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Love,Patience,& Support-Staying tgther until all preggo! 14BFPs! 2 Twins 4 angels

ja123: (USA) PREGNANT!!!!! :bfp:
Katrus: BFN but no AF! (USA)
Midnightfalls: BFN but no AF! (CA)
Babybumpahead: BFN but no AF! (USA)
Laura617: BFN but no AF! (USA)
Cilnia: BFN but no AF! (NL)

LouiseSix: 19th (UK)
Sunnii : 20th (UK)
MrsKa: Bloodtest wednesday (NZ)
I'm still not testing until tomorrow or even Tuesday at 10DPO. Trying to hold off. :happydance:

Some of you that tested today and yesterday, you know, it's still early, you're more likely to get a BFP at 12-14DPO rather than 9-10DPO so stay positive ;) You're still not out. There's some woman that never get a BFP until they're two weeks late! You're not out until AF shows up :)

Louise - A positive OPK can mean a lot of different things. Technically, and OPK will turn positive when you're pregnant BUT it can also turn pregnant because of hormone changes due to AF approaching. It's not an accurate way of telling whether you're PG or not and mind that if you're pregnant, the test line on the OPK should be SUPER dark. I would test if I was you but don't get your hopes up too high just based on that. I was gonna use some OPKs to see and test early too but I'm holding off.

Midnight - I'm about to watch the video now ;)

AFM, feeling good. Positive about this cycle! Seriously. Still having some on and off cramping/pains in my abdomen. My abdomen feels.. different. Can't really explain it so looking forward to testing :happydance:
Sunni, let me know what you think about the video.

Louise, if you do test let us all know how that goes! :) Ladies we are due for another bfp soon!! :)
I watched it with my OH, all 6 parts :haha: and what I think of it? It was awesome. No way I'm pregnant though, no way!
:( BFN here for me too ! I know its only 10DPO but I used a super sensitive test. The other tests I have are just standard 25 sensitivity ones so I know I won't be able to get a positive result for a few days if I am pregnant. I have my blood test on Wednesday anyway but I will test again that morning too as I wont get my blood result until Friday.
Hi, thank for the suggestion for the peeonastick site. Line was not as dark as test line so probably shouldn't get my hopes up.

Will do a test in the morning - will try to post results but will be getting ready for work as well as dealing with a toddler so may not get a chance until the evening.

Think I'll sprinkle some baby dust on all of us :dust:

Oh no! I'm having a bit more light pink spotting now :( It was light beige 2 days a go, very light pink yesterday, and now bit more light pink. Hoped it would have stopped. I'm soo angry! I know it doesn't mean anything yet, can go both ways. But i hate it because this cycle was so different then last cycle. Now i don't know what to look for in the next cycle.

Last month | this month
dry CM - creamy CM
boob pain - no boob pain
sore nipples - no sore nipples
not emo at all - very emo
skin outbreak - much less outbreak
very bloated - less bloated
cp high very soft - cp high very firm

If AF arrives i won't be able to check symptoms next month!!! :hissy:
MrsKA - I'm so sorry, but you're still not out until AF arrives, hope she stays away :hugs:

Louise - I'm crossing my fingers from you. We are due a few more BFPs in the next few days and I hope you're one of them. Let us know the results of the test, as soon as possible!

Cilnia - I know how you feel. If I'm not pregnant this month, I have no idea what to go on with for next month. I'm definitely not imagining them either, I've kept a few aside as I think they were in my head but seriously, I better get my BFP :haha: Maybe it's still not too late for you until full flow AF shows up! Some woman have light periods during their pregnancies so you're still not technically out! :D

AFM: Anyways, I'm gonna try hold off testing tomorrow, but if I can't contain it, I'll be POAS I would like to at least wait till 10DPO. I don't know when I implanted if I did at all, but suspecting 6DPO with the cramps I've had.

My abdomen feels a lot harder than it normally would. I could literally push my hands in and on my bladder to see if I needed to wee (I had a hell lot bladder problems and unless it's really pressing down, I can't feel if I need to wee so that was my way of checking it ) and I can't do that anymore. It's like there's a plastic board inside me that I can't get past (once again, my awesome way of explaining things ) I have this occasional dull pain in my abdomen and ovaries so I'm hoping that there is something there. I felt nauseas a few times today and I've got superbad congestion and a stuffy nose so I'm sort of hoping that it's a symptom.

Anyway, few more days till I'll know for sure whether I'm pregnant or not, it's driving me crazy not knowing! I have the weirdest of the weirdest of CM's today, seriously. It's white - but very stretchy - like 5cm stretchy - other bits are very sticky, some are watery, it's like a mix of ALL CM's. It's freaky and looks very disgusting. I have excess of it on my underwear too so let's hope it's a good sign.

Cervix wise - mine is higher than it normally is, usually I could reach it with my middle finger whereas now, I need to actually push down to feel it, if that makes sense? So instead I just get my OH to check it with his huge hands It's very firm though and sort of in a high/medium position - not as high as it was during ovulation? If that makes sense at all God, I'm so bad at explaining things - especially things like this! :wacko:
Mrska: those super sensitive ones aren't always that sensitive i've heard!! Some people got a bfn, but a faint line of a different one. We're waiting waiting waiting..

Sun: haha i understand your explanation! You do sounds pregnant... I think you will get a BFP!!! :D
This waiting game is annoying and is driving me crazy! :haha: I think it's driving all of us crazy :haha:
I just went back in time. So FF changed my O date. It looks like they are right and makes more sense to me so I went from 9dpo to 3dpo lol.
So I won't be testing tomorrow, just gonna hang back and wait. Lol means I actually tested at 2dpo, talk about insane!

Will be checking back to see how you all get on though
Won't you look at that! Makes sense yes. I've had peaks like that before Ovulation as well. Was very confusing. Atleast you know now! So you have a bit of a wait hm.. well we are waiting with you so you're not alone *hugsz*

Babybump: cramping could be a good sign like Sun said!
Laura ff change looks good to me. :) in a few days im positive those lines will become solid!!!

And bump cramping is good.
I just went back in time. So FF changed my O date. It looks like they are right and makes more sense to me so I went from 9dpo to 3dpo lol.
So I won't be testing tomorrow, just gonna hang back and wait. Lol means I actually tested at 2dpo, talk about insane!

Will be checking back to see how you all get on though

My chart did something like that around CD9 this cycle - I was SURE I ovulated that day...but nope, not till CD21. It's weird - look at my chart, almost the exact same deal. Stupid bodies. Don't worry, we'll all still be here for your testing time to come around - until the last one is preggo, remember! :)

Laura ff change looks good to me. :) in a few days im positive those lines will become solid!!!

And bump cramping is good.

For some reason today, i ve no symptoms and feelign completely out. Think it may have to do with checking my co workers status of newly pregnant. and my bfn this morning although i know its early:( This is rough. If i don have a bfp im going to have to crawl into a hole. :S

That's how I feel, hun. And another wave of pregnancy announcements on Facebook. I was so disillusioned to think this would be easy and quick bc we're young. So funny to think of all the times I thought we might have an "accidental pregnancy" bc I forgot one pill or something. I wish I could go back to the naive times. :wacko:

When is your AF due? Cramping could be a good sign :D Stay positive! ;)

That's the problem - AF will technically be due on Wednesday or Thursday, but my doc has be on Progesterone in the Luteal Phase, so I can't rely on AF to count me officially out bc I won't start until I quit the Progesterone pills.

I'm not sure when to stop taking them?? If I still have a BFN at 14dpo...or 15dpo...or 16dpo?

UGH. :dohh:

I've totally been the Debbie Downer of this group so far. What the heck? Baby making should be fun...I don't know what is wrong with my attitude this cycle. I need an overhaul.
I kinda feel the same, although forcing myself to hang on one more day... One more day to see of my temp starts to drop significantly (I am even temping throughout the day, just to make sure the number s higher than when I woke up this morning), one more day to see if I will be spotting again. I was spotting with tinted brownish blood for two days, very little, and today there was nearly no spotting at all, we even bded twice to see if it would come back (well, he bded for fun I guess), and I just checked - nothing. So I am hanging on, although like 80% disappointed... The feeling in my belly though like af is coming, very tight and pulling uncomfortable pain, no cramps yet. My lp is 13 days so expecting af on Tuesday or Wednesday the latest.
I've said it plenty of times before and I'll say it again! Stay positive! You're not out until AF arrived ;)

Now, I'm officially 9DPO :happydance:
Kat your symptoms do sound promising. Im hoping with all honesty that you had ib bleeding and you are on your way to a smiley BFP!

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