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Anyone know why my temp isn't rising and I'm not getting crosshairs? I had an ultrasound yesterday that showed I released two eggs this month.
Anyone know why my temp isn't rising and I'm not getting crosshairs? I had an ultrasound yesterday that showed I released two eggs this month.

are they sure you released 2 eggs or that 2 follicles ruptured. Its common to have follies without eggs in them.
Anyone know why my temp isn't rising and I'm not getting crosshairs? I had an ultrasound yesterday that showed I released two eggs this month.

are they sure you released 2 eggs or that 2 follicles ruptured. Its common to have follies without eggs in them.

I am not sure, she just said you ovulated from each side and there was a corpus luteum.
Anyone know why my temp isn't rising and I'm not getting crosshairs? I had an ultrasound yesterday that showed I released two eggs this month.

Your spike on CD 10 is confusing FF. looks like you tried to O & didn't.

You O'd CD 14. However your positive OPKS after that date are also confusing FF. If you take them out it will give you cross hairs!

Are you sure those OPKS were positive? I have seen some who get their LH surge after O but its not common
Thanks! They were definitely positive as I was using both IC and digitals. I really thought I O'd 2 days ago as that is when I was having O pains. why do u think I O'd on cd14? it's just strange because in the past I have had a big temp rise after O to way above my pre o temps.

I took out the +'s and I still don't get crosshairs.
Well this month your pre O temps were higher than previous month. That might be from the Clomid or it could just be random.

On CD 14 is when you had your dip and EWCM then had the large increase the next day.

Had you not had the scan done I would have said you tried to O again but didn't and got the surge again and were about to O.

Sometimes Clomid does funny things with our temps. Did you up your dose?
Oh ok thanks! I'm on the same dose (100mg) as the last 2 months. I wonder if I can O again a third time? I'm still having twinges in my ovaries, but I'm sure the Dr would have seen something yesterday. I guess it doesn't help to overanalyze since I already had my ultrasound, now just wait time
Yes since you had your scan all you have to do now is wait...sounds easy but that's the hard part!

Sis: AF for me!
:thumbup: So true! Thanks for your advice though! Sorry AF got you, hope you have better luck next cycle!
:witch: arrived - I'm out!

This cycle was my first time to ovulate in a loooooooong time, so though I'm annoyed, I'm still kinda proud. Progress is progress, right?

I suppose that my luteal phase is only 9 days. Another thing to worry about... I picked up some B6 today. We shall see...

Good luck to the ladies still waiting to test!!!
Sorry Milty and Mischief.... Way to stay +++++ Ladies!!!!

Boooooooooo 4 :witch:
:witch: arrived - I'm out!

This cycle was my first time to ovulate in a loooooooong time, so though I'm annoyed, I'm still kinda proud. Progress is progress, right?

I suppose that my luteal phase is only 9 days. Another thing to worry about... I picked up some B6 today. We shall see...

Good luck to the ladies still waiting to test!!!

I took B complex this month and increased my LP by 1 day. I've read that vitex helps with LP too. Good luck!
I'm sorry that the :witch: has gotten so many this month.
FXD and sticky bean dust for the rest of us still in the TWW.
We have ONE Brandy!!!!
I was hoping to have a Ton this month but not so far!!! We have A lot testing toward the End of the month so FX!!!!!

Let get some BFPS!!!!
I am not too bummed about not getting pregnant last cycle. However I really really want to get pregnant this month! My due date would be April 19 and I have just enough sick leave to take off of work until the school year ends on May 30th and then I would get 2 months off for summer. So really praying hard for an April baby!

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