Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Cute lil bumps ladies! For some reason I thought mine was really small, but looking at yours, now I guess not so much. Mine is sort of like a cross between the two bumps. I have filled in on my upper abdomen but then I also have a little bump on the bottom I guess. I still feel like it's not very cute looking at all. It almost goes in a bit at my belly button, so I feel like I have a double bump almost. But it's easy to be critical of ones own body. I will try to post a pic this weekend. It's so neat to see how every bump looks different.

I had a good turkey day! I ate a lot of good food! But I was outside a little bit too long. It was nice in the sun, probably in the 50's. But then we walked the doggies on the beach by the restaurant where we ate and it was really chilly. My doggy had fun, but I caught a chill and have been under 5 blankets ever since. I'm not quite over my cold I guess. Wishing I had tomorrow off so I could have a 4 day weekend with DH.

Oh I wanted to ask you ladies your ages. I'm 29. My Birthday is June 11 so right around my due date. So, hopefully I'll deliver before my 30th! Best BDay present I could imagine :)
im 23, my birthdays march15th so wll be having a birthday/baby shower xxxx
I'm 27, birthday 10th jan so defbe 28 by the time baby comes!

Glad you had a good turkey day!!
haha my bump looks like its expanded overnight compared to the pic i put on here already! Xxx
I've just stuffed my face at a meal out, i've just had to undo my jeans so bump could fit in! Its the first time ever that i don't need a belt with my jeans!!
I haven't bern wearing a belt for weeks! I felt like being comfy at work today, so I put on my maternity cords and they are still way too big! Keep having to pull them up, but at least they are comfy. Yesterday I wore leggings (non maternity) and they were digging into belly all day! Only 4 more hours of work till the weekend!! Might have to shop for some maternity leggings , etc this weekend.

Any fun weekend plans ladies?
Not much fun plans for me. Got nieces 'tea' tomorrow (sandwiches, snacks and cakes etc) . It's her tenth birthday so gotta wrap

snow forecasted for Tuesday!

Any doing anything nice?
Hope you ladies had a good weekend! Mine was nice and pretty relaxing. I ran out of my nausea pills on sat and they couldn't refill until Monday for some reason. So I had to go without yesterday and I felt sick all day, but no puking. I really am starting to wonder when this dumb m/s will end! But today I had a pill and felt great. I wish I didn't need them anymore. And DH gives me a hard time for taking a pill, but it's better than being sick and unable to eat anything all day.

Rough week at work this week. I have to be there every morning at 7am :(. Today I worked till 5:30 but I got to take a little nap during the day, which I really needed. I asked my boss again if she could cut back my hours. I was more specific this time and said no more than 40 hours and no more than 10 hours in a day. We'll see what she says. The good news is I will have some time off at Christmas, but I will still have to go in and do some work. So I am looking forward to that time off.

Man I can't believe I have to wait another 4 weeks (tomorrow) for my next ultrasound!! How will I make it?! I really hope LO starts moving regularly so I can at least get some reassurance everything is okay. Are you ladies looking forward to you scans? You don't have to wait quite as long ;)
a week today until my scan...yey.
Got midwife appointment next monday.
Laid up in bed today and yesterday will tummy bug woke up this morning with a searing pain behind my right eye...think im dehydrated hence the horrid headaches! :( xxxx hope your all feeling better than me! Was going to attempt work today but would be working until 9pm and not the best thing if im already this bad xxxx
Hope you're feeling better Jessica! That sounds horrible.

Yay, orange today!
Yay we are all oranges!!

Hope your feeling better jess xx

Midwife and scan for me next tuesday :happydance:

No work for me, its closed cause of the snow!! we never shut soo was a pleasent surpise, though the snow is really bad so doubt i should have risked it with bump
Hi Ladies!

How are we all doing this week? I've been snowed in, just keeps falling on us. The good thing though is no work, just stuck in. Think i'm going to put up my christmas tree today and start feeling festive!
hey! I'm feeling a bit better although still tired! I'm afraid to say ive had to make it into work this week as i'm skint and won't get paid for time off! Got a full weekend off though....very excited for that! Not long till our scans! Xxxxx
Glad you're feeling better Jess. Too bad about the work. Getting snowed in sounds great Lou, too bad it doesn't snow here, lol. I'm so excited your ultrasounds next week. Lou have you decided if you or Dh will find out the sex? Jess are you still thinking boy?

I just got a call from my Dr. following up about the ultrasound I had a couple weeks ago. She said the cysts look totally fine, but they found that the placenta is close to the cervix. It's called placenta previa and I guess it usually resolves on it's own. If it doesn't I may have bleeding and may have to deliver early via c-section. So, from one thing to the next. I'm not too worried though as OB didn't seem too concerned. The good news is I'll get to have an extra ultrasound in 3rd trimester to check on it!

I'm absolutely exhausted from this week and having to be at work everyday at 7am! I can't wait for the weekend and sleeping in!
Glad to hear your starting to feel better, you must be looking forward to the weekend!!

All the schools around here have been shut for at least last 3 days, it's up to our knees. Oh has had to make it to work though, but did take so
e holiday one day.

Can't believe it's 3 days till our scans and 16 weeks! Seems to be going much faster since out of 1st tri
Hi mama2b, oh is finding out, they are putting in an envolope for us. I have yet to decide whether to know or not!!

Good news that the cysts are ok - hopeforly the placenta will sort itself out. It's good to try and not worry, lookalike they are taking good care of you xx

car is still covered, not bothered to dig it out. Bit dangerous walking the dog as he acts like a big kid just running, and it's all icey!! But it is very pretty
Hi mama2b, oh is finding out, they are putting in an envolope for us. I have yet to decide whether to know or not!!

Good news that the cysts are ok - hopeforly the placenta will sort itself out. It's good to try and not worry, lookalike they are taking good care of you xx

car is still covered, not bothered to dig it out. Bit dangerous walking the dog as he acts like a big kid just running, and it's all icey!! But it is very pretty

Yeah, I'm not too worried. I just talked to my sister (whose 9 months) and she had the same thing and it fixed itself. It's funny how we have that and the cysts in common, makes me wonder if it's genetic component or just a coincidence. I hope I am as lucky as her to not have any stretch marks. Her belly is HUGE. I am surprised at how well she's feeling, or maybe she just doesn't complain as much as me ;).

Okay, are you all thinking about names yet?

I had a ton of boy names but had to switch gears and put them on the back burner when we had our last u/s

Here are some of our favorites: Cameron, Dylan, Alexander, Ethan, Eli. what do ya'll think of Dylan Alexander. Do you like that spelling of Dillon?
That's strange how your sister had it too, but hopeforly it will sort itself out like your sister. I like the spelling of Dylan that way, Eli is on our list so far. We have got up to G in the baby book so far. Got names like Finn, brogan, Eli so far. Should have full boys and girls list down by end of weekend before the scan!

Has your sister Been using any type of mosteriser to stop the strench marks? I've Bern using dermamum morning and night so far.

Any nice plans for the weekend ladies?
I can't believe we are almost 4 months!!! I feel like time is flying by! I'll check with my sister about creams, but I've heard you pretty much either get stretch marks or not. I haven't bene using anything besides regular moisturizer. I bought some coco butter for stretch marks but it smells bad and the pump doesn't work (can' be bothered to return).

You girls are so lucky to don't have morning sickness. I keep trying not to take my pill and hoping I'll feel better. This morning I tried to go out to a next breakfast with DH and as soon as I started eating I want to puke. Not fun!

Anyway, the name thing is tougher than I thought. It's hard for me and DH to agree on our favorites.
Yeah we are currently highlighting in the book the ones either of us like then going to try and sort them. It's so hard to agree!! I like Morgan, also was our hotel name in new York for the cycle we concieved on.

Must be so hard for you still having the sickness, hope it goes for you soon. Mine went at 14 weeks, just the occasional sick feeling in the morning. Only thing for me now is I can't eat veg, all I want is bad dinners!!

Have you got any names you and dh have both agreed on??

Can't believe almost 4 months!!

How's the bumps coming along

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