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I take it everyday Also!!!

GL today Brandy if U get a BFP can we add it as 2???? :haha:
FX for U!!!

Moondust are u having problems??? I hope not FX for a sticky Bean!!!
Sis - no problems - I've just had 2 miscarriages though, so am not sure if this one will stick or not. Am trying to stay positive!!!
Brandy - good luck with your transfer today!!!

Just wanted to say with all the gals taking supplements to be sure to check with your Dr before taking anything. To much vitamin B can be bad for you and shouldn't be taken with other supplements like iron and aspirin can inhibit ovulation and prevent implantation. I'm not saying it's bad to take these things, but check with your Dr first. I've heard so many people say aspirin can't hurt you and vitamin B just comes out in your urine, but that is not completely true.
My Dr told me to take the Asprin for better implantation Aslo Asprin doesn't inhibit Ovualtion Motrin can that's why they tell u to use Tylenol Products if needed!!

Advil, Aleeve and other anti-imflamatories can cause issues w those things!!
Mr RE told me to stay away from aspirin, but each person is different Here are couple articles

Just recommending to check with your Dr before you self-medicate :)
Mr RE told me to stay away from aspirin, but each person is different Here are couple articles

Just recommending to check with your Dr before you self-medicate :)

Thank you for the articles and the caution. :)
so my LO seems to be trying very hard for Mummy not to have a second :D got a positive on my OPK on Friday, we :sex:'d then but since we have either been travelling, or she's not been sleeping because of the heat in the UK :haha: little bugger

so I doubt this is my month, but will still test at the end of next week (mainly because I'm addicted to testing :haha: )
I got my positive OPT result saturday night (which I am so happy about since I missed it last month), so we've been :sex: once a day since then...probably tonight as well just in case I ovulated late.

Now starts the 2ww...:coffee:

Good luck everyone!
Well I am finally PUPO so we shall see on the 24th!
So excited for U Brandy!!!!
I see u went for 3 high grades!!

GL Gertrude and PugLuvah!!!!!
Sorry to everyone that is out

Welcome back gardeninggirl!!!!!!
I hope you had a great and relaxing holiday

Thanks Mapleroo! I had a great trip. Not exactly relaxing because of the travel and sightseeing.

Good luck Brandy!!! Hope everything goes well.

I think I have ovulated early which is interesting. My mom is determined that I was going to get pregnant in Sweden. I told her that it was impossible especially with a delayed period. Maybe a little divine intervention is in play and this might be my month. We'll see!
Oh very exciting on the +OPKs. FX ladies.

Brandy - Good luck!!!
Good luck Brandy. Lots of baby dust your way.
This tww is driving me crazy. I'm
Bloated and I have pressure feeling below the naval. I had cramps for about 4 days. The first 2 days were the most intense. I'm a mail lady, and yesterday and today, wearing my lap belt has been uncomfortable. Which makes it hard to ignore the pressure and not think about if I'm pg. I poas this morning. Neg. But I knew it's way to early. I usually o on the 12 or 13 cd. I'm On cd 22. Ugh. Can't the days go just a little faster???
Sorry to everyone that is out

Welcome back gardeninggirl!!!!!!
I hope you had a great and relaxing holiday

Thanks Mapleroo! I had a great trip. Not exactly relaxing because of the travel and sightseeing.

Good luck Brandy!!! Hope everything goes well.

I think I have ovulated early which is interesting. My mom is determined that I was going to get pregnant in Sweden. I told her that it was impossible especially with a delayed period. Maybe a little divine intervention is in play and this might be my month. We'll see!

Here's hoping for a little swedish baby!!!
This tww is driving me crazy. I'm
Bloated and I have pressure feeling below the naval. I had cramps for about 4 days. The first 2 days were the most intense. I'm a mail lady, and yesterday and today, wearing my lap belt has been uncomfortable. Which makes it hard to ignore the pressure and not think about if I'm pg. I poas this morning. Neg. But I knew it's way to early. I usually o on the 12 or 13 cd. I'm On cd 22. Ugh. Can't the days go just a little faster???

Fingers crossed for you postalmom!!
This tww is driving me crazy. I'm
Bloated and I have pressure feeling below the naval. I had cramps for about 4 days. The first 2 days were the most intense. I'm a mail lady, and yesterday and today, wearing my lap belt has been uncomfortable. Which makes it hard to ignore the pressure and not think about if I'm pg. I poas this morning. Neg. But I knew it's way to early. I usually o on the 12 or 13 cd. I'm On cd 22. Ugh. Can't the days go just a little faster???

Thats going to be uncomfy wearing that belt for 9 months! Hope you get your BFP :flower:
Good luck to everyone!!! :dust:

This two week wait is gonna drive me nuts with symptom spotting, isn't it?
Brandy - Does this mean you may have triplets?:hugs: I don't understand about grading sorry:blush:

Postal - Good luck to you hun - the first thing I notice is I can't bend easily to put on my shoes when pregnant and no it's not my age:haha:

Happily - I will happily watch you symptom spot :happydance:

Moon - Another day pregnant :happydance: how are you feeling any symptoms yet?:hugs:

Good luck to all the other ladies who are about to test :dust::dust::dust:

Sorry for those who got the witch :growlmad:

AFM - Now 3 weeks post DNC and just waiting for the witch:dohh:



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