Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Cutelou, you should post your pics on the site, but only if you think you want to know. Jess and I decided to venture into second tri a little early. Less scary over there, and more relevant to where we are at now. Besides, according to some of my books 2nd tri begins at 13 weeks anyway.

Dinner and shopping sounds fun. I don't have any big plans this weekend besides sleeping and hanging out with dh and my doggy. It's been a long week for both of us. I worked until 10 last night and had to be back this morning at 7 :(. Not enough time to get home and get in a good sleep. Plus dh and I were kept up all night by the neighbors baby. His room is right above ours and his parents have Bern trying to "let him cry" for months now. I don't think it's working as he'll cry for 20 mins straight. It's so annoying but not really anything we can complain about. Although I find it inconsiderate that they put the babies room there knowing where our bedroom is. So we may ha e to move our bedroom now too and let the baby have ours. K everyone! Have a nice weekend!
Hey ladies....had some bleeding last night so scan was moved forward...had it today.
Bean was uncooperative as ever and standing on his head...refused to let us get a good picture but he was happy and snug in there so no idea what bleeding was! xx
Jess! I'm so happy to hear everything is okay. You had me worried when I saw your other post. I'm sure that must have been scary having the bleeding. I had some a couple weeks ago too and I was terrified.

The good thing is that LO is ok in there!!! Yay! LOL, "standing on his head?" It sounds like you've got an acrobat in there! I hope the bleeding stops soon hon! When will you get another scan? Take care!
My next scan on nhs is 11th Jan i'll be 21 weeks then.

ALTHOUGH... i've booked a private scan for 7th Dec when i'm 16 weeks to find out babys sex xxx
hi all im really worried the last couple days iv felt lots of movement from the baby but today iv felt none and feeling really depressed and sad please anyone got any advice, im from uk so to late to call midwife
Hi charl, I've heard eating something sugery can help starting movement again. Otherwise if your worried you can try and call the materity ward as they will have mid wides there you can talk to. I'm sure everythings ok, :hugs:

jess, sorry to hear about the bleeding, but so glad the bean is doing well and is all ok! Did they manage to get pictures? The 7th is the day I was considering booking the sexing scan too!!

Mama2b hope you have a nice relaxing weekend with oh and doggy! Must be a pain having baby above you. Hope you manage to get some better kip tonight.

Yeah I've headed over to 2nd tri now, 1st tri didn't seem to apply anymore. Just back from picking oh up from work drinks, looking foward to shopping tomorrow. Think may go for scan but just let oh know the sex!
How's everyone doing? Hopefully having a more enjoyable weekend than me. I came down with a nasty head cold friday night :(. Dh had been sick for over week and I thought I had avoided catching it, but then the sore throat came on. I really hope I feel better soon. One thing I'll say is either the cold symptoms are masking my ms or my ms is getting better. I emailed my boss this morning so she could try to get someone to cover me at work tomorrow. I hate having to miss work, but I don't think I'll be able to handle a 10 hour day feeling like this :(.

Jess, how are you doing? Has the bleeding stopped? Only a couple more weeks for your private scan. It'll be so exciting if they can tell you the sex

Cutelou, did you decide whether you will book the private scan that week or not? Do you think it will be hard for OH to know the sex and not tell you?

Char, I hope you started to feel movement again and everything is well. I haven't felt any movement at all.

Well I have my 2 scans scheduled for tuesday but I realized it might not work. My OB appointment is at 11 and sometimes she runs 30 mins-hour late. My specialist appointment is at 1 and it's cutting it close. It might work out accept I have to have a full bladder for both. I don't think I'll be able to hold it or both so I would need to drink all that water for each one!! I am thinking about rescheduling the specialist appointment. My OB said it's not urgent and there's no rush, however, I also know if they do surgery they like to do it around now. What do you all think. Is it okay if I wait a week. By that time I'll be around 15 weeks so they may be able to tell me the sex. Otherwise I would have to wait till 20 week scan I think. But I don't want to change the appointment just based on that. It's more important to find out everything is okay with the cyst.
Yeah bleeding stopped as suddenly as it came on...got a pic but was a rubbish one hence why looking forward to the private one! We get a dvd this time for the scan too...

1sttimemama...hope youre feeling better xx
Hope your feeling better mama2b! Colds really are the worst! With the bladder, i only drunk a small glass of orange before mine, and that was fine, so think you'd be ok having a glass inbetween if you need to go. Are they at the same hospital or do you need to change location?

Jess glad the bleeding stopped. You must be getting so excited about seeing the baby proberly in 2 weeks!

He'll be fine knowing, and me not knowing. He is great at keeping secrets about presents and things, and always sends me off scent! We are going to have a 'code word' for if i just really do want to know the truth. I may change my mind by the scan anyway. Just hoping the sonographer is ok with just telling one
I'm feeling absolutely miserable today and took the day off. I really feel like I could use a couple more days off but I just don't want to miss the work. And I'm irritated because my boss has me working the day after Thanksgiving. Most people get this day off. But what can I do? This is really a miserable cold and not being able to take anything really stinks. I hope you all are able to avoid getting sick for the next 6 1/2 months.

I guess I will keep both appointments tomorrow but my instructions for the 2nd ultrasound say I should drink 3-4 8oz glasses of fluids!! That is SO much! So maybe I should see if I can move the second appointment back a bit. I will call and see. The appointments aren't in the same hospital but they are close (about 2 blocks apart). If I am late I can blame my OB. She's so bad about being late, but I figure maybe she's off delivering babies so I never say anything.

I'm going to get back to laying on the couch and blowing my nose :(
That's a lot of fluid to drink! Hopeforly you will make it to both appointments ok xx

sorry the colds getting you down, it's terrible not being able to take anything. I had rotten cold at 6 weeks and took 2 days off as just couldn't work with it as couldn't take anything! Bit rubbish bout getting you to work day after thanks giving, is it a Friday?

Found a small lump in my left boob, bit worried but know they ate common in pregnancy. Going to try and get appointment for docs, but needs to be after work which is bit harder as rather a lady doc.

Any signs of a bump mama2b?

How's your bump coming along jess?

Charl how are you? X
Thank Cutelou, and I am sorry about your lump. I'm sure it's fine, but it's good to get checked anyway. It's amazing the lumps and bumps and cysts that come up during pregnancy.

I'm stilling feeling terrible but I called the Dr's office and the nurse said it's ok to take sudafed. So I am trying that. I have a short day at work tomorrow. Go in the AM to drive the LO to school and then pick her up in the afternoon to work the evening shift. Hopefully with work and the 2 appointments it won't be too much.

Thanksgiving in on Thursday so most people have a 4 day weekend. But I have to work Friday.

No bump yet really. I feel like I look exactly the same as I have since 6 weeks. Although my DH says I look bigger. I think my uterus must be growing out of my pubic cavity because I have to pee FAR less frequently now. And my ms seemed to turn a major corner. I still have moments of nausea but my appetites been a bit better. Thank god because I don't think I could handle this head cold and ms :(

How bout you ladies on the bump front! Post your pics. I would love to see them! Give me inspiration ;)
How did it go today mama2b? Hope your colds a bit better for you xx

I'll take my bump pic tomorrow, I'm quiet bumping by evening, the food I think!! Wearing baggy clothes to work as students are terrible for saying what they think and not planning to tell classes till after christmas
Will get OH to take one for me and will post it up tomorrow!!

Lou...you should post another one up so we can see how its developing!!

:hugs: hope your feelin better 1sttimemama xxxx
I'll do same when oh gets home tomorrow and post it up! I'm inbetween trousers, normal size 10 too tight and maternity size 10 too big, so I'm going with a belt! Think I need a pair of over the bump for now.

Be great to see how much it's changed jess! Can people tell?
Hey guys!
All in all my appointments went really well. Apparently I was wrong about having an u/s at my OB. And she says I don't have another one with her. But I don't think I get another one with the genetic screening place so I have no idea where I go for my 20 week scan. I'll have to find out. Mr Dr. said I am looking really small but she wasn't too concerned about it. Hopefully as my appetite comes back I'll gain back the weight I lost from m/s and put on some more this trimester. She did firm up my due date as May 24th! So I am exactly 14 weeks today!! The only bad thing is that my blood pressure was elevated so I have to go back and get it checked again. Kind of scary but maybe it was because I was nervous for my 2nd appointment or the cold medicine I took.

The 2nd appointment went really well. The tech took a lot of time doing an external and vaginal ultrasound. She said my cysts (there are 2) are a lot smaller than they initially thought, she said she's seen a lot worse and that it's nothing "scary." So I feel really relieved about that. I guess they'll just keep an eye on it for my next scan (whenever and wherever that is). She also was able to tell me about the sex!!! I was really surprised when she said BOY!!! I had just convinced myself it was a girl I think. My DH who was initially hoping for a boy was actually a little surprised/disappointed too I think. But we will be happy as long as he is healthy. And I am getting excited thinking about a boy now. Although it's not 100% she did see and show us the penis, so it seemed pretty convincing. Now I am anxious to have my next scan to confirm!!

I am still feeling quite sick but I am working for just a few hours tonight and a long 10 hour day tomorrow and then I have Thursday off for Turkey Day. I really hope I feel better tomorrow. I thought my MS was gone for good but then I threw up this morning. But I think it had a lot to do with the cold I have.

I am a little sad I don't really have a bump to share. I feel like I look so tiny for 3 1/2 months. I wonder if I'll stay tiny throughout. My sister is more petite than me. She weighed 100lbs before getting pregnant and now she HUGE!! Of course when you are petite it always shows more I think.

Can't wait to see your bump pics!!
So glad your scans went well! A little boy! How lovely!!! Maybe as you appitite increases again you'll start putting it on and showing. Only I can tell mine, I wore tight t shirt to work and don't think anyone can tell.

Have you found out where you go for 20 week scan?

Hope you have nice thanksgiving tomorrow! Have you have any nice plans?

Jess have you got your bump pic?

I've taken mine but just won't upload at mo
nope not had a chance bt will defo do tomorro as finish work at 1pm xxxx
Hey guys! I scheduled my 19 week scan! I go on Dec 28th. It's going to be so hard to wait over a month for another scan! But I guess I don't have much of a choice unless I want to fork over extra dough for a private one. I'm sure I won't be able to convince DH to do that. So, we'll have to wait and see. I am still having some doubts that the ulstrasound was correct in saying I have a little boy in there. It's just so soon and so easy to make a mistake, but on the other hand she sees a million ultrasounds, so maybe she knows what she's talking about. Either way I'm trying not to take her answer as final.

Work today is brutal, my m/s came back again and my cold is lingering. Plus, the little one I watch is just as sick as me and doesn't want to cooperate. Counting the minutes till I get to go home! I am making a cheesecake tonight and tomorrow we are going to our friends restaurant for thanksgiving dinner. It should be really good since a chef will be preparing the meal. I'm glad I don't have to cook the whole thing myself.

Take care ladies!
hi all
got a couple baby bump pics,
this is my bump last week (17 weeks pregnant)


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