do the work, not us ;) thank god!). So I guess I am feeling like it's starting to come together. The class actually got me really excited and looking forward to everything. I also was surprised that I'm reconsidering my stance on pain meds. I am going into it with an open mind. But I am going to do what I can to hold off and or not taking anything as long as I can. After that I might try narcotics or a light epidural. I guess I just have to see how I feel. If it a long labor I think I will want something. I am also really excited about the experience bringing me and DH closer. It was so nice being in class and seeing how interested he was in everything (he asked more questions than any other dad :)) and I think he will be really attentive and hopefully calm. I know I'll need that!

Anyway, a little nervous about going back to have a non stress test tomorrow am to check fluids. I hope everything's okay!

Lou, I bet your LO will move on it's own, you still have time. My teacher was saying there are a lot of different ways they can get babies to move. You could even try putting and ipod down low to see if LO follows the sound.

Jess, how are you hanging in there?
mama2b hope your feeling a bit better from the cold. Glad you enjoyed your crash course in child birth, do you have anymore? Great news that you have managed to chance around your rooms and everything is on track for the little ones arrival. Are you having any themes or games for your baby shower - or is a all a surprise?

How did the tests go?

Jess did you have a nice birthday? Did you end up doing anything for it?

Right here is my 31 week bump pics, one covered up, one with a bare belly. MW next week to see if baby moved, think i might try the ipod thing, thanks for the tip mama2b! xx Carpet for nursery coming tomorrow, then furniture at the weekend, so excited! Getting some sunny days now too - so can put baby clothes washed and on the line!


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Hi Ladies, Hope you both had a good weekend, 32 weeks now!

Mama2b how was your baby shower? xx

Jess hope your ok and had a nice birthday xx
Hey lasdies, birthday was ok thnks. Didn't do too much as was so tired,went away weekend after n got my engagement ring :happydance:
My spd is getting worse and I'm sore all the time.
Got a nissan micra s 5 door.
OH friend gave us a new travel system other day so I have the choice of 2 buggys now.haha
Had first antenatel class lasdt night, 2.5 hours sat on a hard plastic chair, I'm in agony noe and have had to miss work today. Talk about ironic! Xx
Hi jess! Congratulations!!!! Ekk you must be very excited!! Why do they have plastic chairs at antenatal! They know we are uncomfortable enough without adding a plastic chair for 2 hours!! Sorry spd is bad, hope you feel better after day of rest
Hey ladies!! Jess congrats on your engagement, that's so exciting!!! Was it a surprise? What's thd ring look like??

Lou your bump is really coming along!

It's been do bust lately! With work, classes, my shower, friends in town, doctors appointments and buying stuff for baby. My shower was a lot of fun but also very draining. People were really generous and we have a lot of stuff off my list. My crib and dresser should be ready soon. We have to rent a truck to puck them up. I don't think I'll feel completely ready till the room is set up and we have everything we need. But at least it's progress. I am paranoid about delivering early and not feeling ready. If it were up to me I'd have everything done by now. Oh well.

I really am getting tired if work. I wish I could cut way back but I need the money. Not sleeping great at night doesn't help. Plus when I'm not working Im running around to appointments. They have me coming weekly for nonstress test and ultrasound because if my low amniotic fluid and placenta. I got so bummed yesterday because the week before it was normal and she said I'd only need to come back once mire. But then it was low again. But at least it's a chance to see lo and hear his little heart beat for 20 mins. He has fun trying to knock the device off my belly. And last time he moved away and the machine went crazy and really freaked me out. The nurse called him a "runner" and a "mover." I feel like moves more than average but who knows.

We are so close ladies! Hard to believe!
Hey ladies, was lovely. Ring is pretty, white gold with 1/2 carat diamond mounted on 2 littl hearts!
He proposed on the beach at nighttime :)

Jst got bk frm midwife app. Conor had been measuring bigger than average, so after 3 weeks I went bk today and he's nt grown much at alll and is now under average.
Got to go bk in 2 weeks to check his growth. If not growing much may have to have a scan and possibly he'll be induced early.

He's still a fidget tho so not too worried xx
Aww jess that sounds lovely! Was you surprised? Was it your bump measurements they do with the tape? Hopeforly alls fine, but as you say baby is moving well so must be happy! I'm always measuring small, but when I was actually scanned baby measured dead on for dates, so fxed it's the same for you xxx

mama2b glad you enjoyed your baby shower! How is the roomcoming along? Sorry your feeling so tired, it really does kick in again doesn't it. Fxed fluids back to normal this week. He he, active little baby!

My mw appointment confirmed I'm still breech. 4 more weeks for baby to turn before I am sent to hospital for scan and decision making. ECV or c section. Mw said could be baby comfy as been there for at least 4 weeks, or could be reason it can't turn. Kicks loads but all at bottom of bump, can feel head by my ribs!! Gets in the way a lot!!
Lou... Hope baby decides to turn round for you! Little mans been head down since 12 weeks and refuses to move from that position! He's ready to meet us the way he's going!

Yeah from the bump measurements, my bump has only grown 0.8cm in 3 weeks, fingers crossed in 2 weeks he'll have had a growth spurt!! Although looking at pics my bump has grown massively in the past 3 weeks, so I think it may be due to how he has been lay when I got measured. Xxx
They do say baby position can affect the fundal height measurement. My scan lady said as I'm breech I'll measure small. Fxed the bump measures back as growth next time xx

Bless him, all ready to come and meet you. Weird we are only 4 weeks till full term now!

Thanks, just think it may be a late turner, just seems so comfy where it is, and just won't move!
Lou, I hope you LO moves around soon. If not can't they do some things to try to manually move them? I don't know much about it but I thought in my class they talked about the Dr. doing that in labor. Will you go back to be checked next week?

Jess, I wouldn't worry too much about the measurement coming in small. One week she said my fundal measurement was big and then after that it was fine. He was probably just in an odd position.

I have been enjoying a really lazy day off today. Laid in bed for 3 hours, went out for a bit and then back in bed with DH. I have to say it's nice now that we moved our bedroom we can watch tv in bed. I'm really appreciating it now because I'm so tired and achy. Although sometimes it's hard to even get comfy in bed :(. Work last week didn't seem to be as draining as the previous week, so I am still on the fence about cutting hours.

Do you ladies feel like you have everything you need for babies arrival? We have a lot of stuff but I don't feel ready because it's all in a mess right now. DH doesn't want to take the dresser out of the box till after the new windows are installed and walls are painted. I am SO looking forward to putting all the baby clothes away in their drawers. MY sister sent me a huge box of 0-3 and 3 month clothes that her boy never wore because he was so big. Now I'm just hoping I get to use them and don't have the same problem ;). I do still have to buy our bassinet, which we are putting off till this week when it goes on sale. I also still haven't packed a hospital bag! It scares me a bit that full term is 4 weeks away, but on the other hand I am really looking forward to meeting the little guy, oh yeah, and not being pregnant anymore ;). It was fun for a while but I'm ready to have my body back! I can't wait till I can eat anything I want again. How do you ladies feel, are you ready, nervous?

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