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Looking for TTC buddies

I no!! Up until about 9 weeks it felt like it was dragging but seems to be moving quicker now lol. I have a scan on Thursday next week! Il be glad once 2nd tri comes!!!
Yay for almost 2nd tri rics! I think spiffy has a scan on Thursday too :)
And then my next one is a week after that. No more spotting since 4-5 days :). Still sick as ever. Right before throwing up. You know that feeling where you wish you would just throw up knowing you would feel better afterwards? Then again I’m glad I am not throwing up.
Mom15 that was my version of morning sickness. I felt sick off and on for several weeks, but never threw up once. I kept wishing I would thinking I would get relief, but never did. Some other ladies told me it wouldn't actually make me feel any better though. Yay for no more spotting! And an upcoming scan!
Unfortunately my scan isn't until a week from next Monday (the 13th). Time is going so slow for me!

I've been so nauseous from about 4pm until bed. I think this baby has made me feel sicker than any of my others. Normally I get my worst nausea between 9 and 11 weeks, but with this baby it started at 5 weeks. But even though it sucks, it's also reassuring, since my angel baby never made me feel sick.

Also, I've never actually thrown up with any of my pregnancies. I have the same kind of morning sickness that you two have, Karoolia and Mom15
That was my morning sickness with my pregnancy last time - I felt so sick and only threw up twice, but the nausea was totally debilitating and all day long.
It just wears you out. It’s all day long except when I sleep. So I try to take mini naps when home with DS. I feel sick if I don’t eat and I feel sick after I eat. Sometimes I pause chewing while eating, because that makes me sick. Some days it’s a bit less, but today is another bad day. It also started before I had even missed my period although it’s much stronger now. I’m trying to enjoy every minute of this pregnancy but I’m not going to lie I can’t wait for the second tri and hopefully feel better. I swear it was never like this with DS. This better means there is a baby girl in there!
So sorry to hear you're feeling so crappy Mom15. Hang in there, I'm sure you'll feel more well soon. I was the same...felt sick if I didn't eat, sick if I did...it was just an overall feeling of misery. And it's crazy but I wouldn't care if I felt that everyday this pregnancy...if it meant I got to have my take home baby I would take it in a heartbeat. So far I have felt good, really tired and some slight nausea in the morning when I haven't eaten all night but it's nothing debilitating.
I'm the same feel sick but am never sick! It's easing up a lot now tho x
How's everyone doing?? I have my 12 week scan on Thursday! Woohoo
Just two more days ricks!!

Been the same, still nauseous. It seems to come and go a bit more now vs all day long. DS has been waking between 5-6 since the end of daylight savings. Sometimes he goes back to sleep, of course the days I have to work he doesn’t. So then I just doze on and off til 6.30/7 while he watches tv. Sooo tired right now as that is what happened this morning.
Exciting rics!! Make sure you let us know how it goes.

We just got back from a little extended weekend trip. It was great, but now I am behind on my school work. Working two jobs and doing a degree while pregnant isn't the easiest thing I have ever chosen to do haha.
12 weeks rics!!! That went by so fast (for me...lol probably not for you I imagine!!)
Yay for almost being 12 weeks, Rics! Can't wait to see scan pics!

Karoolia, sounds like your plate is pretty full right now!

Mom15, I'm experiencing the same thing. Sickness seems to come and go. I'll have a couple good days, then a couple yuck days.

Only 6 more days until I finally get an ultrasound! It can't come soon enough. I'm starting to freak out a little bit, especially because I'm getting close to when everything went downhill last time.
Aw spiffy. I know how you feel...or, I imagine I do, as I'm starting to have those same feelings of fear. This is a new pregnancy for you, and the odds are in your favour <3 hugs
So exciting!
I am feeling really hopeful. Today is CD8 for me. I had a normal AF. Started on Halloween and although it was heavier than usual, the bleeding stopped after three days and I haven’t bled since. Woohoo! Very hopeful that I will O and we will catch the egg this month. We are going to give it our best try.
Can’t wait to hear about all of your scans and the sickness symptoms all sound like healthy pregnancy symptoms to me. Fx Fx for heathy babies and healthy mommies

How's everyone doing?? I have my 12 week scan on Thursday! Woohoo
Spiffy I was a nervous wreck at my first scan. The way you are feeling is completely normal.

Elmum - I'm hoping this is your month! Do you know when you normally ovulate? If you are CD8 I imagine you are getting close!
We did the BD last time on CD11 ...I Oed around CD14. So, yes. Getting close, hopefully! I&#8217;m charting and temping too. I only took O tests last time. Trying to pinpoint everything this time around.
Good luck elmum! Keep us posted when you catch O :)

Spiffy - I have been having those freak out moments the last couple of days for the same reason. I lost all symptoms last time at 8w2d. My next scan is on the 16th and I can’t wait. If all is well we might announce to family on Thanksgiving. I’ve been enjoying keeping it a secret.
Rics! Your baby is the size of a chicken nugget haha that is the cutest thing ever. Happy 12 weeks!

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