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Love,Patience,& Support-Staying tgther until all preggo! 14BFPs! 2 Twins 4 angels

WOw!!! I knew it!!!!! 2 more bfp for sure!!!! Lets hope they are sticky beans!!!!
Test again tomorrow im sure your tests will be strtonger!
Wait!! Don't you dare get upset if it's a BFN tomorrow..!!! Hear this.

HCG doubles every TWO days. so it's better to try in 2 days rather than 1. also HCG tends to kind of go up n down in early pregnancy.

But i'm super happy seeing this!!
Wow, your excitement is so contagious! I actually can see the lines on both of them, barely there, but I can see them! Can't wait til tomorrow!

I will be testing again tomorrow for sure though... I don't care how many negatives I will get, don't think it's gonna be worse than it is. Plus, I donno, but the test can't convince me completely for some reason. I need to see spotting or a temp drop to completely give up. OH said we will try until it happens. He is so supportive, I feel very appreciative. All my previous men wanted to wait like forever before talking about kids, no one ever wa ready, well, you know men... And this one really wants kids himself, so I feel it's gotta happen. It just has to.
I know I know! I'm trying to stay positive and not get too over excited but it's just not happening. I'm over the moon that you girls confirmed what I thought. Though I know there's still very early MC and it could be a false positive/evap so I'm trying to stay open minded but I hope this is it. My OH is going a bit crazy here :haha:
Kat, I hope it is a BFP and I hope you get your BFP this month too or very very very soon! You deserve it! Your OH is so lovely for being so supportive! One to stick with ;)
Kat: I agree with Sun, you are very lucky having a guy like that!! But i believe he should be lucky having you also, you seem like a very awesome woman. I would totally want to be your friend! (oh wait... i kind of am.. hahaha sorry that was stupid)

Sunnii: I would be also jumping through the house having a faint line like that!! Damn those stark whites :p :p
Sunni, sweety, it's only 9 dpo for you, isn't it? You still have several days ahead to let your body turn that into a bfp.

I am not sure why i d have any scratchs.. lol havent been dtd or sticking my fingers up there to check cp. :S lol and it wasnt small specks..i ve had that before so tiny in fact. This time is was like a globb of pink/bown discharge. I think i went to the bathrrom every 5 min after that expecting more or af...but nothing except lots of creamy stretchy Cm. :S Im not sure what it is, and i havent had any more....it better not be my body being weird for nothing cuz i swear!!

I know exactly what you mean. When I see ANY type of spotting, I go to the bathroom twice as much, just to check if it's still there and what color. This time, when I had my ligh brown spotting for two days, I even took a picture of it (I know, how disgusting). And although I have not had it again since than, I am still checking so thoroughly! And I do dig up in there at leaset twice a day to check if the cm would be tinted pink or beige... I wonder why noone yet commented why my middle finger's nail on right hand never grows. I actually cut it way short just so I couldn't accidentally scratch myself there. and I don't care how it looks lol.

Still very BFN for me too.

For some reason I'm so overwhelmingly sad about it today. I thought tossing the birth control in August would give us more than enough time for a 2012 baby. :-/ I know it'll happen when it's supposed to, but why does it have to be so hard for some of us? I have a friend and colleague who each have a set of accidental twins(!)...and another friend whose current pregnancy was an oops...how can they get "oops" pregnant so easily and it's so difficult for us to get "on purpose" babies?!

Bump, I wonder about the same thing all the time. I don't believe in the meant-to-be kind of thing though... cause if I believed that it would mean that there is a reason I can't have any more children, like I wouldn't be a good enough mom or something. refuse to believe that, so I just take it as is. And I am never gonna give up until I have that baby.

Not necessarily like that - just because it's not happening now doesn't mean it's not happening for that reason. Perhaps timing is a bigger issue...like maybe next month would be better timing for the birth for a reason we don't know about yet. I don't think it's an end-all-be-all, but I do believe things happen when they are supposed to happen. I don't think everything happens for a reason, but I also don't think everything that happens is completely random.

Im so sorry for the BFN's ladies, it's not fair ! I did a test this morning but it's not sensitive one (im waiting for those in the post they should be arriving later today and ive kept FMU to test with) and it came up with a very faint line within 30 seconds BUT it does look like an evap more colourless. Here is a pic and it is VERY faint !


Sunni I can see a line on yours too but it does look a little thinner which is more indicative of an evap but not to worry ! its still so early. I got a very clear negative yesterday at 10DPO

It better be!!!! :D:D I'm so scared of it being a bfn tomorrow..

SO HAPPY FOR Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

YAY. :) :) :)
Omg :happydance: I got 16 more tests for the next few days. I WILL be testing :rofl:

GEEZ lol - 16 HPTs?? You win for most things to pee on. :)

Good luck. I ll probably be testing tomorrow putting aside my better judgement....i ll post the pic although it will be BFN. Im almost heading home now, so until then i ll talk to you all tomorrow morning. Good luck to everyone!!

Chin up!
Haha thanks :D MY uncle went a bit crazy on them today :haha:

How're you all?
Sad news here - since this cycle didn't work we're going to have to skip our next 1-2 cycles. :cry: If I got pregnant next cycle I would be >36wks in the month that I will be flying out of state to residency interviews.

So, no 2012 baby for us. I'm really sad about it all, but eventually it will work out I guess. As it is now it looks like I'll only have 6 months with the baby at the very most before I start residency.

Sometimes I hate that I chose medicine. :nope: I know it will be worth it, but I want a baby and my career is preventing it.

On that note, I think I'll be taking a hiatus from TTC things. The past 6 months have made me sad and frustrated and anxious. I need to get back to my happy place. I may check in with y'all periodically, *baby dust.* Hoping y'all get your BFPs. :)
First of all, I'm super annoyed. Wanna know why?
- I have a spot. In my ear. Yes. IN my ear.

It hurts like hell and is so itchy. I can't touch it/pop it, nothing. It's so uncomfortable!

Now, onto CM. I still have rather weird CM, it's very stretchy, but it's creamy at the same time :wacko:

I hope my BFP today turns out to be an actual BFP tomorrow or in the next few days! It better! I was so excited this morning :) I never got an evap before either, so it could be a first but I really hope that this is it. My OH is so happy :haha:

Also, Cilnia, Midnight, I've seen you posted on his rant about my banana incident this afternoon :haha: I swear, that juice so totally had banana in it!

I hope we get some more BFPs in this group by the end of the week :)

Best of luck to everyone!
Bump, I'm so sorry, I really hope AF doesn't show up this cycle for you and you have your 2012 baby :( I don't know what to say :( :hugs:
Hmm well I took another test using the same urine and the more sensitive test doesnt have a stronger line.... i'm not actually sure still if I am or not but I have a blood test tomorrow morning so hopefully by tomorrow afternoon I will know for sure!

BBA - Im so sorry that totally sucks im in the same boat with my job too, if this isnt it I have to wait until October to try again. Its so much harder being on a timeline ! hang in there
MrsK and Sunnii - so excited to see those lines! My fingers are crossed that they get darker tomorrow. Even though hcg doubles every two days or so, the day after my 'faint as can be' test I got a much more visible line.

So excited - can't wait to see your posts tomorrow!!
BBA and MrsKa: oh, no! It's so sad... But please please confirm in a couple of days whether you got bfp or af. Hope the witch doesn't show though.

It has been a rocky cycle and you guys have been so supportive! Just wanted to say thank you.. I am still sticking around onto the next cycle.
Also, Cilnia, Midnight, I've seen you posted on his rant about my banana incident this afternoon :haha: I swear, that juice so totally had banana in it!

I hope we get some more BFPs in this group by the end of the week :)

Best of luck to everyone!

That was soooo cute for your oh to register and post on this site! I bet we could all have a little bit more of this kind of involvement :)

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