Looking for some ttc buddies...

We've done it a lot less this month tbh but I'm not worried about that I suppose there is always the thought it can take just one time at the right time!!

I have got the wierdest crampish pains today it feels like af is coming so perhaps this is just ovulation pain but I havent had this before - do either of you get this at ovulation?

Thanks Newfie that makes me feel better - I think I did feel it come back down a little but (beware SERIOUS tmi) I did orgasm and without being crude they say this helps to suck the little swimmers further up :blush:

I am so excited to go through the next couple of weeks with you girlies you are great to talk to! And then at the end of this month we can all move to first tri together
Yup, it just takes one sperm to do the trick. I get ov cramps too impatientmumm. I actually find them worse than menstrual cramps. I felt like I had a UTI this morning. I've been up since 5:30, I couldn't get back to sleep because I had to get up every 5 minutes to pee. :( But I had a nice long warm bath and I'm all better again so hopefully it was just something else. You girls ever get like that?
Oh yeah, orgasm's do help (that's what I've been reading). When I seen the beware serious tmi I was thinking what else could we possibly say to each other. :haha: I've told you girls about my sex life, my period and even my cm. I think we have crossed the point of no return here. lol
Did you ladies know there are 3 different types of orgasms? Here's a link for you if you're interested.https://www.sexualhealth.com/article/read/women-sexual-health/orgasm/429/
hi girlies, so nice to hear that things are going great with you guys. i will pray for you guys to get your bfp. i can tell you that when i got pregnent this past cycle that we did it cd12 and cd13 to get his swimmers in good health and also to have a few of them waiting for the egg, then didn't do anything on cd14 and cd15 so he would save up lots of swimmer hihi then did it everyday starting on cd16 until cd19. the ovulation stick showed my lh surge on cd16 and i ovulated on cd17 since i always get cramps the way you do right now impatientmum. i read somewhere to try this way of bedding and that is why we followed the suggestion. then i always put a pillow under my bum and lifted my legs up agains the wall :) hehe. then cd 21 which is 4dpo my left nipple stated aching. i got a bfp on cd 32 and af was late 4days. as all of you already know it all didn't end as expected but it did work out. so if we get the chance to ttc again that is what we are doing again :) i have now an appointment for an open surgery to take out the fibroid on the 7th of april and if all goes as planned the doctor has said we can start trying beginning of june :)keep me posted on your journey. i really hope it goes well for you guys this month.
aww thats good news bellaswedus! :happydance: and yeah i agree we have all gone past the point of no return! no info is too much info on here lol.
And yeah impatientmumm i have ovulation pains, and i remember last cycle and the cycle before i got sharp pains in my right/left sides near my ovaries when i had :sex: and apparently thats due to your organs being more sensitive nearer ovulation. seriously it put me off :sex: for about a week because of the pain! please tell me im not the lucky only one that gets that?! :( xxxxx
aww thats good news bellaswedus! :happydance: and yeah i agree we have all gone past the point of no return! no info is too much info on here lol.
And yeah impatientmumm i have ovulation pains, and i remember last cycle and the cycle before i got sharp pains in my right/left sides near my ovaries when i had :sex: and apparently thats due to your organs being more sensitive nearer ovulation. seriously it put me off :sex: for about a week because of the pain! please tell me im not the lucky only one that gets that?! :( xxxxx

P.S. OH woke up this morning and said he'd had a horrible dream about how we had a baby and couldn't look after it so it had to be adopted, but then a few years later we could look after them and wanted them back, but werent allowed :( i found it really cute that he was so upset by it! bless his heart! i asked whether he was worried about our parenting skills but he was like noooo course not. hmmm i was like aww :hugs:
Its lovely to hear from you Bellaswedus that is brilliant news from the doctors I hope everything goes well and you must pop in on us all the time!!

Well ov pain is almost gone, I just get mine through the day really but not when we BD.
That is sooo cute of your OH Belle, bet you can't wait to be a family!

You might all think I am completely insane nut this morning when I was stirring before the alarm went off I had this really clear image of a little :spermy: pushing its way into my egg and I had this really strong feeling we've done it!!

I could be completely wrong and have actually turned insane!! :wacko:
of course you guys, i will let you know as soon as i know more. that is so cute belle i think you might be or get pregnent this month then. i think you will as well impatientmum. a few days before i got the bfp i had a dream, it wasn't pleasent but my mum and i think it was a sign. i dreamt i was craving pancakes so i did the batter all ingrediens was in exept eggs. so when i cracked open the egg into the bowl it was filled with blood and a black feathered dead bird was in it. i was horrified. i told my mom the dream and she said you are pregnent. then one i mc my mom said i also knew through your dream something was wrong but i didn't want to scare you. i think it is normal to vision or dream just before. i hope this is it for you both :) sorry about telling you my horrible dream.
Well I hope things go smoothly for you bella. That's a horrific dream!! Scared me a little bit reading it lol.
And impatientmumm, crazy, pregnant you could argue it's the same lol.
Sounds like you got a good man there Belle, he's worried already. :D
ahh bellaswedus that dream sounds horrid! i hate that we have no control over our dreams most of the time, its crazy :wacko: and impatientmumm that sounds like a really positive sign! i bet its your month now lol, let us know if you get any other symptoms! :thumbup:
i thought i got a strong positive on an opk yesterday/day before, but comparing it with other positive opks i realised that it probably wasnt! all the others since then have been faint and therefore negative. still testing though. i think i may be a poas addict, and using opks all the time is a good release lol :rofl:
oh Bellas that dream was horrible I'm so sorry - I really hope you are right about this month, I have no symptons at all ut it is very very early days.

Have any of you had any conceptions readings done? I had 2 which both said a March 2011 conception but then I got an itchy feeling to get another one done and had it this morning which said July 2011 - I know that isnt that far away but I really hoped she would agree with March too!!

never heard of them impatientmumm, but if you got two saying march then i bet it will be this month! ive got a funny feeling one of us is definiely gunna get a bfp this month, i dont know why! :thumbup: xxxx
I love funny feelings I had a funny feeling my assistant would get pregnant last month and she did!!

I hope its more than one of us - but I agree I think one of us will be this month

ahhh i have a lump under my armpit so have to go to the doctors on monday :cry: i hope its nothing :( plus ive just realised im slowly running out of opks. its about time seeing as ive been using about 2-3 a day lol.
Ooo and i had a weird dream too last night, not neccessarily a bad one though- i had a baby boy called alfie and was sleeping in a bunk bed with him, and my dad came in and started saying "hey, are you awake? can i take him for a bit? to let you have some sleep?" then i woke up and was slightly confused lol. because my dad will probably cry when i get pregnant, hes not that into the idea :haha: xxxxxxxx
I hope the 3 of us get of :bfp: together. I'd be nice to have someone going through the same stuff to talk to. My sister is coming to visit on the 15th of April so I was hoping to have some good news for her then. *Fingers crossed*
I haven't heard of conceptions readings before but I googled it and now I got one done. Just got to wait for the results now I guess. lol.
I had a different dream a couple nights ago. I dreamed my husband and I had triplets. 2 boy and a girl. They were so sweet. In the dream they were in toddler age and they were going into the grocery store with poppy to pick out a bar. *sigh* They had dad's brown eyes and coloring and mom's brown curly hair. Anyways, it'll happen soon I think. For all of us. :D

Oh and Belle, keep us updated on that lump. I'm sure it'll be nothing. :D
Will do newfielady! got a dr appointment next monday. and bet that was a lovely dream, can you imagine if one of us got a bfp and discovered they were having twins or triplets?! 2-3 blessings! :haha: Got a full positive opk today along with twinges and pains so looks like im ovulating sooner than i though :yipee: xxxxxx
Oh belle I hope everything will be ok don't worry its probably just a swollen sweat gland I get them with some types of deodorant but keep us updated. We all seem to be getting positive symptoms! I'm really snotty and sneezing lots but I read that can be a sympton too lol. I want us all to get bfp together too! Who did you get your reading done with newfie? Xxx
oh thats a point impatientmumm- i have changed my deoderant recently so that might be it!! fingers crossed! it would be so lovely to get bfps all at the same time, it feels like were all in it together now but that would be even better! :cloud9: xxxxx
:hugs: Hi ladies I've been stalking since I last posted. Nothing new with me just waiting for O to come. Good luck this month and hope everyone is ok.:dust::dust: to you all x
hii jemj! its nice that were all all different stages in our cycles so weve got a varied mix of aches and pains and symptoms lol :D
you positive about this month jemj? xxxxxxx
To tell you the truth I'm a bit nervous. Twins run in my hubby's family and in his generation. I'd like 1 at a time but we wouldn't be the first couple to have to do it. We were in the mall last month and I seen a couple going around with 3 babies in their carts. I said to DH, It's not fair, we only want one. They're just being greedy. haha. *sigh*. I hope the lump is just a change in deoderant then. That would be good, something simple.
Also, you think it's too early for me to have symptoms? I keep saying it must just be in my head. :haha: Tmi alert, in case there's any new readers here. lol. I've been much gassier than usual and I was always a frequent peeer but now it seems like I'm going more ofter. I've woke up twice last night and the night before to pee.And I mean I had to pee! Also, my lower belly seems to be harder than it was. DH and I was stretched out on the couch and he put his legs on my belly and I had to push them off, the pressure was uncomfortable. And my nipples are a bit sensitive. And my temps are still high. Normally in the 96 range now in 97's. Started to rise on the 5th. Sound's promising I think. I did the little check off your symptoms and I had 22.
I'm not sure who it was to tell the truth impatientmumm. I just google it and tried one. the email was [email protected].
Nice to hear from you jemj.

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