Loving it Mom15....fx it's a sticky bean!
I've started lighting spotting brown/tan/cm...hard to tell but it's quite light, I put a pantyliner on this AM as I noticed it after I got out of the shower and didn't want a mess. It looked like it went from tan, to darker brown, back to creamy/milky CM, all in a few hours from what I could see on the liner.
I'm a bit crampy but nothing awful, however it makes me think like AF is coming early (I'm 10dpo) because this is what happened last cycle. Some light spotting, light cramps, then full on AF the next day and horrific cramping (so bad I had to go home from work, in tears I was in so much pain). So I hope it's just implantation bleeding but I am fearful it's AF come early, and my cycle is now a mess. This would only be day 25 of the cycle and like a 10 day LP, if it is AF arriving early. Not impressed.