Looking for some ttc buddies...

We're going to start trying more things as the cycles roll on. Maybe if we don't get it this time we'll try the evening primrose oil too. You'll have to let me know what you think of it Impatientmumm. It had really good reviews on the site. :D
I don't know what to tell you Belle. This little story might be encouraging though. https://air-travel.travelerinc.com/my-journey-this-month-to-bfp-i-thought-id-share-it-with-you.html
Hopefully if Belle gets her`s this month then Impatientmumm and I will be right behind her. :D
fingers crossed newfie! and thanks for the link, it was really reassuring. i never usually spot before af arrives so i was a bit worried when i saw it. still have little niggly pains when i lie down at night, heartburn is still raging (my mum thinks i have reflux... at 20 years old!), my left boob is a bit sore and i'm spotty. :wacko:
We haven't heard off beckahdee for a while! Hope you're doing ok, and jemj, if you're still floating around too :)
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. beckahdee and bellaswedus is gone MIA. Bella should be getting her surgery soon, right? And Jemj is probably off poas somewhere lol. :haha: I don't know what happened to beckahdee. We haven't heard from her in a long time.
mummymurray74 seems to have vanished too.
Sorry been MIA ladies I have been busy wink wink lol. After getting my positive opk I think I either ov today or yesterday as have been getting weird ad cramps.
I was so looking forward to some good news. Fx for you belle. I've got loads to say ladies buy iPod keyboard is too small will be back later once I get on laptop.
Lol good to hear from you jemj, glad to hear you're hard at work babymaking :) ;) if i don't get a bfp this cycle at least i'll be going through next months with you, newfie and imatientmumm and the others. the support on here is lovely :) xxxxxxx
Can't wait to hear the rest jemj. Ah, wish I was busy dtd. :haha: :blush:
I agree belle, the support here is amazing. We're all different ages, different relationship conditions, different province/states/countries but we're one big happy ttc family. :) I find myself talking to DH about something that was said on here. I'll be like "and then belle said" and he's like "wait, who's Belle? I don't know a Belle, do I?" haha. Then I have to explain "it's on bnb" :haha:
P.S :af: is "packing up" and I'm hoping she'll be left by tomorrow. :haha:
haha i love the way you said "af is packing up" :D i used to hate coming on bnb on my iphone cause it would try to guess what i was going to say, and get it wrong! ](*,) im trying to keep busy doing some studying so the days go faster, whats everyone else doing this week? xxxxxxx
I was hoping you'd get the joke. :haha: I know, there is some funny stuff on the internet about phones and their "autocorrect". lol. We're going to the Big Mall Thursday. :D Woot Woot. I'm going to La Senza haha. Spends hubby's money. ;) Other than that I'm just doing housework. Oh, but I do have a date tomorrow with my friends for Tim Horton's. :D.
Sounds good! ooo have fun in la senza, could spend hours in there :happydance: still getting bfns, i thought i was actually on to something with all the symptoms ive been getting! :( never mind, there's always next month! xxxxxxxxxx
ooooo La Senza - one of my favourite shops!!!

How are you all ladies?? I went swimming last night - me and OH are on a healthy eating and fitness mission and I realised just how unfit I was ha ha!!

It's strange you know but I've got a sneaky suspicion we might all get our BFP's next month - I've got a good feeling for April and Xmas Babies

Ohh, I hope you're right Impatientmumm. Maybe we're destined to get our :bfp:'s together. :D
I'd like to go swimming but it wouldn't work out here. lol. There's still ice on the ponds and we don't have an indoor pool. XD. I've started to work out a bit again too. I have put on 15 lbs since I was laid off. :O Good thing I'm tall you can't really notice it. :dohh:
And I love La Senza. It's the only store I can spend $150 on bras and panties and DH doesn't care. :haha:

You like my pic? It's my kitty. <3
aww your cat's gorgeous newfielady :) whats it called? My OH was talking about getting a cat a few weeks back but i was just like "i would be the one feeding it and looking after it and training it!" until he realised and kind went oh :( :dohh:
and good on you both for getting fit! i really haven't got the motivation, plus i get impatient and want to see results quickly! but atleast youre having fun doing it!
by rights we should all be slim and toned due to all the :sex: we get :rofl: xxxxxx
My cat is a domestic short hair calico. And she's no work. :D She does her own thing and when she wants a cuddle she'll jump up in your arms. People talk about a cat "stealing a baby's breath" but that's just an old wives tale. I fill up her water bowl every day, food dish every second day, and DH cleans her litterbox. She's not a fussy cat so he gets away with once a week :D Oh, important note here though ladies! Never clean a cats litterbox if you are expecting! I haven't done it since we've been trying! There is something in it (I think it's something in the cat pee) that can cause sever birth defects! (Just in case you didn't know)
And Belle, I think the :sex: helps. It's good on the respiratory system lol. :haha:
I'd love to get a pet - I had cats when I lived with my parents a few yearws ago - I tried to take them with me but they always turned up at my parents so they have adopted them now ha ha!!

your cat looks gorgeous though newfie - well hopefully with this swimming and BD'ing we all be size zero by the end of this month ha ha!!

Haha wishful thinking impatientmumm! I keep thinking hmmm, when i get pregnant i'll put weight on anyway, and how can I say no to that gorgeous cupcake?! :rofl:
Been having some stabbing pains today whilst driving, which wasn't very comfortable! And i've just worked out that if I am pregnant this month, i'll apparently be due on 4th december, but if i get caught next month, it'll be around 4th january, so either way im going to miss out on xmas and new years! ah well :) xxxxxxxxx
P.S. As we were talking about our pictures, in case you were wondering mine is of me and my brother :) :cloud9: There's 14 years between us- he is now 6 to my 20. i love him to pieces, he is the reason i work with children and why i've wanted my own since he was born! x
:hi: ladies glad to see that you are all positive for the month ahead. Lets go get those :bfp: and our xmas :baby:

So just wanted to comment on a few things since I've been MIA

Preseed - I got some of this a few cycles ago as we seem to have tried everything else. Do not use the amount suggested on the box as it is way too much. Mine came with applicators to apply internally. I use a really small amount before we DTD you never know it might help the :spermy: on their way.

Evening Primrose Oil - I've read great things about this and have it at the ready for next cycle. Although I'm hoping that I don't need it. But also it can be used at the end of pregnancy.

Grapefruit juice - I started this last cycle and only have it in the 2 weeks before Ov as I really cannot stand the stuff. So last cycle I had pink grapefruit juice and this cycle used normal grapefruit juice and for me the pink worked the best.

So I'm officailly in my 2ww I'm 3DPO and had the strongest ov this month. I don't know if it's becauce I know what I'm looking for or if it's the Soy Iso that I took at the start of my cycle. I had AF cramps the day of Ov was really bloated and had loads of CM:blush: Since Ov I've also been getting spasms weird in my lower abdomen, which can only be compared to the flutters that you get when you first feel baby moving. I know that it is far to early for anything like that but must mean that something is happening down there. :happydance:

I am feeling really rubbish today I'm full of a cold and today is my day off from work and have loads to do but got zero energy. Just wish I could stop blowing my nose.

So gald that I you ladies to share all this with :hugs: whenever I tell OH about things that we should try he just says they are crap.

hope we're all on our way to that :bfp: and xmas :baby:

P.s if I get my BFP this cycle I will be due 12th Dec.
Sounds like you've been very pro-active this month jemj! fingers crossed for you! Ahh i'm afraid the dreaded :witch: arrived this morning girls, 2 days early and very unwanted :( Have made an appointment with the doctor for next monday about the heartburn that i've been getting- if it wasn't down to pregnancy then i'm at a loss as to what caused it!
Start of a new cycle, so this month i'm planning on drinking grapefruit again, using opks and taking small doses of aspirin- though nearer the time of ovulation cause i can't stand the stuff usually :sick:
Hope the wait goes quick for you jemj! xxxxxx
Wow JemJ you've definitely prepared well for this cycle I've got a good feeling for you on this one!

Well af has finally packed up and gone for another month and I swear to you all this is going to be my last for a while - this weather has had a huge effect on my PMA I just feel so positive about everything at the moment including ttc. The nicest thing is now that the weather is so good I have so much more going on to take my mind off ttc - and I can't explain why but I'm feeling so god damn horny all the time lol!!

I am going to be temping this month too becasue OPK's haven't worked brilliantly for me in the past so hopefully my temps will give me a clearer idea - I absolutely hate grapefruit juice but I am very tempted to give it a go this month - how much do I need to drink and when??

Not sure on the grapefruit front impatientmumm, i've been drinking a 250ml glass every morning from like day 6 to a few days after ovulation. Think i'm going to try temping this month too, just gotta get my hands on a bbt thing. Decided that i'm gunna give the aspirin a miss, as i really don't like it. Tried it a minute ago and the thought of taking even a small dose daily is like :sick:
Therefore to recap this cycle i am trying:
  • Temping
  • Using ic OPKS
  • drinking grapefruit and possibly raspberry tea, depending on whether it makes me throw up or not :)
Sorry to get all business like on you, when i'm worried or nervous i get super organized :wacko:
I've got no idea how to temp impatientmumm, so this is going to be a learning curve :rofl: let me know how you get on! xxxxxx

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