Hurray emilydee87! A false positive for 12 days though?! Talk about making the TWW even harder. That would drive me nuts. Good luck to you! Hoping you get a true BFP!
Spiffy - You can start testing any day now. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Mom15 - breaking rules all over the place! haha. You're probably safe, but if you did conceive now, it wouldn't be that much earlier than planned. Your doctor would just have to deal.
Ricschick I hope you ovulate soon!
As for increased fertility after loss. I have heard that many times, but I have no idea if it is true. My cycle after my D&C was a mess. It lasted 5 weeks and I don't think I ovulated. The cycle immediately after that I conceived. So maybe that was increased fertility? I conceived in one cycle with my miscarriage too so it could just be that I get pregnant easily? I really have no idea.
As for me, I'm ok. It's been a rough time to be honest. My first official scan is a week from today. I am 10+2 today, which is when I had a D&C last time. Still having lots of symptoms so hoping all is well. I have a cold with a pretty bad cough so that has been miserable. And today and tomorrow I am attending/helping out with a visitation and funeral for a friend's 7 month old child who died in a car accident last week. It has been so heartbreaking. I'm not as close to her as others are, but I have tried to do as much as I can. It has been rough for everyone.