Alright, ladies...looks like there might be hope for me still this month....
I’m on CD28, AF due tomorrow.
Of course, I’ve tested and every test has been a BFN. You may remember, I still had a faint positive on a FRER when my blood test showed less than 2 HCG at 2 months post loss.
But, in this cycle all of my HPTs have been negative.
I’m charting and have 97 points on the pregnancy monitor. On top of that, everyone in my house was sick starting two weeks ago. I was fine, until now. And, my last two pregnancies I was at the doctor, sick with fever before I ever knew I was pregnant.
So,I’m home sick with fever and just slept for four hours and couldn’t resist taking a HPT. Took it and left it in the cabinet. Came back a few minutes later, sure that I would see nothing and it’s a very faint positive! But, it’s there.
Fx Fx that this is it! Will test again tomorrow with FMU