Love,Patience,& Support-Staying tgther until all preggo! 14BFPs! 2 Twins 4 angels

Sal, sorry, hun, you lost your excitement, and I am really really hoping your bubba will grow at a little faster rate, so when you check on her/him this week, you will be happy again! When is your appointment? I will be looking forward to it with you.
Cil, yep, it sure looks like you o'd already! A little personal question - what does "I" on your chart stand for (for bd)?

Yum, sorry, hun, it was a neg but we won't give up until af shows, right?

Sal, how are you doing, darling?

Welcome, Trying! It's good you guys checked yourselves at the doctors. What was your oh's sperm morphology? And have you checked your thyroid? Only asking because those seem to be the most common reasons (if there are reasons) for having problems conceiving. In any case, fingers crossed you are getting your bfp this cycle, sweety. On this thread the girls definitely know how it feels to keep getting bfns. I have seen some of us almost at a breaking point, some taking a break, but all are very strong and they pick themselves up and just keep going. We did start out with another thread, which was also quite long, and than made a group here, so I personally feel like we've been through a lot together, and honestly love everyone on this thread. Anyway, welcome and good luck this month!

Hey Kat thanks for the warm welcome I can't quite remember all of his results but his morphology was only like 30% bad and the rest good I kno he is a little low in volume but very good in how is swimmers are and everything I also had all hormons checked which came back fine and thyroid came back all good also hubby and I baby danced on the 11th and the 13th and I O'd on d 14 so hopefully we got it just experiencing lots of cramps at the moment but they are not as painful as wat my period cramps would be like. I have seen how u all stick together I had to shed a tear for Sunni though poor girl I hope she returns soon kat congrats on ur twins as well as BBA on her twins kat hope u get ur twin girls. U ladies give me so much hope I hope all this baby dust going around at the moment will get passed onto me lol
KAt, to be honest since my scan i hvae no exitemnet for the fruit anymore. Im still so confused as to where baby sits vs where my body is. I know baby is behind so even if tickers says its the size of a (i think tomorrow is a lemon) i know baby isnt. I am anxious to see my dr this week.

As for symtoms ms has started to subside...still waiting for my belly to pop. Anytime now i assume.

Trying lots of :dust: and those are great symptoms. What tools are you using now? Are you charting?

I hope these symptoms stick and turn that stick to a bfp, well iv been using my iPhone app keeping track of when I ovulate and stuff my last cycles have been weird
December it was 31 days which is good
As well as January which was 32 days
Then march was 36
And April 46 days
And my average cycle 38 days
I haven't tried teeming before just the usual cm,cp,stuff if and when the witch comes I'll be excited to chart and hopefully pinpoint o that way I did take my temperture the smorning and it was 36.4 I kno it means nothing at this stage as I dnt kno wat my temp is generally like advice, support love, care and wisdom is more then welcome thx ladies it's so so so great when u have ppl who understand we're ur coming from
Yum - First what a gorgeous little one your goddaughter is, congrats! I just want to cuddle her looking at that picture. Sorry about the negative but glad you aren't giving up hope, I saw so many negatives before my bfp so I know you still have a chance.

MrsK - Fingers crossed for a better second scan. I don't like early scans, they seem to cause so much stress. I know the waiting is terrible but it seems the waiting is better sometimes.

Trying - Welcome hun. Sorry to hear you have been trying for so long. I really think the temping helps and if you have any questions about that there are lots of knowledgeable ladies here. Just make sure you get a BBT thermometer and try to temp at the same time each day and maybe all the waiting will be down to just timing. Oh and since you are using iphone I will recommend getting the fertility friend app for your charting, its wonderful.

Cil - Yay temp rose! So glad you got your chance this cycle after all. Fingers crossed for you!

Kat - Good luck at your clinic! Lets us know how it goes.

Sal - Aww i'm sorry you are feeling less then excited. Understandable though and I just feel like everything will be as it should be at your next scan but the worrying is no fun.

Hope I didn't miss anyone, you lot were a chatty bunch lol.

AFM my all day sickness is continuing. I am only throwing up about once a day but feel sick all day and randomly (and loudly) gag everywhere and at everything lol food and I seem to be having a war because I am so hungry all the time but takes a long time to find something I can tolerate eating. So once I find something appealing I eat like I haven't eaten all day (which is kind of the case) hubby is calling me the bottomless pit lmao but says he means it in a nice way. My appt is 1 week and 1 day away. Really hope I get a scan. Other then that I an exhausted and cant make it through my day without napping when my son does. And just to make it clear I am not complaining about any of this lol if this is what I have to do for baby then I will suffer for the entire pregnancy with a smile on my face, and I hope all of you waiting for your bfp get to join me soon!
Thanks so much ladies, I'm still in a bit of a state of shock/panic...but so overwhelmingly happy to see that they both had good, strong heartbeats. :)

MrsKA: So sorry the scan was too early. However, when they say that your numbers are high enough to see something...the fact that they saw the sac IS something! We use those numbers to know when to start thinking ectopic (i.e. high numbers, but not seeing a sac...maybe start thinking the embryo implanted somewhere else). Remember my early scan - they didn't even see a sac!! I'm sure all is fine. We waited three weeks (to 7w1d, which was yesterday) and were able to see two little beating hearts. Keep your head up! Looking forward to seeing your next numbers. And I just know on June 5 you'll see that little heart flickering away.

Yum: She is ADORABLE. Huge congrats. What a precious blessing. And cute kitty too - I used to have a giant calico cat...loved her so much. However, I'm SO allergic. My eyes would swell up and get all red and watery. Yuck! :dohh: My mom was such a pushover (and so great) to let me have that cat even though I was allergic lol. Sorry your test is still (-)...not giving up hope yet!

Cil: YAY! Chart looks great - hopefully you caught that eggie. I'm SO holding my breath for you. This is your month.

Trying: Nice to meet you - can't believe you read through all 200 pages of this haha! I hope you get your BFP soon. Charting really made me feel in control of my cycle. I'm so happy I started charting.

Sal: Sorry your scan has you worried and less excited. :( I'm interested to see what your doctor has to say this week. What day do you go?

Laura: Uhhh sorry you're so sick? I am having random episodes of quesiness, but no vomiting or anything. As long as I keep something in my belly I do okay. If I go without eating, though - then I get nauseated. Can't wait for your appointment, I really hope you get your scan!!
Hello ladies. Went to my scan today at 8w4d, everything is good, heart rates are 174 and 177. Here is a pic :) So weird to see the top little person wiggling it's arms and legs (although I am sure they are super tiny right now):
OMG sooo cute kat!!! amazing!!! :) They are beautful!! Old wives tale says high heart rates mean girls :) fx d for you!! xxx
Trying for one where are you from? (update first page)

And ladies i had to change the name to fit in 2 sets of twins! it really think its incredible!! :)
Omg wow!!! That is beautiful! We have to put the pics in the first post :D

I love seeing our babes!

Welcome Trying! Great to have a new member :) We're really a great group - if i may say so. I love all my girls here!! I'm sorry to hear you've been trying for so long. I really hope that charting and drinking juices will help you get your BFP! It is actually a very fertile group as you see. So Fx for you!

Kat: The I in my chart means insemination. Atleast something!

Yum: sorry hun for the bfn... :( Doesn't mean anything yet!!
Hey everyone (welcome trying!), sorry i'll come back soon and post properly my numbers from yesterday were at 21,200 (5 weeks and 5 days) !!! they were 1600 eight days prior! so doubling really well still ! I was kinda expecting like 12,000 maybe as they say after you get passed 1000 they double every 3-4 days not 2-3 but mine are going every 52 hours so just over every 2 days. Assuming that means its all good
MrsKA, you numbers are GREAT! Amazing they still measured your HCG!my clinic stopped doing those after the third one, which was at 19 dpo.

Cil, thanks, my guess was the I was for incomplete, and now I am relieved :) lol

Sal, but the first heart rates they detected were 119 and 123, so they were on a lower side I was told, so I am not sure at what point hr counts for this old wives tale :)

And yeah, I wanna see all of your guys' gummy bears pics on here soon!
Yum - First what a gorgeous little one your goddaughter is, congrats! I just want to cuddle her looking at that picture. Sorry about the negative but glad you aren't giving up hope, I saw so many negatives before my bfp so I know you still have a chance.

MrsK - Fingers crossed for a better second scan. I don't like early scans, they seem to cause so much stress. I know the waiting is terrible but it seems the waiting is better sometimes.

Trying - Welcome hun. Sorry to hear you have been trying for so long. I really think the temping helps and if you have any questions about that there are lots of knowledgeable ladies here. Just make sure you get a BBT thermometer and try to temp at the same time each day and maybe all the waiting will be down to just timing. Oh and since you are using iphone I will recommend getting the fertility friend app for your charting, its wonderful.

Cil - Yay temp rose! So glad you got your chance this cycle after all. Fingers crossed for you!

Kat - Good luck at your clinic! Lets us know how it goes.

Sal - Aww i'm sorry you are feeling less then excited. Understandable though and I just feel like everything will be as it should be at your next scan but the worrying is no fun.

Hope I didn't miss anyone, you lot were a chatty bunch lol.

AFM my all day sickness is continuing. I am only throwing up about once a day but feel sick all day and randomly (and loudly) gag everywhere and at everything lol food and I seem to be having a war because I am so hungry all the time but takes a long time to find something I can tolerate eating. So once I find something appealing I eat like I haven't eaten all day (which is kind of the case) hubby is calling me the bottomless pit lmao but says he means it in a nice way. My appt is 1 week and 1 day away. Really hope I get a scan. Other then that I an exhausted and cant make it through my day without napping when my son does. And just to make it clear I am not complaining about any of this lol if this is what I have to do for baby then I will suffer for the entire pregnancy with a smile on my face, and I hope all of you waiting for your bfp get to join me soon!

Hey Laura how r u, yes I hope charting works for me I'm not very good at keeping still for 3 hours though I move so much at night or my dog wakes me up to say hey mummy I need to go to the toilet like he did the smorning little shit 1 hour out b4 checking temp grrrr...anyway still no period which is a good sign but I think I'll be out this month. This will sound weird but when my period has been due past couple of months I get this weird uncomfortable feeling down there it aches and my clit hurts and all tmi lol but it was doin it the smorning guess I'll just have to wait and see
everyone is so lovely here if feels nice to be apart of something :)

When I was reading through all the post I saw that it took u along time to get ur bfp how many days after missed period did u get it I dread P.O.A.S these days as I dnt want to see that bfn
Thanks so much ladies, I'm still in a bit of a state of shock/panic...but so overwhelmingly happy to see that they both had good, strong heartbeats. :)

MrsKA: So sorry the scan was too early. However, when they say that your numbers are high enough to see something...the fact that they saw the sac IS something! We use those numbers to know when to start thinking ectopic (i.e. high numbers, but not seeing a sac...maybe start thinking the embryo implanted somewhere else). Remember my early scan - they didn't even see a sac!! I'm sure all is fine. We waited three weeks (to 7w1d, which was yesterday) and were able to see two little beating hearts. Keep your head up! Looking forward to seeing your next numbers. And I just know on June 5 you'll see that little heart flickering away.

Yum: She is ADORABLE. Huge congrats. What a precious blessing. And cute kitty too - I used to have a giant calico cat...loved her so much. However, I'm SO allergic. My eyes would swell up and get all red and watery. Yuck! :dohh: My mom was such a pushover (and so great) to let me have that cat even though I was allergic lol. Sorry your test is still (-)...not giving up hope yet!

Cil: YAY! Chart looks great - hopefully you caught that eggie. I'm SO holding my breath for you. This is your month.

Trying: Nice to meet you - can't believe you read through all 200 pages of this haha! I hope you get your BFP soon. Charting really made me feel in control of my cycle. I'm so happy I started charting.

Sal: Sorry your scan has you worried and less excited. :( I'm interested to see what your doctor has to say this week. What day do you go?

Laura: Uhhh sorry you're so sick? I am having random episodes of quesiness, but no vomiting or anything. As long as I keep something in my belly I do okay. If I go without eating, though - then I get nauseated. Can't wait for your appointment, I really hope you get your scan!!

BBA CONGRATES on ur twins yes i read through all the pages I just couldn't stop once I started it was so beautiful and emotional reading some of these post I shed a tear for Sunni hope she returns soon. With temping it's very confusing it's going to take a while to understand when I'm o I hope I dnt miss it this month also going to take the juices and do u knom were I could get royal jelly is it available in australia
Hello ladies. Went to my scan today at 8w4d, everything is good, heart rates are 174 and 177. Here is a pic :) So weird to see the top little person wiggling it's arms and legs (although I am sure they are super tiny right now):

Wow( tears in eyes ) they are so cute they would be the size of a raspberry...omg cute cute cute :happydance:
Trying for one where are you from? (update first page)

And ladies i had to change the name to fit in 2 sets of twins! it really think its incredible!! :)

Sally I'm from queensland in Australia we have quite a massive time difference though when it's ur night time its our day lol
Omg wow!!! That is beautiful! We have to put the pics in the first post :D

I love seeing our babes!

Welcome Trying! Great to have a new member :) We're really a great group - if i may say so. I love all my girls here!! I'm sorry to hear you've been trying for so long. I really hope that charting and drinking juices will help you get your BFP! It is actually a very fertile group as you see. So Fx for you!

Kat: The I in my chart means insemination. Atleast something!

Yum: sorry hun for the bfn... :( Doesn't mean anything yet!!

Hey cil yes u are a great group so supportive and very fertile so pass some of that babydust to me lol, yeah it is depressing that iv been trying for so long but I just got to stay positive and hope that I get my bfp very soon I'll take a test in 3-4 days and see what happens I dnt even have the urge to poas cause I dnt want to see 1 line :(
Hey ladies how you all doin just an update. Hubby and I went shopping the smorning and I got my pregnancy test my pomegranate juice and my grapefruit juice. I also found royal jelly here in a healthy lifestyle shop $70 dollars for a six month supply I would love to have got it but since I lost my job just can't afford it right now anyway I'm tempted to poas now iv got them but I want to wait until at least day of or after my period date. Fingers crossed for a BFP :).

Anyway can't wait t talk to u all.
Yum r u testing today did u get ur BFP
how is everyone else feeling today...
Chat soon :)

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