Hi ladies!! Sorry I haven't been around, I managed to burn through most of my monthly data plan and I always post on the go, so I had to stay off the internet haha.
Karoolia I have never had much if any ewcm and I have always gotten pregnant whenever we have tried or even not really tried - I now have 4 pregnancies under my belt to prove it so I wouldn't count yourself out at all!
Yay for o'ing ladyapril!! Fx for a BFP for you!!
Your signs sound promising mom15, hopefully you o'd too! The wedding sounds fun but it's unfortunate that the playroom opened to the parking lot...my DS is a runner so I wouldn't have been able to relax at all either.
AFM I am having a strange cycle too! Normally I get no ewcm and the test line on my opk only gets as dark as, but never darker than, the control and I have to use a clearblue digital to confirm that I'm ovulating. This cycle I've had tons of ewcm and today the test line on my opk was darker than the control line for the first time ever so it looks like I'm o'ing tomorrow on cd16.
I think someone was asking about Clearblue digital a few pages back, sorry can't remember who, so here's my $0.02. FYI I don't use the flashing ones, I use the ones that give you a solid smiley face when you're about to o and an empty circle when you're not. Since these things are pricey (especially in Canada!!) I use internet cheapies until I get one that looks positive and then test with the Clearblue digital to confirm, that way I avoid wasting a bunch on negatives.