Looking for some ttc buddies...

aww newfielady those signs sound really positive! i bet its your month :dust: xxxxx
I am feeling positive about this month. I'm gonna try not to syptom spot this month as last month I had everything and was so sure that I would get a :bfp: even had a faulty test:nope:. I'd love to have twins and it's also in both our families we keep saying we've waited so long for one we should get 2. I am hoping to have 2 more :baby:. I already had a DD. Really hoping this thread is a lucky one this month lets start some BFP. Does anyone take any supplements ? I've been looking into this and started taking soy this cycle.
Hi JemJ - This is going to be a very lucky thread this month, there will be loads of BFP's!! :happydance:

I have twins in my family, every second generation which means either me, my sister or brother will have them - I actually wouldn't be over the moon about twins ha ha!

I had one from Jenny Newfie let me know what she says, mine was for this month BFP I hope she is right!?!

I hope there will be lots of :bfp:s. :D And like I said, twin's would make me a bit nervous too.:haha: I'm still waiting to hear back from jenny, I'll post as soon as I get it. :)
I ordered a prenatal pack online (melaleuca). I take a Calcium complete dietary supplement and a Multivitamin & Mineral Women's Prenatal.
I had another dream last night. I had one little boy and we were out at an event. I said a bad word and then I looked at him and said "Never repeat anything mommy says okay" And he said "Okay mommy" and gave me a big kiss. I wonder if I'll have a boy first? My sister and my brother had boys first.
fx'd your dream comes true this month. I had loads of dreams when I was preg. So do honestly think that it's a good sign.:dust:
aww girls i'm not feeling very happy today :( first thing i thought of was telling you all on here! basically my OH has always been optimistic about ttc and loves the idea of having a child, but ive been trying not to to tell him a lot about how our bodies work and cycles and stuff cause he just gets a bit freaked out. basically i found out yesterday that im probably ovulating today, and accidentally let slip yesterday that i was. i assumed he freaked out because, sorry if tmi :blush:, but he couldn't finish when we had :sex: if you know what i mean! he's never done it before and i can only assume he was holding himself back and freaking out. he did it again this morning when we tried again. im still upset now though not letting it show, knowing that we've probably busted our chances for this month :( we did dtd 3 days ago but i bet that was too long ago really. his excuse is that he was tired, but twice in a row? i just need some comforting :cry: xxxxxxxx
I never told my DH about how our bodies worked either. It's just a bit complicated even for us! But there on the 21st of Feb when I had that bleeding he wanted me to explain everything to him in detail.
But, Belle if he wants to have children why would he hold back the baby juice :haha: when he knows it's the best time? Sorry, that's not comforting. Good news though, a man doesn't need to ah... :blush: well you know. As long as it's in there :spermy: can be in the pre-ejaculatory fluid. And besides, you dtd 3 days ago. Sperm can live in there up to 5 days waiting for that egg. See, you're still in.:happydance:

This is a little funny, and a cartoon but it's actually quite informational. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZKuuUPjk1Q&mode=related&search=
aww belle:hugs:don't get too upset about it we never know what is going on in their heads. My OH was the same for the first month ttc we were :sex: almost everyday and I got frustrated at not geting a :bfp:so decided to start using opk's the first month it didn't bother him and I told him it was positive he was all up for giving me his :spermy:. More recentley he said he didn't want to know the details as it was putting him off so I don't tell him anything anymore. On more than one occasion he got stage fright :blush: now he just thinks that I get horny for a week every month. Don't let it get you down, that's hard for me to say as I know what it's like when you get a positive opk and OH doesn't want to DTD you get really mad and think that they don't want a :baby: anymore but I know that my OH loves me and can't wait for a :baby:. I sometime think that men get PMS to lol.

p.s totally unrelated to ttc as this was just before af but OH couldn't DTD blamed it on a sore back. So it does happen to all men, typical men start something then can't finish it :haha:
exactly jemj! and thankyou newfielady, that video was really funny! maybe there is a chance after all :happydance: i didnt understand cause up until now he'd talk about it all the time and occasionally after we DTD he would put his hand on my belly and be like "i wonder if theres a baby in there now?" :dohh::dohh::dohh: typical men! so i bet its just stage fright, cause ive never put pressure on him like that before.
hurry up 2ww!! let us know your symptoms girls its getting closer to test time! xxxxxxx
newfielady that video is really funny! Dont give up hope belle there is still a chance. Good luck in your 2ww x
Yeah, sometimes men don't do well under pressure. Especially "that" part of them :haha: I think there's still as good as chance for you as for any of us now Belle. It's now out of my hands, I'm at the 2ww. Arrgg. Hubby asked me today when we would know. lol.
I was painting today (water paint don't worry ladies), and water paint has almost no smell but it was turning my stomach.:sick: I had to give it up. I have 24 symptoms (on my little checker thing I use online). (tmi here btw) My boobs aren't sore but they're more sensitive. :shrug:

:dishes: <--- I just thought it was cute since I just finished doing the dishes. :D
aww newfielady i cant wait til i can use smilies like :crib: :)
and thanks for all your support girls i knew i could rely on you! luckily last night Oh woke me up after id fallen asleep to DTD and he managed to finish then alright ;) i showed him that video and he thought it was funny!
anyone got anything nice planned this weekend? xxxxxxxx
I know Belle. Soon *fingers crossed*
I showed my oh the video too. lol. But you know, I did learn 1 thing from it. I never knew about the seminal pool before.:dohh:
We have no plans for the weekend. My DH's cousin is staying out all night tonight and he helps hubby with the renovations downstairs. Plus his gf comes up so I got someone to hang out with. :thumbup:
aww thats sounds good! how much renovating have you got left to do newfielady? we're waiting for OH's new 42inch tv to arrive, why he needs one that big i don't know, it will take up the whole of our bedroom! :dohh: xxxx
We just bought a new 32" but our living room is so large a 52" would look just fine. haha. They say you shouldn't have too large a TV in a small room, it strains the eyes or something :wacko: Renovating? My dear, we have lot's left to do. lol. We only moved in in July and the person who had this house before me does not have the same taste. We done the laundry room and the porch. New flooring, a few new walls and everything had to be painted. We have to put in new doors throughout the whole house because it's only those brown slab doors. The kitchen has to be completely redone as does the bathroom. The bedrooms(2) need a coat of paint and some new crown molding and then they'll be fine :sleep:. $$$. But the house was a good deal for the price. And my hubby and his dad are carpenters lol. My dad is a painter so I don't pay for any labor lol. Plus hubby works at a lumber yard/hardware store so we get everything at a discounted price. :D
boys and their toys! the tv's here, i got back from going out and he was going "i know know how to put together the tv staaaaaaaaaaand" :( lol.
at least you've got something to keep you going while you're ttc newfielady! it'll take your mind off it xxxxxxxxxx
I've got 2 5yesr olds to keep me company this weekend (my dd and my stepson). OH is on the night shift. Went to an indoor play area this afternoon and their at a party tomorrow. So pretty busy wknd here. No doubt I'll have no voice left by monday as all I seem to do is shout at them for fighting. But fx'd right now they are playing nicely with the lego.:thumbup:
Good Morning ladies - hope you all had a lovely weekend??

I've come down with a chest infection this weekend so spent most of it trying to get better, but we went to see our 1 month old niece last night so that brightened the weekend up.

Belle - glad to hear your OH has come round - my fella is the same last month he pulled out twice and couldnt finish and blamed it on me putting too much pressure on him, but now we try not to discuss my cycle at all, I know when I'm at different stages but he doesn't.
Newfie your house sounds like its going to be lush when you finish it!

Jemj I bet your were tired out after your weekend lol.

No symptons at all for me this time -af is due Sunday but I'm probably going to test from Friday how about the rest of you?

Hi everyone, I'm waiting for my Af to start my first round of clomid 50g, I have a beautiful 4 year old son who is the light of my life & am now hoping to give him a little brother or sister, have been ttc for 3 years now so fingers crossed clomid is the answer!! why is it when you don't want af it comes & when you do its nowhere to be seen??? :growlmad:
Thanks Impatientmumm. I could live in it the way it is but I want it my way lol. my AF is due on Saturday. As for symptoms, I have nausea, fatigue (big time fatigue). Increased thirst (which is a symptom it turns out :wacko:), peeing around the clock. Headache, backache, gas :haha: Last night I walked over to the store because I wanted an ice cream. And I'm lactose intolerant! lol Vivid dreams. Last night I dreamed I was grocery shopping (while pregnant) and had to run to the washroom to throw up :( there's no way it's all in my head :huh:

Also, welcome jojono2. AF is like that. That's why we call her the:witch:

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