Yellowmoon, I agree with your colleague and its great to hear you got that support from her, we are constantly trying to play down things to make other people feel less uncomfortable and its crap, of course it's uncomfortable and upsetting to talk about bit it happened to us and we are allowed to grieve for as long as it takes. There are no rules for these things. Thanks for the insight on your experience with other pregnant women and jealousy etc. I find when its family or friends its really hard to not feel jealous but am trying to realise the things I DO have and focus on the good, feeling hateful and jealous really only hurts me at the end of the day... Well mostly, sometimes a bitchy comment comes out... Woops haha. Hard to find that balance of acknowledging my hurt while not falling into that black hole.
Ladystardust, I'm so sorry results like that will always be a blow, im sure its really hard to hear. I hope the blood test gives you some comfort that this was just 'bad luck' and next time things are likely to be different. I don't know what to say as our story's are very different but I am thinking of you and sending hugs your way. Talk through anything you need to here or take a break whatever works XXX
Lesonde, hope you feel better soon, planes macarons sound amazing. I've never tried them and really must, they were popular hear a while back and were piping up everywhere buy haven't seen them for a while. Such pretty dainty little things though, and those flavours sounds yum! Do share pics. I hate the way our bodies go and change everything on us. I have no idea on my 'normal' its been so long since I haven't had something hormonal going on from the bcp, pregnancy and breastfeeding it's been 14 odd years since I was having 'normal' cycles. I think I'm giving up tracking it all too, its too stressful. The competitive thoughts suck, I hate letting this overtake everything and suck the enjoyment from everything, I wish I could relax and just let things happen if they do but I just don't have it in me. Thanks for the opk advice, I test around 2/3 in the afternoon. Just sometimes a but diluted but my line is always pretty dark so doubt it matters.
Sallyanne Sorry about the spotting, my LP is only about 12 too, have also been getting spotting the day before too. It sucks, I somehow got my hopes up last cycle with the 11dpo spotting thinking it might have been a late implanter. Made AF more upsetting for sure.
Weebles, good luck.
2baby2, I'm getting annoyed waiting, with longer/irregular cycles waiting for o is so much worse than the tww I find. Been cramping too, both ovarys twingeing away. Blah, I feel so hormonal my poor body doesn't seem to know how to do anything anymore. Sucks when sex becomes a chore... Remember when you used to have sex because you wanted to not because you were fertile... That was fun. I'm in the same boat i just want to ovulate soon enough to know by Christmas. Hope o happens soon and you get some sessions in!
AFM, cd20 opk... Negative. I am getting so discouraged. Ovary's twingeing, ewcm on and off all month and nothing... We conceived my son around this cycle day but my MC was much later so I'm nervous that the longer it takes the worse my eggs will be... I don't even know if that's a thing but makes me nervous. Will keep peeing and having sex and hope for the best.
I have bee. Trying to reign in the jealousy, its not helpful and hurts me more than anything else. Trying to let go of the negative thoughts... Trying. Was successful today, an old friend announced her pregnancy so I reached out to her to offer congratulations and chat all things baby. I realised I love talking pregnancy, birth and babies. I want to share these things with my friends and family, the pain and initial shock/jealousy will be there buy I hope I can be more supportive than I have been in the past. It will be a work in process.
Have a big weekend with all of my husband's family, that means lots of time with my 3 month old nephew. I haven't held him yet, we lost our baby the day after he was born and I find it painful to look at home and see him being fussed over by DH's family. It hurts. I'm trying but it hurts. I hope to be able to enjoy the weekend though, my boy loges playing with his cousins so I'm going to focus on what I do have rather than focusing on what I don't have.
Have a good weekend girls. Xxx