Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Hi mama2b - wow sounds like an eventful morning! Least you got the afternoon off in the end, and if i remember don't you have friday off too so a long weekend? Did you see the president at all? I packed a bag for DH too, he would never have done it, so he has a t-shirt, pants (underware type can't remember what they are called in america as i know pants mean trousers), socks, some drinks and some snacks. My bag is done and car seat by front door. Need to practice putting it in car too! We have got to sort the dog out too, just wondering what to do if it happens during the night!

Hospital plan at the moment is elective c section at 39 weeks, or emergacy section if i go into labour before then. IF baby turns, then i was going to have home birth, but think it's too late now as i have nothing i would need as not worth thinking about until it's the right way up! So new plan is water birth i think in the hospital with just gas and air. Not ruling anything out though, as long as baby here safe i'm going with the flow, but i don't want pethidine.
Hey everyone! Well I recovered from my crazy week last week. I was spent this weekend. I treated myself to a massage but it wasn't all that great because she didn't use enough pressure (I like a lot, but I was afraid to say something) but then I felt sore the next day, so maybe more pressure would have been bad. Anyway, it was pretty relaxing. Dh worked really hard finishing up the nursery. We just have a couple things to hang on the walls and that's pretty much it! I don't think he was too happy about spending his weekend this way because I was cranky and couldn't really do much to help. He's been taking such great care of me, making me meals, rubbing me, helping me put my shoes/socks/pants on, and he even trimmed my toe nails. But I think sometimes he gets irritated with me and we bicker because I'm cranky and can't let anything go.

Went to Dr's today and my fluid was good and I had a few contractions during the fetal monitor. Then I had one when my OB went to measure me. I can't believe we r 1 week from full term!! Part of me hopes I don't have to wait too much longer, but then another side of my wants LO to stay in there and beef up and I'm also looking forward to some time off from work. I really wish this was my last week! Last night I slept only a few hours and then for some reason my brain thought it was time to wakeup and stay up! Heartburn and contant peeing don't help. I was so cranky when I had to get out of bed at 7am after finally dozing off again. But I have a little break after the Dr. before I have to go back for the evening. I guess it's okay I'm working. And the money is very useful right now ;).

How are you ladies?
Glad the nursery is all done mama2b, me and DH were bickering alot a few weeks ago, just little things, think i was coming across the wrong way with things i said as im tired anc cranky too! I put it down to the hormones. Glad everything is looking good with LO, why do our brains make us want to wake up and think! So many mornings are like this now!

AFM i've been referred to the consultant, but as over here we have two sets of bank holiday weekends in a row, the gyne consultants have all booked the 3 days off inbetween (tues to thurs) so they can have 11 days off! So can't see him till next wed when im 37+1 and was told to prepare to book in c section, so guessing turning be too late by then! Had false alarm monday, had been having period cramps that came and went since sunday, then went 5 minutes apart on Monday so went into labour ward. Was told even if i was 1cm dilated it would be c section that night, i hadn't started dilating so LO can continue cooking, but was told any changes or any signs (plug loss etc) then i must come straight back in, they will not let me labour at all.
Had quite a scare last night at work. After the dr I was having lots of contractions and cramping in lower abdomen and back. It felt odd and things seemed off but I'm paranoid about everything these days. Then at work I had some spotting. I put the lo quickly to bed and called the nurse. She said to just rest and call her if it got worse. It could be all the contractions making my uterus thin, ie some of mucus plug. I panicked thinking that might be time or sign of Trouble. Didn't sleep well at all. Still very crampy but no more bleeding. Buns is moving like normal so that's reassuring. Have to wait till my dr gets in to see what she says. No work today for me. Supposed to rest but laying in bed is so uncomfortable. Got the heat pad on.

Lou, that's so annoying you can see someone till after the holidays. I Canfield believe they let everyone take their vacation at once. Maybe they can still try to make him turn. Otherwise I'm sure a csection will be just fine. How soon do u think they would schedule it?

Jess, what's going on with you? Enjoying some time off work? Feeling ok?
Hi mama2b, good to hear from you, saw your post in 3rd tri and was hoping your ok. I'm still very crampy too, so hoping its all normal for us both at this stage, and it was just a bit of your plug for you xxx Hope your resting well, when is your doctor in, do you have long to wait? did you have an internal yesterday? It says an internal can dislodge some plug

I'm not sure, think it's 39 weeks, but any dilation before that and it be an emergancy one. Bit scared of the surgery, but as long as LO arrives safe then it be worth it. I know it's just stupid, so annoyed i can't get to see him this week and get some answers
Thanks lou,
Doctor is in a csection now, so just waiting to hear. I didn't have any vaginal exams yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't be too worried. I did have one last week though and I'm wondering if that got it started, although I really didn't have much blood last week. Anyway, if probably is some of plug, but it worried me because I read that comes just before labor. I also feel more uncomfortable with Los movements and I have this feeling like I have to poop sometimes. Probably just body getting ready. See what she says. I have a feeling I havd dilated some more but I'm sort of afraid to have it checked again.

Lou, I hope you get some answers soon. What do u do for the cramping? I have a rice pack I heat in the microwave that helps. So nice to be home from work today. Part of me is hoping my dr will tell me not to work Anymore. But I have a feeling she'll say I'm just fine. We shall see
Hi, i looked up to plug last week when i thought i'd lost some as i started worrying too, it said it can come away at bit at a time, and can happen days or weeks before labour starts. Means that things are getting ready. Hopeforly its just a little bit of your plug and LO stays cooking, might mean he might not be late though! Know what you mean about just feeling different, i just haven't felt right since last week, can't really put my finger on it, and keep needing to go to the toliet too. Just putting it down to body getting ready, half excited, half scared as still a week early!

The hospital gave me some drugs, they were paracetamol with something else beginning with a c. They knocked me out for the night! Since been home i've just had the odd paracetamol - or just curl up in bed and feel sorry for myself! But trying to stay active, walking the dog, aquasize.

Any word from doc? xx
Going to see Doc this afternoon. She didn't really say too much (I guess she was in an emergency c-section all morning) but she did want to see me and check me out. It always looks like more blood than it really is, especially when you aren't expecting to see it. It was enough to spot up my underwear and for hours afterwards it was still there when I wiped.

I know what you mean about the mixed emotions. I was all prepared to go late (or at least closer to due date) because everyone I know has with their 1st. My sister went 11 days late! I hope I can keep him cooking a couple more weeks! Did you see another "May Mummy" had her baby at 35+ weeks and it seems like he was just fine. He was a big boy! I wonder if Jess went and had her baby?

Well at least I know LO is okay in there. He's hiccuping away atm :). His hiccups last so long these days! A nurse said she thought he's be a good singer because he's strengthening his diaphragm. My Dh is a singer/musician. I'm def. feeling the nerves in anticipation of this appointment. I'm wondering if I should take a hospital bag just in case!
Yeah mine is moving all the time, even the registar commented that LO seems very happy and doesn't stop moving! I took my hospital bag on Monday but left it in the car, it's staying there now, so maybe take it and leave it in there.

No didn't see that post, though the registar seemed to think on Monday that 36 weeks was fine, no worries at all about it. Think 'full term' can be 36 or 37 weeks depending on different sources and people, she didn't seem concerned about doing a c section that night.

Hope it all goes well and it's just your plug, update us when you can. Good she is seeing you and can see whats going on. It's always so worrying to see, esp when we havn't seen it for so long now, always think the worse. Blood is always annoying, as it always looks more than it is. I was saying to DH the other day what would happen if i had a 'bloody show' when i was at aqua. He joked it would look like jaws as water always makes it look worse!!

Hope your well jess
Off to sleep now, hope all goes well. Will check on thread first thing, fxed for longer cooking for you! Xxx
Good news! No baby coming yet! Not so good news, she found a polyp which was causing bleeding but is not a big concern. She also thinks I have a UTI and gave me a course of antibiotics. That would explain the abdominal pain. I guess the backache is just normal pregnancy back stuff. So I'm relieved! The exam was not very pleasant. I really didn't appreciate having a speculum up there :(. She also checked my cervix and I'm 50% effaced now but still only 1cm dilated. She doesn't see any reason why I should deliver early. And she thinks I can work just fine if I feel okay. So I'm back to work (half day) tomorrow. Hopefully that'll help take my mind off things.

After my appointment I felt just terrible. I had to wait forever at the pharmacy and I felt like I was going to pass out and my belly was so tight and achy. Then it was the bumpiest car ride home! I came home crawled in bed and took a nap after a nice big cheeseburger :). I feel a bit better now. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon.

DH has really beent taking care of me today. He even worked from home. But I think he's relieved too. On the way to the Dr I wanted to kill him though, he was going on about how when the baby comes I can't over react about things if something goes wrong. So I got pissed that he thought I was overreacting to this. I reminded him it's my job take care of this baby and myself and I won't feel guilty about that. Then after the appointment he said "see I told you everything's fine." I bit my tongue but wanted to say, actually it's not fine, I was totally right to worry. I know he's just trying to be supportive. I think it's hard to understand all the emotions and hormones I've got going on right now. In addition to feeling like shit. But thank god I have him!!! How in the world women do this on their own is beyond me.

Lou, that is so funny about the jaws scenario! I'm sure it won't happen though ;) You are smart to have the bag ready. We definitely got a wake-up call to be prepared. I finish the bag tomorrow morning when I'm feeling better.
Great news that Lo can continue cooking! Tell me about the speculum! I've come to think anything they say will be 'uncomfotable' they really mean 'unpleasent or painful'!

Hope the antibiotics kick in quick for you. xxx Think its a long day of worrying, knocks it out of you.

Yeah i think it's hard for the men to understand the hormones and emoutions we feel. I was looking up c sections and finding all these terrible stats about maternal deaths, and DH emailed me to say i should be looking at the positives not the negatives! I know he meant well, but emailed back that i needed to look at both - though i think he was right i was focusing on the worst case and scarying myself!

Cramps back again today, sigh. Guess this will be it everyday until c section date! Suppose i should get up and go and walk the dog, bless him he is still sleeping, hasn't bothered me yet!
Hope your cramps are feeling better!

Still not feeling great here. Dont think antibiotics worked and since dr's office is closed they had me come to the hospital to get a urine sample, monitor baby and cramps. Will be here a while I guess since dr just went in for a csection. Well, at least I'll know what to expect when I come here to deliver. I hope everything is ok and they figure out what's going on so I can feel better and get out of here.
oh no, hope your feeling better today xxxx did they find out whats going on?

I've been feeling better, but woke today with bad period type cramp, its always there, not coming and going, so have gone straight to sofa to curl up! DH still sleeping. i spent an 1 and half on my ball yesterday, walked the dog 3 times with DH, wonder if thats what done it.
Well, after nearly 3 hours at the hospital they Said they aren't sure if I ever had a uti at all as my symptoms may just be from all the contractions. I had 15 while they were monitoring me (2 hrs) which is about one every 7 mins. But they are inconsistent and just bh I guess. The nurse seemed to think they are causing the cramps, etc. And she said I really need to drink a ton ( thought I was) because if you are even slightly dehydrated it bring on more contractions. So thd dr recomended a reduced sugar sports drink and I've been downing that and water like crazy. I feel a kettle better, but sleeping is hard as my back and belly ache so bad and I'm up every 1-2 hrs to pee. I feel a little silly spending a beautiful day at the hospital for nothing, but if I was home I would have bern just as miserable, so it was worth the piece of mind.

So, perhaps for both of us, this is just our bodies getting ready. I have to say at this point in hope I go a bit earlier rather than later cause u can't imagine feeling this way for 3-4 more weeks. When do u go back to check if baby can be turned? This week or next? Hope the cramping let's up for you a bit today.

Well dh has spring fever and wants to get out and go to the beach or something. Just picturing my waddling ass trying to make it through the sand...lol...that would be a site. But maybe we will take the dog for a little hike. It's harder to walk now. I get a contraction the whole time it seems.
hope the increased fluid and sugarry drinks help ease them. I with you with hoping it's nearer the 37 mark than the the 42! I really hope something happens naturally before my c section date as these pains really do get you down don't they. Guess as you say it's all just normal and bodies preparing.

Hope you manage to spend some time in your spring sun with Dh and the dog today. I'm hoping to go cinema tomorrow and a meal. Maybe try some spicey food as be 36+ 6! ! day till term!

Cramps not gone, ended up in tears, but i was just tired i think and struggling to cope. DH gave me hug, paracetamol and sent me to bed. Feel better now, but cramp still there, stomach doesn't go hard, so always like a pain constant period cramp. Hope it's not too much longer for us! Wednesday is my doctor appointment, they will re=scan me then. But i'm pretty sure it's still a head at top!
Oh no, your cramps sound terrible. It can be so frustrating when you can't get any relief. Mine seem to come and go. Tried to get out and enjoy the beautiful day yesterday with a picnic in the park and little walk. It was nice but the walk was painful and short. Afterwards I was totally spent for the day. It really doesn't take much to exhaust me these days. I've been waking up feeling really sick to my stomach. Not sure if it's pre-labor stuff or not. My work hours are way cut back this week (THANK GOD). I only worked for 2 hours today and then a bit from home. Trying to tie up lose ends this week. I am getting sad/sentimental about leaving since I probably won't be returning. It's so hard when you get so attached to a child and have to say goodbye. And she is a real sweet heart. But pretty soon I'll have my own to take care of :)!!!

Movie and spicy food sounds nice. I eat spicy food everyday, so I don't think it's will do much for me at this point. I hear sex is supposed to help but the Doc told me not to since i had bleeding (not that I've had a real strong desire lately anyhow). Poor Dh is really looking forward to a fast recovery after labor, if you know what I mean ;).

Good luck at your scan on Wednesday!! Maybe they will try to turn LO? I'm back to the OB and for my weekly nonstress test tomorrow. I hope they don't want to doing any internal exams. I've already had my cervix checked 3 times and it makes me feel crampy/contractiony. Plus, I worry about infection.
I managed to DTD last night, just thought might as well give it a go. Not sure i will be jumping on DH every night though, just feel so sick and painful! Do you get like a constant painful contraction as you walk? It's just so painful, but know it's good to keep moving! Think it must be pre labour stuff for both of us, really hope it doesn't go on and on for us!

Hope your weekly tests go well. Know what you mean about internals, hopeforlly they will leave you alone for a bit.

Midwife today thinks the constant period cramp is the babys bum engaged, also been going to the loo 3 to 4 times a day. As she thinks it's now engaged she doubts they will turn it, and be c section. She also said as it hasn't moved at all in 10 weeks there is prob a reason for it, like cord too short for it to turn, position of placenta, so safest way be c section.

Happy full term! x

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