Love,Patience,& Support-Staying tgther until all preggo! 14BFPs! 2 Twins 4 angels

Oh, thank you! Too bad she is having problems, please send her hugs from me. She is almost there though!
Wow so happy to see the sunni fell pregnant again, it's a shame she is going through so much shit though.

Afm not much is happening still sore bbs cravings, slight nausea in arvo sometimes it's worse when I'm hungry, veins are coming more now on bbs and the white dots to. I so badly want to see bub on the screen again can't stop thinking bout it lol. I just woke up an hour ago and already want to go back to sleep.

How is everyone doing.
Sal sorry bout ur bfn has the witch arrived yet, fingers crossed.
Yum how is ur boi doing is he staying put.
Kat the girls are beautiful it's wonderful to see pics of them.
Cil, bba, Louise, Lauren we dnt hear from u girls much any more.

Anyway my virtual sisters hugs to u all and thank u so much for helping me get through all those hard times now I hope u guys stick around so I can celebrate with u and we keep rooting for sal and her bfp. :hugs: and :dust: for sal.
I see Louise's pictures of little Clara on FB once in a while, very cute.
Thanks trying hun. No af hasnt arrived yet...i ve been having faint lines for a day now. 3 tests yesterday. So now im not testing until friday (god help me if i can fight the temptation) haha Af is due anytime between today and friday so we shalll see. If u want to photo stalk my tests pop on over to my journal. xxxx

Im glad trying eveyrthing is going well. Enjoy every min of it dear. xxx
Sal ur temps are looking sooooooo great def keep testing I also saw I faint line in ur pics good luck darl everything is crossed for u xoxoxox.

I'm def trying to enjoy this baby I'm just hesitant really want the 12 weeks to be over so I can relax a Lil more. Can't wait for next u/s only 5ish weeks away <3
Well a little update from little old me.

Firstly this cycle seemed to be going well. I ovulated (contrary to mulitple previous cycles) and we bd d not perfectly but enough to be efficient.

13 dpo and still BFN. Now i know my body enough to know the cliche 'you're not out until af arrives' just wont cut it here. Af WILL be here tomorrow or Friday no doubts.

However, i ve decided that this waiting game i ve been unfairly been playing is just too hard, and I need help. I ve made an appointment with my Dr who can quite surprisingly see me tomorrow.

And so a new chapter begins, hopefully, this time with help. Perhaps Clomid or something else that will give us our rainbow baby.

For now, i lack the hope that my dr WILL be able to help (i m still certain because of my age (25 yrs ) she ll blow me off. So i guess we will have to see what tomorrow brings be continued....
Sal keep positive ur chart is looking great, in the past ur temp always drops around this time but it's still up. I af does come put ur foot dwn when u go to doc tell her how long u even trying and all that jazz just evaluate ur 25 doesn't mean they should run u dwn. I was only 18 when I started my process and they didn't turn me dwn. Good luck darl xo
Just saw that you are going to the doctor tomorrow! So excited for you! I think this is a wise decision. Good Lucy Hun and don't be nervous. It's gonna go well, don't worry.
7 weeks today girls yay :)
Sal has af arrived or have u tested again ???
Yum hope ur doing well happy bday for yesterday :)

Afm nothing much has been happening still sore bbs egg smell makes me feel nauseas, still same cravings except now I also want fruit and veg all the time lol craving fruit which is good I guess.
I had cramping today and on and off for few days but only lasted a few minutes, I'm trying not to freak out about the cramps I kno they are normal but I still freak out, as long as there is no bleeding it should be fine right ???.
Also is sore teeth normal yesterday my teeth were so sore I couldn't chew anything :(

How is everyone else sal plz check in I want to kno what's going on with u darl :hugs:
Im still waiting for af. With temp did I suspect today she should arrived. Last test I took was fri afternoon and it was a big fat neg.
KAt hun, i dont have an april cycle. This cycle started the 17 march. So it says march cycle.
girls its so quite :(
i ordered a doppler off ebay i cant wait for it to arrive then i can listen to lil cadburys heartbeat when ever i want so excited. Coming up to 8 weeks already omg lol

how is everyone doing ?????
Hey girls, i'm starting to try and naturally start labor. This pregnancy has been so hard, I'm just starting to walk and other things to see if maybe I can jump start labor.

Trying - isn't amazing how time seems to fly by?
thats great yum he is healthy and ready to come so start the process i hope it works for u.

yes time is flying i cant believe im already 8 weeks tomorrow only 4 more weeks till dwn syndrome test and i get to see my baby :).
when shoukd i be able to feel the top of my uterus ???
Yum - good luck on getting things started. My only tips are walking as much as you can and drinking pineapple juice. Oh and squats are supposed to help move baby down.

Trying is really will fly by, excited for all your milestones and hope you get your Doppler soon. I always wanted to get one but they are so expensive and I figured it would stress me more lol. I would have been glued to it all the time.
Thx Laura I got it off eBay for only $40 dollars so it was actually really cheap can't wait till it comes.
So girls last night I had a scare went to hospital, that arvo was in some pain no bleeding just really sore so went and got checked blood taken which is fine beta hcg of 131,000 urine taken normal then the stupid bitch did an u/s and she was like I can something in ur uterus but I can't see a heart beat wtf I freaked out. So first thing the smorning we went straight to get u/s n there it was a healthy strong heartbeat 163.46 bmp measuring at exactly 8 weeks 1 day so very relived that everything is fine.
here is a pic of baby.

How is everyone else doing ???


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Trying - glad everything is okay! I know the first trimester is a very trying time and feels like it takes forever to get safely out of it. But just relax and go with the flow.

Sal - hows your cycle hun? how was the dr visit?

Laura - thanks hun! i didn't think of squats but hey I'll try anything at this point lol

As for me - definitely getting the ball rolling trying to get this baby out! lol Went for about an hour walk with the hubby tonight. It was nice just the two of us, time just kinda flew by. then I got home and I was swollen everywhere lol.
Aww trying so sorry for the scare. Very glad to hear everything is good though. How awful of her to say no heartbeat and not even ask a second opinion or double check or anything.

Yum - good luck again on getting the ball rolling. The walking is the best. I really credit the walking to easy labor for me. Don't know if it got things going for me but my labors were both fairly easy and I thinks it's all down to the walking. Will be checking for updates from you and hoping we get pictures of baby soon!

Afm - not a lot to report here. Jacob just turned 4 months (time is insanely fast). He tried baby food and loves it, opens his mouth when he sees the spoon. He is such a contrast in personality to Sam. Sam is my wild child, mr adventure and Jake so far is just a lovebug, he is a big softy who just melts my heart. We also got a puppy who is more challenging then kids lol. Working to get my yard in shape for summer play and sectioning off areas for a veggie garden, want to start teaching Sam how to grow things. He is already responsibly for watering the plants and a couple small trees who recently got.

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