Love,Patience,& Support-Staying tgther until all preggo! 14BFPs! 2 Twins 4 angels

Hey girls, not too much time to write a long post.. Glad to see Bump popped and said hi! Also Trying. I'm sorry girl, but i'm happy things worked out for you and you are happy with your boyfriend! That;s what matters.

Lol Laura, didn't know you could actually feel that! I'm too afraid to put any finger up there lol...

Today i had another u/s and the baby measured too big again. They are afraid i have pregnancy diabetis... :( Have to do a glucose test in 3 weeks. Don't know why they wait so long but alright. For now i'll just cut down on sugar. Scaring me a little actually.. don't know how to deal with a diet.
Kat, Im sorry to hear you couldn't sleep with the braces... :( hopefully it won't be too long anymore now. I also hope it will go away very soon when baby's come! How long will they keep you and the baby's in the hospital?

Sal, I'm so happy to hear oh has changed!! What a relieve must that be?? It really was something you needed to go on and be happy. I can't wait for 2013 to start :) and super creepy, yet beautiful, what the woman said about you. I would totally freak out! Lol! Let's hope she's right and you'll be preggers soon ;-)
Im hoping she is right. But at the same time i have this URGE to be pregnant again now! not in a few months. I miss the excitement of changing weeks. The unknown of the sex the unconditional love I had for this being living inside me. I miss my oh rubbing my belly and envisioning the futre. I miss our talks about how life would be in a few short months. I miss nights spent with the doppler looking for the heart beat together. I miss it all more than i can even put into words. And although feb isnt that far off in perspective, but in another it feels like and eternity.
Alright we got quiet in here so how about everyone give an update?
Lol, true, we kinda go through cycles of quiet and chatty here :)
Sal, do we share a bday with you? Mine's today...
Not much new with me. Went to the hospital yesterday cause I panicked a little due to reduced movements (actually, I wasn't feeling anything at all for 1.5 days). Everything was fine though. Now just waiting for my appt on Tuesday.
hey girls, how are we all doin....sooooooooo im in my fertile phase atm and im sure im about to ovulate in the next 24 hours, i have been having alot alot of unprotected sex. i kno its still very early in our realationship but we both want kids is it bad that i want a baby already to a man iv only been with for 1 month we have known each other for 5 months though so we werent complete strangers lol, i kno i love him i kno i have my true soul mate and i kno he loves me alot he is just so cute >.<
wish me luck girls tomorrow i have my hospital appointment im not looking forward to the questions wats worse is my new partner is coming with me for support thats gunna turn heads :(

anyway let me kno wat u all think how r all the pregnancys going yum iv been following u on fb ur baby is getting bigger and bigger.
kat ur babies are due soon
bba, cil, when r ur bubs due
has ja had her baby yet ??
sal how is ur not trying not preventing goiing, so happy ur OH is coming through now.
sorry if iv missed anyone take care girls
Trying, I'm happy for you. And oh how I understand the feeling of bringing a new partner to a clinic! When I brought my "donor" in, he posed as my boyfriend cause otherwise he'd have to register with the clinic as a donor and wait 6 months to a year to get cleared (ouch!). So yeah, the doc asked questions, raised eyebrows, but at the end he let it go and proceeded with everything like nothing happenned. He really should have made us try for a year since he was my new partner, but I think he saw how desperate I was and didn't. Plus, they wanna make some money too, so they will most likely work with you, whoever you bring :) good luck, hun! Let us know how it goes!
Hey ladies! Im back cd 10 today and goign to start bding. Right now we are ntnp and going to be really trying to get a bfp in feb. im gonna try and stick to the ntnp plan and not use btu it will be tough.
Kat our birthdays are really close, mine was sat and your sun!! thats really amazing!! I hope you had a wonderful day darling. I am glad that alll is wwell with your little munchkins ;)
Trying i am excited for you and hope you get your bfp soon darling. If you are happy then so are we hun! :) Good luck!
How is everyone else doing....and im really worriied about ja??
Kat please promise that you will AT least pop in once u ve given birth to say ur ok and your babies are fine. I know u will have your hands full with twins and your son, but keep us updated time to time ok? So we dont have to worry at least :)
Its been a month since ja had her c-section adn since we ve had no news from her im seriously having a bunch of bad scenerios going through my head. I really wish she would just come on and just update us. Poor girl
Welcome back Trying! Good luck with these days :)

Kat, the end of november is nearing.... which means, december is about to start!!!!!! And you know what that means.... :) :) :) How is your belly feeling? You feel anything stirring yet? How was your birthday? :) I saw it on fb!

Sal, how is it feeling in your new home? It looks awesome! I'm jealous of the space you're having - it's great! and the garden..... wow!

Tomorrow we are going to a information night about breastfeeding. And somewhere in december we're getting a tour through the hospital. I have no idea where i'd have to go when i get in labor so that should be interesting :)
Yum, congrats! Wow, you found out so early, it's great!
Sal, I sure promise! I am addicted to bnb, so I will be checking in regularly, I'm sure! And yeah, we knew each other so long, and just now figured out our bdays are so close :)

How about Louise?
Hey mummas, i'm still here and trying to keep up to date ! I have been having major problems with sciatic pain and pelvic pain and I can't sit for long, its seriously crippling and I don't know what to do about it ! I'm so exhausted as well and my midwife has just said massage and rest but it hasnt really helped :( I am way over everything at the moment.

Congrats on being team Blue Yum ! I didn't realize they could tell at 14 weeks ? I thought both genders it looked the same until around 16 weeks ?

Trying sorry to hear about your marriage break up, I hope you feel much happier with your new man.

Cil have they done a blood test to check for diabetes yet ?

Sal wooooohooo lots of baby dust !!! hope its this month for you, you totally deserve it !
Mrska - it was a blood test I had that I qualified for since there is downs in my family and it also tests for the presence of a Y chromosome or not. its 100% accurate lol, so I was lucky to find out much sooner than most :)
Kat: We are getting SO close to meeting these babies!! I can't believe it. Is your nursery all ready? Ours is getting there slowly but surely, I should actually be in there working right now instead of on here!! :) Are you feeling okay?? I'm getting SO big and uncomfortable. Being 5'2'' and having LOTS of baby inside means we're all a bit crowded, but I'm just so happy they're still growing and doing well.

Yum: A boy!? That is so so exciting!! YAY!! :) I'm so happy for you. Everything going well with the pregnancy? Did the screening for Down Syndrom come back normal??

Sal: So happy to hear you're about to start trying again. I think about you a lot and I can't imagine how tough this has all been. I hope you are doing well. How's the new house??

Cil: Everything going well!? Can y'all believe we've been in this thread for nearly a year now!? Crazy.

Laura: Are you doing ok?? I feel so behind on everything.

MrsKa: Sciatica SUCKS. Find a good chiropractor!! My Ob highly recommends them and I just saw one yesterday!! I have it as well. No. Fun. Plus they're supposed to be good to help get baby in a good position for easier birth!

Trying: Sorry to hear about your marriage. Hope things are going well with your new boyfriend.

I'm worried about Ja as well. Hope she's doing well.

AFM: Babies growing well. I'm 33 weeks + 2 days today. They are currently breech (Baby A) and transverse (Baby B), which is so disheartening for me. I wanted nothing more than to try for a vaginal delivery, but with Baby A breech I'm looking at a c-section. I'm coming to terms with it slowly but surely, but I'm still holding out hope the little guy or girl will do a somersault in there. We will plan for induction or c-section if they haven't arrived by the week of December 17!! The nursery is coming along. Still don't have outfits for them to come home in! AH! So much to get done!!
Hi Yum so happy for you - I thought girl though as there seems to have been so many recently!

SPD is agony. Only time I am not in pain is when sitting. Not easy when working/looking after a child etc!

Feel a bit sad as I'm not enjoying this pregnancy like I did with the first but grateful to be having a healthy pregnancy/baby otherwise. Is just that constant pain is very draining.

My daughter started preschool a few weeks ago and loves it so she is getting all grown up now - time for the baby to come soon I think :)
Oh right !!! thats so exciting Yum !!!

Aww BBA, I can imagine it would be a hard thing to come to terms with when you wanted a vaginal delivery, people will carry on about how you should just be happy they are coming out safely etc etc but I think it's ok to grieve a little. I think we naturally have this yearning to deliver vaginally but as you say your coming to terms with it and you know they will do whatever is best for your babies and OMG 17th of December thats so soon !

Louise - i'm the same ! I wanted this pregnancy SO bad and im so pleased shes healthy etc but i'm totally not enjoying it. I really don't want to do this again, it's so hard, the reward is absolutely worth it a million times over but I think for me 3 is enough and 3 girls at that hahahaha
BBA - the screening all came back normal for downs and both the chromosome tests! baby is healthy! :) I hope your little ones do point head down soon, I understand not wanting to go under the knife. I wouldn't want to either.

Louise - aw your two girls are gonna be such good friends! I'm sorry your SPD is causing issues though.

Mrska - thank you hun!

As for me - well, i still have a bit of MS (not as severe but still there), although I have to ask you ladies, is it normal to get little pinches and dull pain up inside the vag? it worries me a little, but I also think I just might be growing pains. it comes and goes and has been goin on since i started week 14 lol just curious to know if any of you had it?
Hi girls! So nice to hear updates on all of you!
I'll just update quickly as well. Went for my last u/s today and babies are estimated to be 5.11lb and 6.3lb. I so feel like they need to come out now! I am tired and extremely uncomfortable all the time.
Hey ladies! Woow im excited and hppy to see everyone checking in. Lots of you are getting ready to pop now! hee hee
Bump it must be hard to have to feel like your settling for your second choice. But in the end u will be soo happy that it wont matter as much. ;)
Kat im glad you ll be updating us
Yum i congradulated u on fb but i wll again here!! a boy a boy!!! :) yoohoo
We needed more boys in this group hee

So as for names, kat have u decided i know it was a litlte unsure last time...cant remember if you stuck on two yet.
Cil you guys figure a second name yet?
Mrska and bba what are your choices so far??

Afm trying hard oooo sooo hard to not opk.....uhhhh

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