Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Hi girls! Jessica, I'm with you on the holiday. It would be so nice to get away somewhere. Although here in Sf it's 80 degrees today! I have to say the heat and m/s don't mix though. Last time it was this hot I puked at work :(. Cutelou, what kind of dog do you have? We are crazy about our little doggy and try to take him with us when we travel. But it's not always possible, he's too big to ride with us on the plane so we go on car trips when we can. Here's a little video of him when he was a puppy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4njtYUPruU0

Jessica, your birthday is the same as my sisters due date! Not long for your u/s now!

Well cutelou, not long for our u/s at all. I know what you mean about being nervous. Only I am nervous for different reasons. I am going in for the NT u/s and I am worried they will find something wrong. I couldn't sleep last night worrying. Even though I know the chances are low I can't help but worry. I've always been like that. I think I worry because I figure if I prepare for the worst I won't be taken by surprise if it happens. It's not a good way to live though. I am bummed too because my husband is at jury duty today and might get picked for a trial. If that happens I'll have to go to the appointment alone :(.

Hope ya'll are hanging in there.
hi all,
just a update, went to see my midwife today and all was fine got the triple test done for down syndrome what was ok even though i don't like needles but getting a little use to them now jue to the amount of times in pregnancy they need to take blood. Heard the baby's heart beat for the first time today what was fab and a very special moment for me and daddy....
Im now 16 weeks 6 days pregnant and now got a due date of the 26th April 2011 so all is good, hows everyone else feeling? seeing to be getting better now loosing the morning sickness and starting to feel less tied so hopefully on a up...
speak to all soon and keep me updated on your news XxCharlxX\
Hi, was just heading on to wish you well for tomorrow mama2b! What time is your scan? i think you are 8 hours behind us at mo, not sure if you have changed your clocks yet?? Be looking forward to your update! Its so hard not to worry isn't it, i'm like you, think the worst then it can only be better surely! I'm sure everything will be fine for both of us xx Hope your OH can make it!

Your dog is lovely! what lovely big eyes! What breed is he? Can you take dogs on planes with you in the US then? They would have to go in hold over here. I forget how lucky we are that we can drive all places in the UK as it's a small island so he can come anywhere with us. He is a lurcher crossed with something else we are not sure of. Pretty certain he has collie in him. I've popped a pic of him below, when we were on holiday in cornwall this year.

Your 12 weeks tomorrow! exciting!

Charl great news that the midwife went well, it must have been magical hearing the heartbeat! Yeah lots of bloods tests for us, i'm not too bad with the neddles. Glad your started to feel better, i hear the 2nd tri is when we are supposed to glow and gain our engery back! Do you have a date for 20 week scan?


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Yes due to have second scan on the 8th of December so still quite a long way off yet but cant wait as we have decided to find out the baby gender, yes hearing the baby's heart beat was amazing you had your first scan yet? yes your supposed to feel much better so hopefully be back to feeling normal agen in no time... they also say between 16 and 22 weeks i should start to feel the baby moving, what i think i can but not shore as it could be trapped gas lol
Charl, Glad to hear your midwife visit went well. Isn't the heart beat the best sound in the world. I'm also glad to hear your symptoms are fading. It gives me hope ;).

cutelou, I am not sure how far ahead you are. When I lived in Chicago I remember it was 7 hours but now that I'm on the west coast it might be 9. My scan is at 11am and I am really hoping I don't have to go it alone. I'm nervous, but I was glad to have work today to keep my mind occupied. I know the scans will go well for both of us. I will try to post my pics when I get back. Love to see yours too. We are so close in due date. I have a feeling mine might change tomorrow though. I might be as much as 13 weeks, we shall see. Wouldn't it be great if they bumped me to 13 and I could skip ahead to 2nd tri?!! You're doggy is adorable. I love the shaggy dogs. Yes, small dogs (under 20lbs) can fly on planes here, under the seat in a carrier. My dog is 25 and very tall so he doesn't make the cut. We drive a lot of places here in California (big state) but to go to other states we usually fly.

Good luck!! Hope everyone else is doing well.
Cutelou, yay you're a plum today! What comes after plum? It looks like a peach, but that can't be right, that's huge!!
Cutelou, yay you're a plum today! What comes after plum? It looks like a peach, but that can't be right, that's huge!!

Next one is a peach....wooo, im a peach tomorro then i'm a lemon by my scan next week!xxx
Hi all! i'm a peach!! I've been put forward to 13 weeks exactly at my scan today! so pleased! everything is looking fine, hb 157bpm and measuring 69mm. New due date of 24th May now! Will scan in photos later today and upload them.

Mama2b hope your scan goes well today, shall check back this evening to see your update!

Jess really not long now until your scan! It takes about half an hour, i was quiet surprised!
Yay CuteLou! Thats so great! I can't wait to see the pics! Do you get to look at the ultrasound for 1/2 hour? That's so amazing. I bet the baby seemed so big compared to the last scan. I am so happy for you! And you're a peach!! Woohoo. Is 13 weeks 2nd tri or is it 14? I alway get confused. But then, a lot o people talk about 12 weeks too. Either way, Getting bumped up is quite cool. Was the baby moving around a lot of sleeping during the scan. I heard that some babies are so active it's hard to get a clear pic and others are sleeping and not doing much. Hard to know what's going on dow there now, I can't feel a thing.

May 24th would be my due date based on my period, so maybe I'll get bumped to the same. I was up half the night, worrying and also my husband is sick :( But only a few more hours now! Yay!!

Jessica, a peach seems so big! For some reason I feel like a peach is bigger than a lemon. I guess it's a small peach and a large lemon ;). I honestly can't believe how quickly the time is going. We are already almost 1/3 of the way there! I feel like the time is flying by. Hopefully it slows down a bit to enjoy second tri :)
Just had my scan. Good news and a little bad. The baby looks great and my chances for genetic abnormalities is low at this point. The bad news is that they found a uterine cyst that has a septation(sp?). I guess because of it's size and the septation they want me to go to a specialist for another ultrasound. Worst case scenario I could need surgery to remove it, or it could flip (causing lots of pain) and possibly loss of the ovary. Very rarely it could be cancer. But the Dr. seemed pretty sure it will probably be just fine, it's just something they like to keep an eye on. The chances of any of those bad things is very very low. But still, not entirely the news I was hoping for. I should hear from my regular OB today and she'll tell me where to go in the hospital to get another ultrasound.

More good news, the baby was sleeping at first but then wokeup after a couple minutes and was moving all over the place. It was so amazing to watch! Also based on my scan they put me at 12+6 (due May 25th)which means I'd be 13 tomorrow!! But, apparently only my OB can change my due date.

Well, I hope to post my photos soon. Can't wait to see yours cutelou!
It was actually such a difference! was just looking at the two together! soo much difference in 3 weeks!! Yeah half an hour i was in there, but he was doing loads of measurements i think, and i spent alot of time looking at OH and mouthing 'whats that!'.

Think we go over to 2nd tri at 14 weeks, he/she was moving around at start, then went to sleep. I know how you feel, i was up most of the night, dream after dream.

Hope your scan went well, looking forward to the pics. I've popped mine below


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Hi mama2b, i've just seen your post after writting mine. So glad baby is well and everything on the baby front is looking good. 13 weeks tomorrow is great! Sorry to hear about the cyst, hopeforlly it will be fine and they will be able to resolve it easily for you, but another worry you don't need right now. Do you know when you will be able to see the other doctor?

Its great seeing them moving about isn't it, makes it feel so real!
Thanks Cutelou! Your scans are amazing!!! I love them! I posted mine over on the tri one page but I will post here too. I am trying not to worry. I should get in ASAP for the next ultrasound because he said as the uterus expands it becomes harder to see the cyst. So I am just waiting to hear from my Dr.
1st time mama......

Relax! I've got 2 cysts on my left ovary, my consultant just checks and measures them every 6 weeks now. They said come 20 weeks they should go, if not they can need draining but its a simple process that won't harm baby.
Very worst case they remove them when you give birth as long as they dnt get to the point where they need draining before then..

So please both your scans went well...cant wait to see bean next week! Wonder if i'll get my dates changed! Xxx
Thanks Jessica,

That makes me feel better. I guess they just made me concerned because he said it was very large and wasn't likely to go away on it's own, and I guess because it's septated there is a higher risk of it twisting/rupturing. Do you know how large your cysts are? They didn't tell me, but it might be on my scans. Thanks for the reassurance. I guess the plus side is we'll get more scans!!
Hi ladies!

How we all doing this week?

Jess must be less than a week till your scan now!

I was hoping you'd be on, In a right chatty mood and OH isnt here tnite....lonely me! haha

Woooo next wednesday...be 14 weeks then too (give or take depending on my scan)
hows you and bump? xxx
I'm doing all right, how boy you guys? Everyday I wake up and hope the m/s is gone. It's still lingering though. And when I got on the scale today I realized I have lost 6 lbs this trimester. I really hope I get my appetite back soon. Although, I'm sure I'll make up for the lbs later. I scheduled my appointment for the ultrasound/uterine specialist next week. So I will be having 2 ultrasounds that day! One from my OB as well. I thought about waiting to see the specialist another week or 2 so there's less time in between u/s's and get another opportunity to find out babies sex. But, in the end I decided I'd rather get in sooner so hopefully they can give me some good news and I can stop worrying and enjoy my Thanksgiving. Am I the only American on this thread?

Oh, I posted my scan pic on this website for gender prediction and every single person said they thought my nub looks like a girl! I guess they have some u/s techs that post on there, as well as folks that are really into "nub theory."

Jessica, I can't remember if you are team yellow like cutelou. But if you are interested in knowing the sex and they can't tell you at your next u/s you should post a pic on this site.

Take care all!
no team blue all the way (for some reason i have a feeling its a boy!) haha xxx
Hi ladies!

Maybe I should post mine there and see what they say! Though don't think the nub is visable on my pics.

I'm umm and arring whether to find out sex now?? I was thinking of booking scan on oh birthday at 16 weeks as think he wants to know. Imjust not sure!!

Be nice to have a couple of scans nxt week and hopeforly put your mind at rest so you can enjoy thanksgiving!

I'm from uk! I'm doing ok, feeling much more relaxed. Going dinner tonight with a friend, then shopping for bridesmaid dress tomorrow for July! Be 2 months from due date, so going for one bigger

do you all have any nice plans for the weekend?

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