Looking for some ttc buddies...

I am 5 days away from ovulating too!!!! Trying to concieve also afer coming off Yasmin! Would love to chat to people who are same as me and going through the same thing
Hey all

I've been on this site now for just over a month, about the same amount of time we have been ttc.

I came off the pill (Yasmin) in December 2010 after 12 years (with a short 3 month break in between) and we have been trying ever since. I promised myself I wouldn't get caught up in OPK's and temping etc until at least 3 months to give my body time to adjust after being on the pill. That lasted two weeks and I bought a load of OPK's from the internet, I don't think I used them properly and didn't get any clear positives on them I don't think.

I started my withdrawal bleed after coming off the pill on 1st January and then had a nice short cycle of 27 days, which was a very short 3 day period, not what I'm used to.

I'm currently on day 12 and I haven't done any poas this month at all and would rather be a bit more relaxed about it. we are :sex: as much as is humanly possible though :blush:

So I'm looking for some buddies about the same cycle day to go through this with.

FX and :dust: to all!! xx

Hi i am going through th same as you, came off same pill, same time and due to ov same time as you!!! Would love to go through this with you!:hugs:
newfielady have you taken any tests since you had that small bleed? and i was really naughty today girls, i went shopping with my friend who has a 6 month old and there were little mini newborn hats in the sale so i bought one :) I also bought one for my other friend who is pregnant so my buying was justified :rofl:
I've never bought any baby things before. I do feel guilty though, seeing as i'm not actually pregnant yet!

And welcome mummymurray! :hi: xxx
Welcom Mummymurray. I came off Tricyclen in October.
My hubby says I should pee on a stick, just to be certain. Maybe he's right? :wacko: What do you girls think?
:haha: all long as you got a story, stick to it lol. I almost bought stuff. When I go shopping I'm always looking at the baby stuff. *sigh*
welcome mummymurray!! How are you finding coming off yasmin? My first month was so intense I was so excited about ttc that I honestly had every sympton there was going for pregnancy lol!

Newfie I think test!! You never know!

Belle - I'll let you into a lottle secret, I told my parents we were going start ttc straight after coming off the pill, last month I was shopping with them and they disappeared at one point I later found them in Mothercare where they decided to buy a pram as it was such a good deal!!! No one knows that ha ha!!

Aw impatientmumm thats so nice of them! I don't feel so bad now lol. I doubt my parents would do that... the pram i like at the moment is worth about £800 new :rofl:
And i think you should test too newfielady!! And let us know asap! Good luck :hugs:
As soon as my mother-in-law finds out she'll be buying everything under the sun. :haha: I'll have to stop her lol. And I think when we pop down to the store later I'm going to pick up a test. Just to be sure. :) I'll let you girls know a.s.a.p. :)
So I just took a test and it was a :bfn:. I expected as much but it's still sad to see the one little line. :cry:*sigh* So I guess that means that was a period I had on the 21st? In that case my ticker is correct so I am in my fertile time so I will just dtd :sex: and wait and see. :shrug:
yeah i guess so newfielady! sorry for the :bfn: :(
never mind i bet this month will be your positive month :) xxxxx
Good day ladies. Any news? I took my temp yesterday and it had gone up 0.3 but when I took it today it had gone down 0.1. But that is still 0.2 higher than Wed. I'm going to keep at it and make sure I am ovulating. My temps are in the 96 range though. I guess I'm cool blooded? :haha: They say the average is in the 97's.
maybe you are newfielady! lol :)
How are the rest of you all getting on? Haven't heard much from you all lately! xxx
Hello Ladies

Hope you are all well?? Well as of tomorrow I am in the 2WW again, however I'm not sure if I have actually ovulated yet!!

I've been feeling so bloated all weekend, also a lot of pain in my abdomen and lower back but I think this is all bowel related (sorry tmi alert!!)

Anyway fill me in ladies on whats been going on with you lot!

Good luck impatientmumm! The tww will be over before you know it :) Well im on CD9 today and started using opks yesterday to be sure i dont miss it. got a flat negative at 2pm yesterday but today when i tested i got a faint positive opk :thumbup: i thought it would be a bit early for an LH surge but will test every 5/6 hours over the next few days and keep you all updated! Maybe thats why i havent caught yet- i am ovulating earlier than i think!
Anyway dtd last night and will continue to do so, fingers crossed!!
impatientmumm you having any more symptoms? xxx
I think if this month is another BFN I'm going to start using the OPK's again but this time properly like you are Belle.

Looks like it'll be lots of BD'ing for you Belle lol over the next few days lol!

I haven't had any other symptons except I've had a lot of headaches over the weekend and I'm not normally a sufferer of headaches so I'm hoping this has all to do with Ovulation.

So how positive are you all that this could be your month??

aww thats a good sign!
im very positive :yipee: :D im just got a feeling! not too keen on possibly having a baby due in december when its cold and maybe snowy where i am and its near to christmas and theres lots of family everywhere :wacko: ahh well beggars cant be choosers! xxxxx
I'm in the 2ww now as well impatientmum. I'm thinking this could be the month. *fingers crossed*. I'm with you Belle about the December baby but what can you do. :shrug: I didn't want to be pregnant during the summer because it get's so hot here and I see how the pregnant ladies suffer. But like you said, beggars can't be choosers. :D I've been charting my temps and I've had a increase so I'm hoping that means I did OV. I was considering using the opk next month if I get another :bfn:. And at the risk of tmi, :blush: We've been dtd like crazy. More so than normal lol. And I've been keeping my bum elevated for 10-15min after wards to let gravity help along the process. There's no such thing as too much :sex: is there? lol
There is no such thing as too much :sex: ha ha!! I've been doing the same thing lifting my bum in the air.

Can I ask you ladies a question?? Is there as much chance of conceiving if I'm on top?? I have this wierd idea it's harder to conceive in this position!?!?

I am feeling semi positive I'm hoping my more relaxed approach will pay off this month.

They say lifting you bum helps so I guess we will see. :thumbup: And I read on a website somewhere that you have the same chance of conceiving no matter what position just that being on top the sperm have a higher chance of "flowing" back out. I'm trying to be more relaxed too, not stress about it so much. Let nature take it's course if you would. :D
:rofl: theres no such this as too much :sex: :happydance: glad to hear you two are positive about this month! we can see if the more relaxed approach has paid off! we've been dtd more than usual too, fingers crossed it works! keep us updated with your symptoms you two xxxx

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