Looking for some ttc buddies...

newfielady it is really complicated. I have no idea what I'm doing with my temps. I just enter them on FF and hope that it will tell me when I ov but temps alone don't tell you until after ov has happened that's why I use both. In a way I'm glad that it's late so that I can jump OH tomorrow lol
let us know how you get on jemj :) aww girls i couldn't wait any longer and did a test this afternoon! was a very very big :bfn:, will teach me for testing early! im only 9dpo lol. my name is belle254 and i am a poas addict. xxxxx
Yeah finally got a positive on my opk today. Think we''l be going bed when the kids do tonight:winkwink:

Belle step away from the tests it is too early. I know that it is very hard.
i cant help it!! i'm going insane :wacko: up until now i've been fine but as soon as i get to the stage where i've heard of other women getting bfps e.g. 9 or 10 dpo i start getting angsty and have to test! :wacko: i've given up trying to stop it now so will probably be testing every day now til af turns up, if she does :)
Hows every else doing? Please tell me i'm not the only one going crazy waiting?And well done on your + opk jemj! Now you can move forward! Have fun BDing :) xxxx
I read of the internet that the average day a woman gets her first :bfp: is 11 Dpo. I plan to have lot's of fun this cycle so hopefully that will take my mind off ttc and it will happen easier. :D. We're planning a trip out of town with our friends for the 30/31st to go play laser tag. :p. Never done it before, should be fun. We had a great weekend. Our friends (couple) stayed up all weekend and we went out of town today for a little shopping. And we got some work done on our house. :) How was your weekends ladies?
P.S The :witch: is being awful to me this week. :(
Morning Ladies

Well the :witch: got me this morning :growlmad: but to be honest the upsides are I'm still on a regular 28 day cycle and there was no pain like last month.

I have stocked up on my OPK's and I am going to be a major POAS addict this month.

Sorry Newfie this wasnt your month lets hope next month will the month for us both.

Belle you are getting good symptons

Jemj I'm glad you got your positive and I hope lots of BDing took place ha ha!!

aw impatientmumm :( :hugs:next month will be your month!! well i think i may be joining you and newfie cause i did a test this morning at 10dpo and its a :bfn: i know im not out yet but still worried :wacko:
Glad you got lots of plans for a fun month newfielady! xxxx
Trying not to stress about it too much but I know we still are. Keep busy and maybe we won't. :). I got my OPK test coming from the internet so I'll be a POAS addict before this month is through too. :haha:
Got to tell you this cute little story. My friend and I went to a restaurant yesterday and at the booth next to us was this cute chubby little baby. He was sitting up in his highchair and he noticed us peeking around the corner at him. He was smiling and laughing so we started playing peek-a-boo with him. He was so sweet. My friend looked at me and said "I love babies". Yeah, me too. :D
Aw newfie thats adorable! A friend of mine has a 6 month old and her pram got a puncture so today we had to go into town to get a repair kit and had to carry the baby everywhere! You never know how heavy they are until you haven't got a choice but to carry them! Think she weighed around 20lbs. :cloud9:
Right I've just ordered a BBT thermometer, this month I am going all out to make it happen - I just checked on my phone app if I got pregnant this cycle I would be due on Xmas Day!!
I asked OH if he wanted to have a break this month because of the Xmas due date but he said No Way!! ha ha

I've been looking into this preseed stuff too but I'm not 100% sure if you have some CM throughout your cycle do you need it or is it only if you are mostly dry??

They are heavy Belle, we just don't think it because they are so small and cute :haha:
Yeah Impatientmumm, I asked DH the same thing and he said "No, that'd be the best Christmas gift" :D I'd be due the 23rd. The preseed lubricant you're talking about? From what I understand you'd use it like any lube. :blush: Just that it's sperm friendly while most lubes are too thick for sperm to swim through or are toxic to them.
i didn't know that newfielady! you learn a new thing every day :) still getting :bfn: girls, but then again i am only 10dpo, or thats what i keep telling myself anyway! xxx
It's still early Belle - there is still lots of time to get your BFP!!

I think I'll give the pre seed a miss then, it's not really something we need without going into too much detail lol!!

I'm looking forward to this af going and I'm hoping this will be my last for a while!! xxxx
Impatientmumm I think there is something called primrose evening oil. (hmm, I'm gonna check to make sure) Yup here's the link https://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/epo.html
It's supposed to help because it is reputed to improve the quality of cervical mucus - or make the cervical mucus more fertile. Not sure if that was what you meant instead to the preseed. :wacko:
I'm thinking about taking baby asprin. It's supposed to help. Any thought? Also, my HPT and my OPKs shipped today so let's see how long it takes for me to get them?
Oh thanks Newfie I'm going to get some of of that and try that this month!

It's quite nice this month we have told the people who know we are ttc that we are having a break due to Xmas due date and therefore it feels like so much of the pressure has lifted already.
aww im glad the pressure has lifted impatientmumm. sounds like you two are already excited for this next cycle! still testing :bfn: and i'm 11dpo, if i still haven't got a bfp by tomorrow i think im going to rule out pregnancy this cycle :( it would mean all this damn heartbearn was for nothing :cry: xxxxxxxxxx
don't rule anytthing out belle until af doesn't arrive - honestly the thing I've learnt most from this site is that everyone is different - some women wont show on a hopt until af is 2 or 3 days late sometimes even later. There is a 'norm' out there which makes us believe we should have a bfp by 11 or 12dpo but so few ladies are 'norm'.

Keep positive and if it does turn out to be a bfn you get to go through another month with us lot and we all have that chance of getting a bfp together!!

Lots of hugs coming your way xxxx
What does Baby Asprin to Newfie?? I've ordered my evening primrose oil!!

Impatientmumm is right Belle. I've seen pics of positives on 11 dpo so faint I would of said it was negative. :wacko: You're not out yet.
Here is some info on baby aspirins right off the site. :D
-aspirin could prevent a miscarriage from occurring because of a uterus that does not have a sufficient lining. Some women have antiphospholipid antibodies, which are related to problems with coagulation. If clotting is causing problems with fetal blood flow then a baby aspirin may be enough to reduce the clotting.
-Another benefit of baby aspirin for your fertility is that it is believed to increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. Most doctors will not give you the okay to continue taking aspirin while pregnant so you should talk with your doctor once you become pregnant to see if it is time to stop taking aspirin.
- Choosing aspirin is simple because it is all the same. Just make sure you don’t choose a bottle that has more than 81 mg per tablet. The brand is not important, but the dosage is. Baby aspirin may come in chewable form or else you can take adult aspirin in a low dose form. Remember, although the pills are small you only need one per day. Don’t take too many or you could cause problems. Please make sure you talk with your doctor before beginning an aspirin regimen.
Oh i've heard of baby aspirin helping people conceive :) good luck girls! If i don't catch this month i'm going to continue using opks and grapefruit juice and maybe aspirin, not sure.
Need a bit of help- i tested this morning at 9am and got a :bfn: and when i wiped later on (sorry tmi :blush:) at about 11am my cm had turned a browny colour.
Any idea what this means? I haven't felt any af cramps, and the :witch: almost always gets me as soon as I wake up, not in the daytime. Hmmm :( xxxx

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