Hello lovelies, sorry I've been a bit MIA. I've been out and about camping and traveling with friends for the past week and am leaving again for another long weekend in a few days. There are only a few more weeks until classes start up again and I'm trying to enjoy every last minute of summer weather.
I love that you guys have started talking about names with your SO. We just had that convo last night. We both totally agree on boy's names, our favourites being Samuel and Felix. Bombshellgirl, my DH would totally be on board with your DH's suggestion of Optimus Prime! Which is why I told him he was only allowed real names as suggestions, because otherwise he's also suggested Hans Solo and ObiWan. Anyway, since we don't agree on girls' names at all, we're both convinced this baby will be a girl.
Bombshell and Destinyk.. I'm sorry to hear your MILs are a bit (or a LOT!) crazy. Mine is as well. Thankfully, even though she lives only 45 minutes away, she doesn't like driving in my province, and so she rarely visits us.
Jessica... I'm happy to hear that the bleeding has stopped.
Destinyk.. YAY for an ultrasound pic! Your little bean is looking awesome!
Asf, I'm struggling with nausea lately. Finding a balance between eating too much and eating too little (both of which make the nausea worse) is challenging at times. Today I hit the 8-week mark which is really exciting, but at the same time since we haven't heard a heartbeat yet I'm still a bit anxious. My sister had a MMC last year at about this time in her pregnancy, so that isn't helping my anxiety. So I'm really looking forward to my next Dr. appt at 10 weeks. Hopefully it will reassure me.