Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Hi mummylovesyou! Hope you and bump are well! How's your pregnancy been going?

Jess good news work is hOnouring your holidays. How many days do you have at work, or is that it now? Hope little man stays put for little longer for you. I find the ball and hot baths ease my period type cramps I get with my irritable uterus. They got any closer?

Had day shopping, got last few bits for hosp bag. Shattered now and bit crampy. Going to have bath in bit and then attempt to reach my toes to paint them for the spa in the morning! Not sure it will happen!

Mama2b hope you come home today to your rooms all being done! Excellent news about your placenta! Interested to know if I'm dilated yet either, wish I could tell myself! I tryed the music, it just tryed to kick it off!!!
They're not getting any more regular but still getting them. No more work for me now til after little man arrives.
My heads banging tho, worst headache ever! Slept for a few hours this afternoon and it made my headache worse!
Little man is hiccuping away at that the moment!

Sooooo fed up of feeling like crap, hope little man stops being a monkey and stays cooking for a bit longer! Xxx
That's good that there's no work to worry about. Really helps I think, I've found im much more chilled.

Fxed crossed he keeps cooking for bit longer, and being off work helps. Yuk headaches! Really hate them, you taken any paracetamol? You poor thing xxx hope you feel better tomorrow
Hi mummylovesyou! Hope you and bump are well! How's your pregnancy been going?

its been good , well ups & downs with emotions etc although its been quite short only found out with i was 6 n a half months gone , madness i know so its literally felt so short
That's good that there's no work to worry about. Really helps I think, I've found im much more chilled.

Fxed crossed he keeps cooking for bit longer, and being off work helps. Yuk headaches! Really hate them, you taken any paracetamol? You poor thing xxx hope you feel better tomorrow

Woke up this morning with a headache! Arghhh

Managed tl sleep relativley well last night, off to do food shopping with mum today and get the last thing on my list for conor!

Was sat watchin tv last night and heard a really strange popping/clicking sound coming frm my pelvis, happened twice in hald an hour while I was sat still and its not happened again since. Very random!

You asll set for LO now lou? Xxx
I had that on Monday! Sooo weird! Have not idea what it was!!!

Back from spa day, so shattered! Got terrible cramps now, grr! Just want to sleep. Think resting day for me tomorrow. Yeah more or less all got now. Did you manage to get your last bit ok?

How you feeling today jess?

Wow mummy loves you, must have seemed to have gone very quick for you! Are you all ready for the little ones arrival? X
its gone really quick , cant believe im actually going to have a baby in 6 weeks its still madness to be honest ! yeah im all ready , well ive got all the essentials & much more probably got way too much stuff just wish i know the sex of the baby so could actually buy clothes that are going to benefit the baby instead of just neutral clothes
Did you decide to stay team yellow then? I know what you mean about the stuff, i'm not sure if i've got too much too! Really is not long now!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend ladies! xxx

Think bump pictures are needed each week now :winkwink:
Lou... Will do a bump piccie tomorrow for you!

Little mans not stopped wriggling today, pains have eased off altho still contractin every 3 mins but at least while there is no pains I know little man is staying put for a little longer! Xx
well everyone thinks mines a boy so theres a few boy clothes bought but cause we'r not sure most of the clothes are neutral colours ! not long to go anyway so wont have too long to wait to find out
Hey everyone! Hope you're all feeling well today!

Mummyloves you, welcome! You haven't had long at all to adjust to your pregnancy. Is this your first?

Jess, that's good news about the early mat leave and I hope your headaches and spd will feel better with a bit of rest.

Lou, when do you go back to the midwife to checks babies position? I bet you could probably feel him change position at this point. Fingers crossed for you.

Well, we had another busy weekend. I did spend Sat. morning in bed until about noon. That was so needed!! My body just aches. My legs, feet, back and bump needed the rest. I wake up in the morning with sore feet and a pain up on my bump. It's getting higher and I and not looking forward to when it's up to the top of my rib cage. Bras have become so uncomfortable but if I don't wear one at night my arms go numb :(. I def am going to seriously consider a reduction when I finish breastfeeding. DH thinks it's stupid if we want to have more kids, but I don't think I could handle 2 pregnancies with these giant things!

Anyhow, sat we went to a bbq bday party and that was fun but exhausting. It's nice to socialize a bit though since we've been so busy. And I know we won't have time soon. yesterday we finished up our parenting classes with an entire day of breastfeeding and newborn parenting. It was so exhausting and now I'm getting ready for work. Thankfully I'm getting a surprise day off from work this Friday! So only 14 work days to go! Let's hope the LO at work cooperates. The good news is she's been potty training really well and so I haven't needed to lean over as much for diaper changes :)
Oh here's a bump pic I took over the weekend. Def. notice a little growth spurt.

Wow you got ready really fast. I'm glad I had a long time to adjust to the idea because we are just now at a point where the babies room is mostly ready.

Went in for my weekly fluid and nonstress test followed by OB visit today. Nonstress and fluid were both great this week. OB checked my cervix and I'm 1cm dilated!!! I know it doesn't really mean too much but I can't help but feel like it's progress. I celebrated by buying a cute outfit, some hats and socks for the LO! I really don't need anymore clothes but I don't want DH to have nothing but hand me downs from his cousin. Even if most of them were never worn cause he was so big!

How is everyone?
well that is down to the simple fact that both mine and my bfs parents have bought everything, as soon as they found out they were away out on a full blown shopping spree , its got to the point that me & him have actually not needed to buy anything due to the fact that theres nothing else left to buy
Hi everyone

I have a bump pic to upload, going to do it round my mother in laws later as we ate still having issues with the connection at home. We can get wifi on smart phones, but not the laptop, it's getting really annoying!

Mama2b sounds like you had a great weekend and then great results this week at the docs! Know howyou feelwith the ribs, could do withthis head disappearing! Your bump is looking great! Wooohoo to 1cm! It's a start, he he!

Mummylovesu bless your patents, they must be so excited! It's great you've managed to get everything ready so quick. Have you done your hospital bag yet?

Jess glad the pains had gone, fxed he stays bit longer. Ate you enjoying being off?

Afm think I lost some of my plug on Monday after a weekend of cramps and back ache. Last two nights I've woken at 4 am feeling sick, crampying and needing the loo (sorry tmi). Not sure what's going on as baby is not engaged as heads so high. She mw next Tuesday.
Updated with bump - sorry it's so small


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not yet , got bits & pieces for it but havent packed or nothing yet , not really sure what to put in it to be honest

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Here's my little monkey today.
Lovely bump pics ladies! Wnt be long till all our babies are here.

Yeah making it a lot easier now I'm not in work, still have bad days with my spd but making progress on gettin house straight at the moment.
My next appointment is next week with midwife, going to do a birth plan then.
Have you all got plans for easter? Xx
Any ideas for your birth plan jess? Your bumps looking great! Good news on spd being better xx

mummyloves you think there is a thread in third tri that has list for hospital bags. I got my list from mw in a hospital leaflet.

what's everyones birth plans then? Mines on hold as at moment I'm on elective c section unless this baby turns! Though not sure if I'll make it to 39 weeks! Contractions getting more intense each day now, still on and off. 4 days till mw
Bumps are looking great ladies!

Mine has been contracting like crazy ever since the Dr. checked my cervix. It doesn't hurt but it is really uncomfy, esp when I'm trying to walk around.

Had an absolutely insane morning today. President Obama came to town and visited the hotel where the family I work for live. This occurred at the same time as I'm trying to get the little one in the car to go to the airport with her dad. We had to be out of the house by a certain time otherwise they would not allow us to leave the house. I had her all ready to go and then 10 mins before the deadline, dad decided to tell me he didn't like the outfit I put her in for the plane. So I rushed to find a matching dress, shirt, etc. Took off all her clothes and re-dress her. Then we went out to meet the driver to find he had been made to leave and I didn't have his phone number and was on my own as the dad went to an appointment and left me with the luggage (no wheels). The little girl was freezing her ass off in the outfit he made me change her into, so I had to change her back into her old outfit in the dirty garage so she didn't freeze. Then we had to hike 5 city blocks to meet the driver (when I finally got his number) having contractions all the way. The highlight was when the little girl said to me (mid-walk) "I have to pee" and as she is new to underpants I knew she wouldn't make it. So I had to strip her down in the middle of the street and put a diaper on her. Then I get to the car and the car seat wasn't installed but the driver couldn't stop so I had to rush to install. Then we proceeded to sit in traffic for over an hour trying to cross town to pick up the dad. I went along with them to airport and after all of that (about 3 hours total) he missed the flight and decided not to go on the trip after all. So it was all for nothing!!!!!! Grrrrr!!! Only 2 more weeks of work for me...can't wait!

On the plus side I got half the day off and did some returning and shopping and have just about everything I need for LO now. Looking forward to a long and relaxing weekend.

As for birth plans, I guess I don't really know what goes into one. I am having a hospital birth and I am going to try to put off drugs for as long as I can and use the birthing ball, shower, etc to ease contractions. But I will have an epidural is labor is taking a long time or too painful. I wouldn't prefer to not have a c-section but obviously if that's whats needed for safety of baby, I will not argue. What else goes into a plan? How about yours Lou?

I started packing mine and LO's hospital bag last weekend. I suppose I should probably pack Dh's as well as he always leaves those things till the last minute. Just have some last minute things to add. We need to hang art, get organized, install car seat and we'll be ready!! Oh we still need to figure out a plan for the dog, although we have a couple people who can probably take him.

Now I'm just wondering when it will happen!! So excited!

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