Looking for some ttc buddies...

haha Belle. Maybe we should make a new forum, The POAS addicts lol
Hey impatientmumm, you should look at these photos. https://www.peeonastick.com/hpt/frer.html You can compare your own (positive) to them. :D Willpower, haha. It's funny because I give in to everything else. :haha: And DH isn't helping matters any. He keeps asking me when will we know. He poked me in the belly last night and he was like "wow, you belly's really hard" lol. If I'm not preggers I'm going on a diet :rofl:
Funny story (kinda). I was talking to my sister and I told her I was testing on Saaturday. She said to me, have you missed your period? I said no, not until Sunday. She didn't know you could test that early she said. haha. It's been a few years since she has peed on a stick. lol.
impatientmum a line is a line and if it's on a frer I'm sure that it will get darker and lead to your :bfp:. I've never been able to see anything on a FRER. It's is still early so I think the the FRER are the best to test early with. I hope that this is the start of your :bfp:

I'm so exicted for you ladies I'm hoping that all I hear are :bfp:but don't forget me I've got another 2 weeks or more to wait for mine.
lol jemj we wont forget :) my gosh the 2ww is endlessssssss! roll on next week xxxx
Thank girls but the more I look at that site Newfie the more I think it could be an evap - I'm going to test again in the morning with another ic mainly because we are going to a fancy dress party tomorrow night and I need to find out if I can drink lol!!

I'm not getting any serious cramping - just every now and then to be honest but I am getting quite a lot of creamy/watery cm so not sure if that is a good or bad sign.

I still really feel like this is it! I cant wait to see all your girls BFP's lets all stay positive and move to first tri together!! xxxxx
Yeah we're all in this together :friends: when I was preg with DD there were 5 of us all pregnant at the same time. I've missed it with my friends this time :nope: they already have their :baby:So I'll gladly share my BFP with you ladies and moan at you for the next 9 month lol
Hopefully we can all go through it together. Bit of unexpected (bad) news though. I just peed (sorry tmi :blush:) and when I wiped there was a little bit of bright red blood. I'm not expecting :af: until Sunday and my cycles are pretty regular. And I don't real like I'm coming on my period. I usually get bad cramps. I don't have anything. :wacko: There wasn't any blood in the toilet but a when I wiped. What do you think ladies, am I out :cry:?
not necessarily newfie - bot until af comes with full force see how it goes tonight and keep us updated.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed this is late implantation for you as I have heard it can take until 12dpo in some ladies.

Don't stress or worry too much about it

yeah newfie it might just be late implantation! fingers and everything else crossed for you over here xxxxxx
fx'd crossed for you keep us updated :hugs:
Yupp, I'm out. The :witch: showed up this evening. :cry: I was so close too. :(
So sorry newfielady. She a b###h that :witch:don't let it get you down and work on that PMA for next cycle. We will get our :bfp:and don't worry about your cycle. I had a really short cycle in Oct/Nov only 27 days and the :witch:totally took me by suprise. I totally know how it feels when she shows up sendin g you loads of :hug:
aw newfie :hugs: i bet it'll be your month next month! on the plus side this means more time to save money and prepare! xxxx
Thanks girls. We are going shopping Thursday so I'm going to pick up some ovulation kits. At leats then I will know for sure when I ovulated. I charted my BBT but I'm still not sure. I'll keep charting and hopefully with the two we will get it right. :D
:dust: to all
thats it newfie, stay positive :):hugs: i used cheapy opks for the first time this month so i will find out if it worked next week! having lots of cm at the mo :blush: and still had weird niggling pains last night. got a headache this morning! i tell you what, if this is the start of pregnancy i hate to see what the rest of it brings :dohh: xxxx
Belle hope your feeling better soon. Newfielady get on amazon you can order a full months supply for the price you pay in the shop for just 7 tests.

Well my faint line has now gone was expecting it to get darker, so think that I am either going to ov late or I'm not going to Ov:nope:. If I don't I'm off to the Dr's.
jemj could you have had an LH surge quickly and you just caught the end of it?
And girls this may be far to much info :blush: but im quite worried cause usually when i have ewcm you can see it when i wipe iykwim? but when i went for a wee earlier there was a big glob of it :wacko: :sick: ive never seen that much before! sorry if this makes you all feel queasy, if it does, join the club :(
At the moment i had niggling pains yesterday and the previous 2 days, heartburn a lot, feel queasy now and ewcm but thats it really :) no boob pain or weeing a lot. xxxxx
I've seen globs before :blush: Hopefully it's a good sign for you :thumbup:
And I checked out amazon.Cheep I'd say. I'll be poas like you guys this cycle. 50 Ovulation Prediction Strips & 20 Pregnancy Test Strips for $8.89! And it has good reviews. :D
Yeah for amazon:thumbup:

Belle not sure what that could be hopefully it's a good sign :thumbup:

I hope that I've not missed it. Unless it came in the night I've been poas enough to catch it. I was sure that it would be positive today. It was by this time last cycle. I thought the test might have been faulty but used a clear blue smiley face also and that was neg too. Not sure what is going on and my temp still show no ov. OH is on the night shift so will get the BD tomorrow. Hopefully we've not missed it.
maybe you just didn't have enough LH to show up jemj, or maybe the opks youre using werent very sensitive? im sure theres some reason. but if your temps are telling you that you havent ovulated, maybe it is just a case of late ovulation :) fingers crossed you do though! xxxx
Boo for amazon. They wouldn't ship to my address here in Canada. :p. I ordered form www.early-pregnancy-tests.com though. Still good deal. I got 15 OPK and 10 HPT for 24.95 taxes and all. And free 2-4 day shipping. :) All and all, not too bad.
Well Jemj, your ov must be late this month. Funny though because you thought you had a faint positive yesterday? I couldn't figure out when I ovulated by my temps alone. :wacko: Maybe with the temps and the opk I'll figure it out. Complicated lol. :haha:

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