I'm trying to speed up time for everyone, so some of you make it through the first tri fast and I get to try soon. I may have already mentioned it, but I'm setting my target date to try for around sept. 8 (given my cycles are regular).
The problem with wanting a rainbow and testing early is that the wait is soooooo long. I first tested positive on 9 June (15 days ago at 3&1!!!). And now here I am at just 5&2 and it's ages to wait until anything - I normally go for a scan at 6&3. In fact with my last loss I went at 6&3, 7, 8 (all great although for 6&3 and 7 baby did measure two days behind), perfect scan at 8 weeks and then at 10&2 no HB. The lady could even tell from the scan that it was most likely Down's which is what it did turn out to be.
So now I won't be able to relax ever, not even if I have a good 12 week scan...
Fx for all of us.