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Love,Patience,& Support-Staying tgther until all preggo! 14BFPs! 2 Twins 4 angels

Midnight, i didn't feel like testing today, but I find myself doing it anyway, through the torture of already knowing it will be negative. And i really wanted a whole morning for myself so I could fall apart, do some crying, etc. but oh stayed over and I had to keep myself together. And now that he left, I just wanna stay in bed kinda numb... He asked me if I thought it was his fault. No, I don't. I should in fact be so very thankful that he is going through all of this with me. And I am scared he will back off for some reason. It would be devastating for me.
:( im soo sorry hun. I hope he sticks through it with you. :) Which im sure he will. Your a wonderful person and I dont see him changing his mind.
Midnight - I'm still here! I don't really have any symptoms other than feeling tired. I have taken naps for the past several days and have gone to bed early too. But no feeling sick or sore or anything yet :)
Thanks sunni. I just dont think we bd ed enough and im just totally negative about this cycle....plus the lack of symptoms is totally driving me off...Somepeople in other convos has been saying my charts dont look like i ovulate...:S My temps apparently dont go high enough after ovulation.

p.s JA123 if your still around, how you feeling??

I think your chart looks ovulatory - I'm not an expert by any means, but it looks normal to me. Can you ask your Ob to check some post-ovulation (or CD21) blood work?

:( im soo sorry hun. I hope he sticks through it with you. :) Which im sure he will. Your a wonderful person and I dont see him changing his mind.

My temp dropped today...and now im spotting...with a bfn this morning...at 9 dpo...im not sure what to think at all!! ahhhh This is either the shortest lp phase ever or ib. Just dont want myself to believe ib. :( i feel crushed

My vote is on IB!
Well my test this morning was bfn. Feel absolutely gutted. AF due in 2 days so FRER should really have showed up positive by now if pregnant. I had a positive 2 days before AF with my last pregnancy.

Really thought this was my month as boobs have been so tender for at least a week and feeling sick for the last few days - thought feeling rubbish would be worthwhile.

Now I have to go back to work today after a week off and leave my daughter. Having a positive test would have at least cheered me up.

Good luck to the rest of you lovely ladies

Midnight, so sorry that it seems like it isn't your month. The temp drop could possibly be implantation bleeding you know! It might not neccesarily be AF approaching!

Kat, :hugs: I'm so sorry :( Hope you feel better soon. You know, you're still not out. I think your OH is great if he's sticking through all of this with you :hugs:

Ja123, have you taken anymore pregnancy tests or anything? :D Glad that you're feeling well. So what was your TWW like overall, symptom wise etc? :D

Louise :hugs: Sorry you haven't got your BFP yet. You're still not out. You all girls need to remember you're not out until the witch shows!

AFM, I just woke up with a super congested nose and keep sneezing and my boogies land everywhere :rofl: I feel so crap right now :wacko: I haven't tested yet nor check my CM so will have to update you later :) Hope everyone is well!
I seriously need to POAS now! But I can't. Not FMU and I haven't held my pee in for that long just yet! ARGH :dohh:

how is everyone? :D
I'm holding my wee in for 3 hours.. then planning on testing with one of my pregnancy casette tests? Should I go for it at only 9DPO?
Yeah, I'm holding it in! I'm going for a nap so I don't go crazy and I need one anyway :haha: SO I shall update you ladies later! :D
Hey ladies, how 's everyone? I was pretty frustrated this morning. Lots of cramps, and my temp went down. FF changed my ovulation date to 1 day before because i'm having very weatery CM today. So i'm 13 DPO now, even worse... Cuz now i can atleast 80% sure AF is coming. Anyways, the sun is shining here, has been a while. So i'm going to make the best of it today. Although i feel kinda bad.

Midnight: Oh no :( How are you feeling? You sure have ovulated. + 0.2C is enough for a ovulation. We're on the same boat btw, my temp went down to 36.8 as well. Still 'high' above the coverline for both of us, but still lower then our 37/37.1C... Let's make a deal we both go high again tomorrow? Ok!?

Ja123: Glad you're still here! Great to hear your doing well! :D

Louise: Every pregnancy is different! You could have had much more/faster HCG last time then you have now. You are not out yet!

Kat: Your chart is looking good imo! Still very high above the coverline! And i'm happy to hear the spotting stopped. Hope it will stop for atleast 9 months ;)

Sun: You could test if you really really can't wait! (i know how that is lol) but like Midnight said, if it's BFN is doesn't mean anything!!

I'm still having positive feelings for you ladies, we need atleast a few more BFP's this month. And then, next month the rest :)

Damn.. i've had such great hope this month - mostly because if i would've conceived my due date would be our 1s year anniversary of marriage. :( Please make the spotting stopppp and temps go higher..... AAAhhhhh!!!
Ja123, have you taken anymore pregnancy tests or anything? :D Glad that you're feeling well. So what was your TWW like overall, symptom wise etc? :D

Sunnii - I took them the past couple of days just to make sure they got darker :) I'm calling this morning to make a doctor's appointment.

As far as symptoms, I didn't really have any during my TWW. I had some nipple tenderness after ovulation, but that's totally gone now. Nothing really other than being slightly more tired than usual - but I have also cut out caffeine, so that could be part of it too.
Cilnia I am very willing to make that deal!!! 37.0 it is for tomorrow!! :p
Good morning, girls!
I agree we need at least a couple more bfps. These last lp days are nerve racking for everybody... I am stilling bed, the temp stayed up, but I can't make myself go poas. It's almost painful to hold it in, but I know seeing another bfn is going to make me hate my body for not giving me a warning, like a temp drop.
Kat, It's okay if you wait another day!! Go pee fast, that way you won't have FMU :p

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