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Looking for TTC buddies

Hello all,

I am new to the site and I am in 1st month of TTC after a missed miscarriage in may at 10weeks.

I am currently in 10DPO and had sore bbs and high hot flashes with lots of acne and dry mouth, I feel the symptoms are giving me hope again, waiting for my AF to show my in 3days.
I have 25days regular cycle so 3 more days for my AF..tried to wait till now :) but can't hold it long...mostly at 12DPO
Good luck flowers! My miscarriage was a missed one discovered at 10 weeks as well. It was a terrible experience, but there is light on the other side. I hope you get your bfp this cycle!
Thanks much karoolia.. are u TTC now?

Nope, I'm 23 weeks along in a new pregnancy now. I just still hang out over here to cheer on the ladies who are trying. This group was a lifesaver for me after my miscarriage and the trying again process.
Hi ladies :hi:
Can I join?

Currently TTC #3. We've been back and forth since my mc last month as to whether to wait til next AF or not... I'm considering mc as cycle day 1 just for some idea incase it does happen this month!

so we dtd on cd10, cd12 and cd13.. then decided we probably should wait until AF so have protected(condoms)... then yesterday we decided we are both on the same page and feeling incredibly impatient so may as well continue ttc rather than preventing until AF :dohh: so have also dtd on cd21..

Just downloaded the fertility friend app and inputted my details to find they suspect I would've O'd on cd18 (last Sunday)... Had awful left side cramps ALL day Monday so guessing I did O and I've missed my window :dohh:

FX'd by some miracle I didn't miss it and will get :bfp:
Hi mrsmummy2! I'm sorry you find yourself here, but I'm glad you stopped by. This is a very supportive group.

We tried again right away after my mc. I had a D&C so we did wait 2 weeks to make sure I was healed. I did not expect to conceive that cycle and so I looked at it as a bonus time to try. I recommend thinking that way, it made it a little easier. That said, after a mc a lot of us have had positive tests for several weeks. I was still getting positives 4 weeks after my mc. If you are TTC that can cause some confusion as you won't know if it is leftover HCG or a new pregnancy. That isn't to say you shouldn't try right away, just be prepared for that possibility.

All that said I hope you get your bfp as quickly as possible. I conceived after my first AF. It has been a more stressful pregnancy after having a mc, but I am very glad I tried again quickly. Trying again was healing for me.
hi karoolia, so sorry about your mc, but so pleased you got your bfp so soon afterwards! I actually had a negative test 7 days after my mc (much to my surprise!) and have done 3 more tests since :blush: all negative. That was one of my main concerns in waiting, but I figured 4 tests over the space of the 3 weeks can't be all wrong surely. I keep thinking AF is on its way as I get cramps.. then they turn to different cramps to AF and I get confused :haha:

Looking forward to hearing about everyones :bfp: asap! <3
I echo what karoolia has said. Similar story, I had a mmc in July and a d&c in August. We waited 2 weeks per doctor's orders and then we weren't careful, but certainly not expecting anything. It took 2 cycles since but we've conceived again and I'm now 5w along with our rainbow. I'm nervous but excited!

I'll also say I had positive HPTs (just cheapies from Amazon, I think I would have got positives on FRER for weeks later) for 2.5 weeks after my mc, so something to be aware of as karoolia also said.
Ah, well if you have already had negatives you are probably in the good. I just wanted to warn you as quite a few of us have gotten our hopes up that way and it can be a little heartbreaking.

Do you know where you are in your cycle? There is a chance those cramps could be a new bfp! I felt crampy early on both times.
I had moderate-severe cramping at 7-8dpo this cycle and I know now/suspect it was implantation (it felt just like AF and I was quite sure AF was at least 6 days away) as I got a (faint) BFP at 10dpo!
Mrsmummy, looking at your signature, it looks like you were pretty early when you miscarried. If thats the case, your odds are way better that you might get a new BFP before AF. :thumbup: Good luck!

Flowers good luck to you as well! :flower:
karoolia - Always happy to hear others experiences as like you said it can be heartbreaking if you get a bfp which isn't accurate. Well.. I'm not sure tbh. I've seen online a few people saying they considered first day of MC CD1.. so I've taken it that way so I had a rough idea of when I'd O.. my cycle is usually 32 days, so FF says I'd of O'd on CD18.. now on CD22.. but as I've also read.. it can really change up your cycle.. so not sure! However I did have quite bad cramping on CD19.. so wondering if that would've been O day.. but since I posted that responce earlier I've had more cramping ONLY on one side.. similar to how O pains normally feel. It's all so confusing :dohh:

yes Spiffynoodles I was 5w 4d so in the grand scheme of things it was pretty early. I guess it's just a waiting game!

I've got some cheapies from Amazon (the strip tests) and some cassanova (?) ones.. apparently they're 10 something.. meaning you can test early.. so I don't know how to feel about my negative today. It's either a good thing because my levels have come down or a bad thing because if they're early detection maybe they should faintly show up by now? Who knows :haha:
Alligator - If I go according to as I said above with cycle as usual AF should be due on 20th Nov.. so still 11 days away. Not sure if that can be implantation cramps or not :dohh:

I feel so clueless this time around :haha:
It's so frustrating after a MC wondering when your cycle will return back to normal...it sucks! Hang in there.
Welcome mrsmummy

Scan went well today!!! She put me forward 4 days due date 19th may. Xx
Waiting to have a normal cycle after MC was super confusing for me. It looks like my cycle returned to normal 3 months post miscarriage (at 17+weeks) I think it took a little longer for me because of how far along I was in my pregnancy.
Today, I tested positive for LH surge and got a &#8220;peak fertility&#8221; on a digital test. Hopeful to O sometime in the next day...
Baby dust all around!

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